Sunday, October 13, 2024

WEATHER WARS: Weaponized Weather and Children


In this providential times, with intense CheonBo Spiritual Liberation and prayer vigils, unavoidably there are spiritual changes expressed also in the events of the physical world.

CIG News / Oct. 2024 / by YuliUTS

General Flynn: "We are going to see such a level of desperation in the next 37 days. What you think you have been through already in the last 8 years, what we are about to experience in the next couple of weeks/month plus... I think it's going to blow the minds of people. I think we are going to see things that we have not experienced as a nation."

In the previous report, Their Reign is Ending, we explained that the evil elites are no longer untouchable. The P Diddy case is now revealing the Satanic Pedophile rings. And as it was officially disclosed, this is all part of Secret Financial War that is ongoing now when the Cycles of Heaven have Shifted

Commenting on the recent Floods and Storms, Jessie Czebotar says: 

"It's not normal weather patterns. We know that the system has weaponized weather... But I do see a targeting of areas where I know there is high Brotherhood activity (the Luciferian Brotherhood). Whether that's good military or bad military is hard to tell, but I definitely see stuff around areas that have been reported in my affidavits. You have a high are of military bases there and DUMBS (Underground Bases) in the areas that have been hit. So I think that there is more going on than we can say for sure." Jessie Czebotar

We now clearly see un effort to disclose the evil corruption of they system, weaponizing the weather and making huge profits from people's suffering, that includes freeing the land for the big companies, plus the horror of organ and child trafficking, 

These are ongoing operations to uproot that evil system, sources say. On 8 Oct. 2024 the Alliance caught FEMA Agents with kidnapped children for their international Child Sex Trafficking Ring. On the same day in Candler North Carolina was arrested the king pin of all time human traffickers, known as the "High Horsman," along with 41 of his men. (4:24)

Reportedly, the coalition had to fight with FEMA Agents in order to get to this Satanic Coven of Chandler NC. Chandler NC is considered a hotbed WICCAN community composed of witches, witchcraft and the Occult. After Hurricane Helene, numerous babies' bodies had been seen floating in the local river. They were not from local families, but from the flooded DUMB Underground Tunnel beneath Chandler.

The Alliance had recently arrested FEMA Director Deanne Criswell for kidnapping and killing victims of the Maui DEW Fires in Aug. 2023. And Florida governor, Ron DeSantis had clearly announced that the state didn't want FEMA in his state. 

The Government's Outrageous Overreach

"The government is outfacing the private sector 4 to 1, which is already leading us into recession. 41% of all our annual revenue is spend on the government."

Every year from now there will be about 30% increase in housing spending. That's doubling the coast of living every 3 years. 

"They don't care if you die. If they did they would have told you about cures for cancer and heart disease, they would have eliminated chemical pharmaceuticals long time ago, they would have eliminated GMOs and pesticides, they would have eliminated the spraying in the air... they would have done so many things if they cared. But they don't care at all." David Straight (1:50)

Video: Governments dumping tons of toxic chemicals in the air, harming our health and nature, confusing the weather patterns. 

Weather Weapon Deployed Against the People

Article in Bio-Engeneering Watch says, "Lawmakers briefed on Weather Modification Tech, conclude Hurricane Helene was DoD-Linked Weather Weapon deployed against American people."

Climate Change is engineered, meaning Man Made - made by man Weather Modification frequency, lazar, nano and other weapons - used right now on humanity; Creating storms, floods, fires - all sort of calamities to reduce humanity, rob us from our money, and reduce our freedoms with crazy restrictions. See, The GREEN SCAM: Lucifer's Cult Weather Warfare

They can create storms and stir them where they want.

Government Land Grab

"The Weather Warfare is more effective in killing people than any other previous war."

Multiple unnatural large tornadoes spotted inside Milton. Tornadoes everywhere in Florida. Yes, they are using weather modification to produce tornadoes under the guise of the hurricane. (20:50) 

"Do you know who destroys the planet more than anyone else in the world? The Environmentalists!"  David Straight

Video: The storms are cleaning the land for mining Lithium for the electric cars and Iridium for the military. FEMA facilitating land grabs.

A lot of information is now coming out of how that is connected with freeing land reach on Lithium or other resources. But is the Alliance using that, as Jessie hinted, against Satanic underground infrastructures?

Hurricane Milton is headed toward the Florida-Haiti 600 miles Interstate Tunnel used to traffic children from Latin America to Caribbean to the US. The tunnel that began construction in 2000, is an underwater highway tunnel spanning from southern Florida, outside of Miami to northern Haiti.  

Deliberately Creating Crises

FEMA was suspected of actually creating Hurricane Milton in order to feed off the victims, just as they had in Hurricane Helen, Katrina and DEW set fires in California and Maui. 

