
Sunday, October 8, 2017

10 yr. Old Jeremy Taken to Heaven, told of Future Events

10 yr. Old Jeremy Taken to Heaven

Told of Future Events

While in Coma, Jesus appeared to him and told him to take his hand. Then they were flying over the clouds and reached a city. It was more beautiful then anything on earth. He saw many babies and people who cared of them until someone of their parents come to take them.

He was shown the future most destructive war is the war with the extraterrestrial demons, presenting themselves falsely as aliens. This was mostly a spiritual war fought inside of each one of us, judging from the fact that they are spiritual beings, without bodies. As Rev. Sun Myung Moon said, the last and most difficult war is the one between our mind and body. This is the vary place where we have to once and for all win over these evil powers that have controlled humanity for millions of years.

This is showing that soon God's Kingdom will be established on the earth. This final internal war is needed for the Ideal World to be established centered on true families, true love, peace and unity for all of the humanity.

10 yr. Old Jeremy Taken to Heaven Told of Future Events

10 yr. Old Jeremy Taken to Heaven Told of Future Events

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