"For them you are worth more death than alive." David Straight

Why do the Deep State Cabal Elites want to deliberately create crises? It's all about power and control, plus obtaining children and human organs for their lucrative international trafficking business. That's why the Elites worship Satan with pedophile parties to honor Satan in return for riches, power and glory. This is all coming out now with the P Diddy's court cases. See,  No Longer Untouchable,

"We identify them. Each will be part of this case as defendants. These defendants will no longer include individuals, but also include corporate entities who ultimately profited of this culture and behavior. I'm looking at banks, pharmaceutical companies, hotels," the prosecutor announced. (18:05)

Weaponization of Children 

"The Epstein case of sex trafficking, blackmail, and corruption reaches the highest levels of power. The Diddy case is another key, linking global elites to a web of treason, pedophilia, and sex trafficking. Videos and evidence are about to surface, and that will bring governments down." WTPNews

We have to understand, as we explained in the article, Cycles of Heaven:, that God's design for everything is that the Satanic System operates of on. Why? 

"This is God's design and the enemy is bound by certain things. He can't step outside. He can twist, try to deceive, and create illusions about, but everything is made to operate the way God designed it to operate." Jessie Czebotar

It's just as on God's side, the Scripture says, that God has prepared in advance a good works for us to do. Satanists weaponized children. They monitor and track such children, she says, and they watch for the signs for this children to rise up. Their aim is to prevent what God prepares to do, and yet, use it to stir the course of history in their favor. See, This War is Against Spiritual Beings

"In this weaponization program, the system is looking at each child enrolled in this program individually... looking at what is the universal impact of that child in the world... what areas are they connected to, and what is their divine destiny, and how that impacts everything moving foreword." Jessie Czebotar

Why we ended up in such dysfunctional state

The central hub of their intelligence network was Israel, where the Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv was reportedly destroyed just last week, Judy notes.

"Israel was founded by the Rothschilds and British Crown, using the fake Jew of the Khazarian Mafia - direct descendants of Cain, who had been practicing pedophilia and Satanic Child Sacrifice Tites since the time of Adam. 

For centuries the Rothschilds, British Crown and Vatican have controlled Taxpayer monies, Central Banks and Intelligence services worldwide (Mossad, CIA, MI6 etc.)"

Khazarians linked to UK Royals for the last 200 years
322 Skull n Bones (Khazarian) - all US presidents 
1670-1930 Big Pharma raised (Khazarian)
1871 - Act of England (Secret Constitution placed by Secret Societies) Khazarian
1912 - Titanic Sinking - Killed all the opposition to the creation of the Fed
1913 - Federal Reserve  (Khazarian)
1914 - WWI  (Khazarian)
1917 - Bolshevic Revolution ( (Khazarian)
1945 - Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird 
1948 - Israel Formed (Khazarian/Bolshevik Govt.)
1949 - Mossad = CIA Formed 

Israeli handlers are in fact Mossad, Uk MI6, Rothschilds, CIA. All operations of Child Trafficking (Epstein, Diddy) and Drug production and supply were under them.

The Mossad Khazarian Mafia was controlling Ukraine. Now that they lost this stronghold, they are on the way to lose also Israel. As Israel was kept for the last, we are obviously now approaching the end, they say. 

"Dissolution and destruction of the Crown Corporation and Vatican Bank financial entities actually happened eight years ago, back in 2016. Both, the Pope and Queen Elizabeth capitulated to President Trump." WTPNews

While the Deep State considers Trump the New Pindar, for the masses he is presented as a 'Savior'. People are pushed to think he is the only solution, while in fact, all the evil done the last years was done intentionally by Team-Trump. Biden was just an actor. Officially the Military behind Trump was in control. See the section, Trump was arrested,

Neutralizing Underground Secret Facilities used by the Elites

"The underground cities, built by the Deep State to shield themselves from the chaos they've created, are now being identified and destroyed," Judy says. The Earth Alliance has located several of these bunkers, including one in the Swiss Alps, where top globalists have been hiding. We already reported of many elites now trying to escape in such bases in Argentina. 

This is a war on a scale we've never seen before. Once these underground facilities are neutralized, the elites will have nowhere left to hide, they tell us.

"You will witness the fall of the corrupt politicians, bankers, and corporate alites who have been part of this evil system. You will see arrests, confessions and the dismantling of the globalist networks that have enslaved us for so long." WTPNews

And the Global Repository reported, "Nathen Rothschilds panics while trillions of dollars in their Dragon Family fund just disappeared." (UNN News)

What the White Hats are promising after this Storm

From government officials to ranking moguls and entertainment elites, those who have acted in secrecy or malice are now being held accountable. You will see laws applied equally and fairly.

"The era of government inefficiency, waste, and corruption is coming to a close. No more secret deals or hidden agendas that favor a select few. Instead, programs and policies will focus on serving you, the citizen, above all else. Every law, every initiative, will be crafted with your wellbeing in mind, insuring you and your family prosper i a system designed for the people, by the people." WTPN

Entertainment industry Revolutionized:

"Hollywood's darkest secrets are being dragged into the light. The fall of major entertainment figures signals a new chapter where art, media and culture will reflect truth and integrity. No more glorification of toxic behaviors." WTPN

However, amidst this prolonged invisible war, and lack of obvious positive developments, many of us are becoming disillusioned. Many of the supposed positive developments can be very well just steps in the well crafted satanic plan, and those pretending or even presuming to work on the good side, could be actually aware or not, working for the fulfilment of the Cabal's Plan. Believing in God's victory is still in the realm of faith.

Disillusioned seeing White Hats don't speak the truth, don't stop evil, and are actually assisting it happen

The question is: Do the Spiritual Storms in today's providence cause these Physical Storms. Is the spiritual wind of change in this age of God's direct dominion swiping the world from its core. See, Cycles of Heaven

Monday, July 22, 2024

Money Run The World: Amidst a Secret Financial War

The Banksters Run The World

It is very clear that the head of the Snake is the Financial System. We can argue of who runs the world, but the mechanism used to exert this control is finance The whole system is based on fraud which effectively takes the power that we have and it gives it to a tiny group of individuals who are running the world through the control of finance.

August 2024 / CIG News

Blackrock admits, "The Banksters run the world." (49:15) And as Fulford reported, "many people have only recently discovered that a secret financial war is being waged for planet earth." And in the report, The Endless War with Satanism, we discussed the bloodlines that hold most of the money and resources of the world, and how they are receiving orders from Dark Powers from the spiritual dimension.

Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss says publicly that the Governor of the Bank of England is in charge of the UK, not the Prime Minister. And Fulford says, "British Military Intelligence (MI6) is aware that civilian governments have been hijacked." [Video]

 Now we came to understand that the Federal Reserve is one of the greatest scams in the whole history. It needs to be abolished. It is a cartel, operating against the public interest. It generates the most unfair tax. It encourages war, destabilizes the economy, and is an instrument of Totalitarianism.

Oct. 2024 news: Special units from Russia, Brazil and Europe (French Foreign Legion and German KSK commandos) have arrived in Texas and Florida to assist in operation aimed at taking down Cabal financial institutions in major cities... in preparation for the high-profile arrests of elite Cabal members, including bankers, politicians, and media moguls. (22:40)

Global War is Ongoing

"Human history has developed toward good by constantly repeating its action of separation of good from evil, according to God's providence of restoration." The Divine Principle 

Col. Riccardo Bosi confirms that a Global War is ongoing and now entering it's final stage. "The choice was do they have a revolution on the streets or do they penetrate the institutions... Penetration of all the adversaries; the Judiciary, the bureaucracy, the military, academia, media, big business, big unions... and collapse them in such a way that it didn't cause a chaos... This entire operation was concealed from the adversaries, that required to be concealed from the people as well. That's why so much misinformation." 

"We have won this war. We are still moping up the remnants that's left at level 2 and level 3. But the leaders that you were fearing, like Swabs, Tedros... are gone." Pascal Najadi

"Some of the events you see have already occurred and they are showing us later. It occurred, it's been dealt with, and they are now showing to the people. A lot of what we are seeing now happened a long time ago but is now slowly being revealed... showing the public of what has been intended, to allow you to come to a better understanding of the nature of the threat, what we are dealing with, and why it is so complex and taking so much time." 

"The truth that has to come out, has to be delivered by the same people who told you the lie. Why? Because they are trusted by the normies," Col. Bosi said.

When can the Military take over and finish the evil and the corruption? 

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, from the Department of Defense, explains how she is responsible to find out: why the left people cannot think for themselves? How to make them understand so that we can avoid civil war in that transition? Because, she says, at some point this Million man of National Guard have to step in. (2)

"The Military would like to know the right time that they are going to take the lead and let the public know. They don't want the public to freak out." Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

A Secret Financial War for Planet Earth

"Only 7 people that have all the information. And then there are the General and their troops... The Deep State has not succeeded. The Deep State has failed. But they will not give up," she says. "I don't know what would be the catalyst to bring the Military out of their closet. Because we know that they are operating but it hasn't been made public." Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

For the beautiful world of peace, new tech and prosperity to come, the old blocking corporations and structures under Satan should go. As Fulford wrote, "many people have only recently discovered that a secret financial war is being waged for planet earth." 

The Divine Principle explains the Period of Pope's Exile, that Fulford classifies as a fight between " the Pope and the French King, to still their money. This problem continues to this day with a fight over control of the world gold and money supply. The battle that started then, in 1309, is continuing to this day." (Video)

Who are the Bankers of this world today, that own the big corporations? Who gave them that power over everyone's life? Why are their foundations shifting and their secrets being uncovered now? 

"There's a lot happening in the dark right now. Moves are being made both good and bad. Stay tuned for a surprising September." Ezra Cohen

Video: There are facts about these pretending to be Jews families that own most of today's Banks and Global Corporations that should not stay covered.

"Huge money are being made from making people sick within the current Rockefeller controlled paradigm of western medicine." Fulford Report

A high court have already decided, the entire Rockefeller Standard Oil-Trust, the world’s largest corporation of its time, to be sentenced to be dismantled. But Rockefeller was already above the Supreme Court and did not care about this decision. Read more

"They've been able to control enormous amount for a long long time... They still think, because they have control over X amount of things, and because they have all these connections, that they are immune. But nothing can be further from the truth." Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

In the last few hundred years these people had influenced and profited instigating wars, poverty, sicknesses, viruses, bio-weaponised vaccines, poisoning our food, placing charges and restrictions on every freedom that God had freely given to us.

In addition, they restricted all scientific discoveries that could make the earth and our lives so wonderful, easy and peaceful. 

BanKing Families

It goes all the way back to Genesis 19 in the Bible, connected to incest and the origins of the Brotherhood of Saturnalia - The Black Sun. We see most of these families up until today reproducing through acts of incest.

You see it in their names, Ra's-child, and Ra'cafeller (children of the 'sun god'). They are the two main pillars of the front, publicly exposed family. One controls industry, science, information, the other controlling politics, banking, monetary assets. 

According to Judy Byington, now "the Rothschilds and Rockefellers found themselves targeted by military alliance operations aiming to dismantle their Deep State power in Europe, UK, Russia, and China." (58:54)

"It is happening... this is gonna be a big reveal," Former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi said.

But first, how did they gain that much power of control over governments, finances, health, education, military, legislations etc.? (1) We have the roman families and their monetary system. (2) Then came the Holly Roman Empire (Vatican's) monetary system. (3) After the Protestant Reformation they had to again overtake the monarchies and establish today's monetary system of their front-face BanKing Families. 

Illegally Overtaking the Control over Print of Money  

"Although the war has been raging for millennia, we'll start in 1913," Fulford explains. "That's the year a group of bankers took control of the creation and distribution of money away from the US Congress and created the Federal Reserve Board." For the purpose they sunk Titanic a year before and killed all the opposition. See, Who Sunk Titanic

Those who Opposed the Creation of the Fed were taken away

(The federal reserve act of 1913 was passed during Christmas break, when Congress was not in session, making it unconstitutional)

The privately owned by Rothschild, Crown, US Inc, Federal Reserve: The Federal Reserve was not a federal agency. Since 1913 through their privately owned IRS, the Fed has been unlawfully collecting and stealing taxpayer money by illegally enforcing their own rules on the population using the un-Consitutional Maritime Law, plus manipulating the Global economy and contributing to the financial instability of the US and the World.

Printing Money out of nothing to create World Wars

After taking control of the US (Federal Reserve), the bankers immediately put their plan into action to start World War I. This war led to the destruction of the German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires.

  • WWI - in their own words, was to permit the Illuminati take Russia and make it a fortress of Atheistic Communism. (2)
The Bolsheviks were not Russians, Col. Bosi explained. They hated Russians, that's why went killing millions of them. This is the Khazarian Mob - pretend Jews, who are the real Antisemites. 
  • WWII - they created by exploiting the differences between the Zionists and the Fascists. In their words, this war was needed so that Nazism will be destroyed and Zionism will become strong enough to create the sovereign state of Israel. 
Their global Satanic Cabal created WWII because they needed to crash Germany and Japan. Elevate the country, use it, exhaust it, bring it to destruction, place it under eternal shame. Remember, these people are offspring of the Snake - Satan. See, THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN
  • WWIII (The Cold War) - allowed them to further expand the power of the Secret Agencies and the network of Black Operations around the globe. 

Fulford writes: "I joined the Asian secret society and found out about the secret network of WWII losers. It turns out that the Japanese and Germans maintained a secret network of submarines and underwater bases that they used for smuggling after the war. The defeated Japanese settled in North Korea and produced amphetamines. The Germans settled in South America and produced cocaine and grew marijuana. The Kuomintang Chinese, who lost the Chinese Civil War in 1949, established heroin production in the Golden Triangle of Southeast Asia. The money from drug smuggling was supposed to be used to overthrow the victors of World War II." 

It was all done through infiltration. The truth is, these were also CIA operations, all part of the plan and double-game of this Satanic Cabal. On the other side, the Khazarian Mafia, after the WWII, got control not only of the Central Banks, but of the Communist Countries, and Israel. 

According to WTP News: "Israel was founded by the Khazarian Mafia in connection with the Deep State Cabal British Crown for the purpose of creating wars and a safe place for pedophiles. Khazarians originated in Babylon and claimed to be descendants of Cain. They pretended to follow the Jewish faith, while in reality practiced homage to Satan through pedophilia and Child Sacrifice." (9:34 min)

The granddaughter of Emperor Meiji, Fulford writes, "contacted me and gave me a list with thousands of names on it. These were the members of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on International Relations, the Bilderbergs, etc. In other words, it was the leadership of the Khazarian mafia. She told me these were the people in charge of 911."

Video: They are in the center of human trafficking and sex slavery. Enslavement of white people was not illegal in Israel. The Jewish media makes sure that stays hidden. 

Their Depopulation Agenda

"This Global Elite wants to destroy our population and our fertility by weaponizing our food on a global bases. This is all motivated by a clear, well articulated, and very well developed genocidal agenda... a war against the population of the earth. The World Health Organization, the US Government, the Council on Foreign Relations, the UN, and many other similar organizations have joined together in this shared vision of sustainable planet without us, where our children will no longer exist, no longer be there to appreciate this beautiful sustainable world." (Video)

Now they have created the Covid Plandemic damaging humanity while making incredible profits. We see now, Japan Apologizing for the Millions of Deaths Caused by the Deadly COVID Shot (Video). Yet, evidence comes out that these 1% elites have prepared and rehearsed this Pandemic bio-weapon attack on humanity for longer then 25 years. 

"During the Pfizer Clinical Trials on the Vax 31 out of 32 babies died (97% death rate), yet it was approved for the public."

Medicine was always used by them as a form of social control. With the Covid injection, experts now claim, 33 percent of women have been sterilized. Research showed that 5% of the Vaccines were deadly, but nearly 60 percent of them had dangerous side effects. 

The Forbidden History of these False Jews

Do you know that the slave trade was done mostly by the Khazarian pretend Jew lineages? Not only they had nearly 100% control on the trade, but they were the main slave owners (78%). 

Why then the abolition of Slavery became a victory for these hideous Khazarian Bankers? As Lincoln said himself, he liberated the black only to bring the whole nation under slavery, because the war make US sink in debts under these evil bankers. When he printed governmental money to get out of that, he was assassinated.

Read Lincoln's Descendants to se how long the war with these false-jews was. It was common knowledge among the rich Christian people at the time how evil, vicious and treacherous these people are. 

Hitler, Marx, Lenin, Stalin were all Khazarian Jews 

Do you know that here is neither documentary nor forensic evidence to support the Holohoax, Jewish scholars admit. Hitler had a pre-set up contract to expel the Jews from all Europe to the newly created Rothschild Israel. The pretend talk of Hitler as 'Anti-Jew' was theater short-lived. In fact, Hitler was a Jew, bastard of Rothschild. Marx, Lenin, Stalin were all Khazarian Jews (not real once). But note, "They are all pawns to the bigger players," that we will reveal further down in the article.  See, THE OCCULT SATANIC ORIGINS OF COMMUNISM

As the Divine Principle explains it, Satan was both behind Nazis and the Communists (See, World Wars). They were both created by this Satanic Cabal. They both had Satanic origin - manifestation of the Anti-christ on earth. 

Why di Hitler play the role of false savior from the Jews and the Communists?

This Khazarian Cabal raised Hitler as a 'savior' from the Jewish Communist Mafia, just to trap all the opposing them businessmen and later smash them, blocking forever any future opposition. Could it be that now Trump is used as similar false savior, to bring the opposition to destruction? See video of Trump, leading a Masonic lodge (click).

Prompted by the senseless carnage of World War I, Henry Ford the Great used his name and fortune to expose the Jewish Mafia. Lawsuits, boycotts did not stop his activism, but a near fatal assassination attempt in March of 1927 finally silenced him.

Vicious Jewish gangsters served as the protective muscle behind a bunch of thieving renegade Jewish filmmakers in their war against Edison. Messrs. Laemmle, Loew, Goldwyn, Meyer, Zukor, Fox and the Warner Brothers then took their stolen technology and ran off to California to set up Hollywood, which 'The Tribe" has owned ever since.

MK-ULTRA survivor, Ally Carter, says, "Your whole world is staged." She talks of cloning players. "Some of them are not the players that you see. Some of them are hybrids." They use their DNA to clone them in their cloning facilities and they bring them back. A lot of what they show you is a green screen. (37:34)

They were not happy when NSA could follow all their steps. Allegedly, Snowden was a CIA agent implanted in NSA to make noise and discredit them, for the Deep State knew they have everything on them. That's why the fast media support to make him famous hero. And these people have a lot to hide. 

Video: The Royals connection to Nazis, Drugs and Slave Trade; Pedophilia and Illuminati, living Life above the law!

The Great Reset into Digital Concentration Camps

The Great Reset is the battle of our lifetime. The Covid Pandemic, the Vaccines, 5G, and many other bio-weapons were to set the stage for that transition they want. They openly talk and plan of "A Soft Coup": 

"The idea is to create a whole new set of laws, and ignore the existing human rights laws, under the pretext of pandemic preparedness and bio-security. Remove the current rights protections and enforce censorship, surveillance. Get rid of freedom of speech and only push a single narrative... Countries around the world will have to obey... Embedded in this concept is that humans are no longer of greater value than animals." The World Health Organization's Plan

If the elites that control this world succeed, we will all be living like slaves in digital concentration camps. If we win, we will FOREVER change the world for the better.

"White Hats are planning a massive move that will red-pill the world on a fast grand scale operation." WTP News

As someone have noted, "It's really heavy to know what's going on and to have to participate in society. Still have to pay taxes when you know this is a modern day slavery, and we have to still participate in. They are saying things that everybody know they are lies." 

They used Covid, Lockdowns and Vaccine mandates, to intentionally eliminate majority of humanity. And now we witness a tsunami of evidence of their Vaccine crimes, causing sudden death and numerous damaging side effects.

Banking - Vatican & the Rothschilds

The Vatican is largest single stock holder in the world. They own the most property in the world that doesn't pay taxes. Since 1800s the Rothschilds (Rockefellers) have been running half of the Vatican Global Empire.
"Most of the world don't know the Vatican is infiltrated by several different Deep State societies, as Jesuits, Illuminati, Black Popes, White Popes, Secret Grey Pope family, Malta, 33rd Degree Freemasons, Skull & Bones, top secret Solidarity Club, CIA, M16, Mossad, Cartels and Italian Mafia." WTN News

QuestionWhy is the UC London pastor an self admitted 'Leader of Secret Society'. His allegiance is to his Secret Society, not to the UC. Why is he allowed to be a leader in FF? How many other members of Secret Societies are infiltrated in FFed UK?  

Video: The Jesuit role and how many big Christian Ministers are high level Freemasons. 

Black Nobility Families and the Order of the Dragon

"Pharaoh, does not mean King, it means Viper... in old traditions the Snake was a symbol of Satan, the Devil," Najadi said (1). Their bloodlines were ruling the world till today, from behind the scene.

The 8 pointed star is not a Jewish star, it represents the real Illuminati families. Eight as in Octopus. These family lineages practice Satanism for thousands of years. These families all intermarry. They are so much intermingling, so they are all practically the same. 

The real elite has to never be see in public. This upper elite controls the lower elite, as Rothschilds, Rockefellers, DuPonts and the rest, they are not the leading elite, just public faces that you are allowed to see, serving the purpose of keep the real once hidden. The lower families have no power unless it is given to them by the elite - the top families. (Video)

UNN news: (5:17Kimberly explains the deal between Orsini Family, the Black Nobility families and the Order of the Dragon, where the Black Nobility family will have 65% control of the World, and the Order of the Dragon will have 35%. See who are the BLOODLINES GIVEN TO RULE ON BEHALF OF LUCIFER

"The Rothschilds are from the Orsini family. Roth means Red, and Orsini means Red (Little Red Baer). The Black Pope is Pepe Orsini (he is higher than the White Pope). The Orsini is the Maxima Family. They are on top. The other of the 3 most powerful Illuminati Families are Colonna and the Farnese. These are bloodlines which have their origins from Babylon and Egypt. They go back to Nimrod. They goair back to the Persian and Egyptian dynasties." (Video)

Video: Rothschild's and Rockefeller's are Related to the Orsini Black Nobility Bloodline. Saturnalian brotherhood, the 13 bloodline of the Illuminati (2)

13 Families: the Monarchies of the Past

"They are all fake names, Corporate fiction. The real 13 Families are the Monarchies of the past. They are the two pillars of Freemasonry (The Brotherhood of the Black Sun and the Illuminati great musters)." 

One rules religion and governance, one rules industry and banking. They serve the same muster. Just different divisions of the muster's hierarchy. Actually, second level of the Pyramid. 

Illuminati are represented by the Obelisk (the male energy) while the fountain represents the other set of families, representing the female energy. The fountains of gestation and creation of a false paradigm. The water is representative of the Maritain Law. One rules the waters, one rules the land; Capitalization by a system of earthly rule through Corporate fiction born through a controlled system and false paradigm. (Video)

The question comes, is that not un internal bloodline war. Many of the heads of the black nobilities now live in India and Asia. What do that tells you? Why are they pushing all kind of agendas to collapse the West?  

Religion Infiltrated and used to Control Finances 

"They never install a religious leader in any religion that is not one of theirs. Is part of their little trick, to try to put as many Lucifer worshipers in religious leading positions." Kimberly Goguen

Do you know that Catholic and Orthodox Church system were the only banking system up until 17-18 century. Only with the Protestant Reformation was that Kings fought to have their own monetary and Banking system free of their control. 

"The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are in fact from the Orsini Bloodline. Еven today we live in a system created by the Roman Empire which never actually ended but continues as the Holy Roman Empire under the Pope. Until the Protestant Reformation and the 130 Years War, only the Church controlled money and caried Banking activity. The Jesuits and the Inquisition plaid the role of secret services imposing this system. They are at the core and control the Secret Service even to this day. Infiltration and manipulation is their way of keeping this slavery system of control, based on Babylonian magic, of making money from nothing." The Occult Satanic Origins of Communism

Starting with Napoleon, the French and the Communist revolutions, plus the World Wars, they punished these countries that sought financial independence out of their Cabal, and independence from the dictatorship of the Pope (set by them). 

All Wars are Theater. Most of the German armies died sent in the freezing cold towards Moscow with no food supply. Preaty much that was what ended the WWII, They did same with Napoleon, when the French army was no longer needed, send them to freeze to death. 

After the WWII they created agencies like CIA to assist their private Central Banking system, impose impoverishing rules over the countries and create wars and black operations to keep all nations under this Rothschild Central Banking system of debt and slavery. 

JFK attempt to remove the money control from the Federal Reserve, and transfer it under the Treasury, controlled by the Black Sun Cult, ended in his Assassination. He was killed in the so called, "Killing of the King Ritual." So was later his son. Similar to the killing of Diana, "Killing of the Queen Ritual"; killing of the ones that the people loved, to cause them to loose faith in the system. They kill few of their own to forward their agenda. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (the Shipping Family) received new handler. (Video)

Video: Banking Slavery under their Parent Corporation

Are they losing the Money Control

"As the beast is no longer feeding the 10 thousand corporations that were listed underneath this thing, you gonna see a lot more of this stuff breaking down. You gonna see shortages... you gonna see everything brake down as those corporations are not being fed, and the credit lines they had against fake assets go away. Remember, these guys were all about controlling every single thing in the world." Kimbery (27 min)

The super secret back-door communication and monetary lines of the Jesuits and the Knight Templers "disappeared today," Kim said. "We have no more fake accounts, no more monetary systems for black operations, and no more back doors for "the top Cabal military generals.)"

"Therefore there has been no money since 2012," Kim said. That was the last time the Global Repository gave them allocations (for print of new money). 

No longer under Lucifer, the Global Repository is no longer sponsoring their dark plans. Instead they started using fake pallets of cash and fake money on the screens on server systems like this to convince operatives and people around the world to do pretty serious things. A process orchestrated to be able to get something for nothing. There are still people that have never got their money, from 4 decades... 

As Kim explains: "Banks need to make a life choice at this point, because the fantasy in the 'false assets' are not there. Now they are telling everybody this is just a computer glitch, "Oh, this stuff started disappearing, but it's just glitch. We will get it fixed."" But Kims says, "Things gonna start getting really desperate." 

WTP News commented: "Rothschilds and Rockefellers in free fall as Banks collapse. Their corrupt (Deep State) regime is crumbling before our eyes. As the US Federal Reserve remains closed, while the US Capital sits behind barricades. The global financial landscape is shifting... NATO and the UN would crumble within a month."

Video: Kymberly explains the DS failing attempts to implement new financial system. She dispels "the rumors of ridiculous amounts of liquidity from people who have zero capacity to do so." 

"There are a lot more countries trying to join BRICS, but they too are selling a fantasy, based on Chinese dreams," Kim says. "They are thinking that they are going to get control of something... but they will not be able to perform."

Remove Taxation and Make Life Easy

8 Aug. 2024: "Donald Trump proposes abolishing Income Tax and introducing Import Tariffs." American Media Group

Simon Parkes explains what will come once the power of this bad players is removed. There are huge psy-ops concerning that, he says, but the change "will literally make people financially better off. It will not make them multimillionaires." 

"Tax will be reduced or gone away. People will have money to put into their accounts. And no longer should anyone be fearful of having no roof over their head or be able to send their kids to college, or having a food, or enough gas in their car. That is what's coming." Simon Parkes

There will be humanitarian projects, he says, that "will empower people, improve their health, improve their life, and give them opportunity to understand what a human is really about." 

No more Political Parties

"When you are building a nation, everyone in that nations has to have a common view of where we are going. To have a cohesive national spirit we must all believe the same things." Col. Bosi

People should have authority for self governance and remove the big governments. We must reform our countries based first of all on moral grounds. We have to agree on wright and wrong. All people are children of God. God gave us all. 

Note: We still don't know. These are all nice promises. But while they are making them, the same people are working to achieve exactly the opposite, using the excuse of "we have to wake you up."  

Do the Black Hats have any moves left?

Colonel Bosi answered, "It doesn't matter!" It's a small group of people and it's shrinking by the day, plus more an more people are getting to know about this situation. In chess the opponent will see that he is loosing in 6 moves and he will resign, he explained. But these people are evil, and will rather burn the world. They will take as much as they can in the process. And yet, if you look at the board, you see, they can't win. That's why be careful. Keep yourself ready. 

"What might happen is, there can be episodic, sporadic, but focused acts of violence by people who had enough. If you bet they gonna do more damage, yes they are. But the inevitable conclusion is there. There are still some options available. Blacks can move a pond there or a knight there, but it doesn't matter, because if you understand the rules they are stuck." (Video

And truly, many military activities are happening right now that we do not understand. Tues. 11 June 2024: Russian Navy arrived in Cuba with a heavy armament, including ship-launched Zircon hypersonic missiles, capable of penetrating nearly all US made missile defense technology. These hypersonic weapons cannot be stopped. In 12 minutes any area of US can be annihilated, and yet media is silent. 

Is that a part of this Defense War, or as Kimberly says, these are actually US ships to be used for false-flag attacks and later blame it on Russia? Are US and Russia in a war, or as sources say, fighting together the Global Deep State?  

A Defense War: Global Martial Law

USA has been under Martial Law since before 2020 with Trump being commander-in-Chief and Biden played by masked actors. See, A GLOBAL DEFENSE WAR

WTP News: "We are amidst military operations with continuity of government, with a shadow government running parallel to the facade."

"When all that information comes flooding out, there's going to be no denying what's true and what's a lie or what's illusion... At this time the loser can only prolong the game. Both players know the game is over. It's only a matter of time to the eventual Checkmate."

Saturday, May 11, 2024

We are in a Global Defense War against an Extraordinary Threat

It's a Defense War

Disclosure of Global Clandestine Special Operations under Special Military Order

May 2024 / CIG News

In the previous CIG News, THE SATANIC SYSTEM IS CLEANING THEIR OLD GUARD, we reported of many top players being taken out, including Rothschilds, Royals etc. They are all being removed one by one, sources say. This is all done systematically under Executive Order 13818. And is now being disclosed officially on the White House Government website (21:03).

UNN Report: "The Deep State has been hunted down by freelancers and operatives."

90% of Europe has rejected fluoride in their drinking water. Klaus Schwab has been resigned (difficult to attend the meetings when dead). Tedros is being served. Vatican is closed for business. WEF, UN, CDC are all in a free fall. (24:43

Despite of the fact that the real Trump is allegedly already dead, here is why the Black Sun Cult standing behind him does not want to give up on using his double. 

Otherwise, even Biden officially announced that he is not in charge:

"On Tues. 9 July 2024 at a NATO Conference in Washington DC Biden announced that he was not in charge, but now a Military Government was over the US." (13:18 min you can see the link to the site... "under section 1333... of the national defense authorization act)

Even if the narrative below is really legally prepared as they state, and the military is in control, we see nothing positive yet out of that.  

Current Wartime President & CIC Donald J. Trump

"Trump is not a king. It's not about Trump. It's on a military level... May be they use Trump as their front man, may be they don't. We would see. Yet, it's the firewall behind him that's doing all the job here." Fulford (1:02:20)

In the Federal Registry of USA you can see that this is Declaration of War at the end of December 2019 (25:01). A Global Defense War under act 50. It calls for international coalition against extraordinary security threat. US Space Force was founded on the same day. Since then we are in a Defense War globally operating under the radar. 

Video: We are at war. Trump is a war time president, Former Swiss Air Force officer Pascal Najadi announced. Unofficial data - one billion died from bio-weapons. Politicians is the easiest to arrest, he says, but the war is against spiritual beings from another dimension, just as the Bible had described. 

Pascal Najadi's grand-grand uncle was a founder of the Swiss Army and President of the country, which in his words 'has become Deep State.' Here are excerpts of his explanations:

An order to eliminate ongoing extraordinary threats

"We have officially now 20 million people killed globally. The unofficial figure, which is coming out soon, of a billion being either killed, murdered or injured for life severely... because of the bio-technology weapon attacks. And these are not side effects. A weapon is designed to kill and harm. They have tried to exterminate the human race."

"The Global Cabal is the declared enemy of Executive Order 13818... signed by current president, D. J. Trump, on the 20 Dec. 2007. And is now confirmed. On Dec. 2023, all of a sudden now visible on the White House Government website (21:03)."

"This is a Military Order. This is a matter of national defense. This is not exaggerated, alarmist bullshit blog. This is an order to eliminate ongoing extraordinary threats."

"In light of that, the US Space Force controls, since August 20, 2022, all the Military communication satellites networks. It is de facto 'Control and Command' of this War, which has been declared Constitutionally on 20. Dec. 2019." And Trump mobilized one million national guard. 

Who Plays Biden

One of the few actors below the mask

Biden is not the real Biden
, but an actor. He was not inaugurated, Najadi says, but this was the his funeral, with 3 cannons, 21 shuts at 9 seconds interval you saw on CNN is a Funeral Protocol. While, the 4 cannons, Trump received, was re-confirmation of him being the Commander in Chief. The real Biden was executed. See the difference - nose, ears, eyes, mouth, chin - all different. 

The real Biden (before) and the mask now

A Global Defense War

"It's a global defense war... it's a global military operation, led by the commander of the United States of America, D. J. Trump, and his Generals and his Secretary of Defense." 

It's a Defense War, he explains. "A defense war is also what pres. Kennedy started to institute." These are "Special Operations." They are "Clandestine," not declared in the news to make people shocked and warried. 

"All governments would be taken down. All Democratic systems will stop to function. Will be removed. We will go to the uniformed form of US Military Justice Administration. Like after the war. We will never go back to politics, because politics has nearly exterminated our human species." 

"Everything we do now is Disclosure. Not some opinion, it's giving you formally, mostly secret information that has been declassified."

"Few weeks ago... it was in the newspapers, but it was hidden with small letters. UN, this famous big building (in Switzerland), has been shut down. All the offices are dark." 

Over eight million to be executed for Crimes Against Humanity.- Pascal Najadi explains further to General Riccardo Bosi what’s going on in this war that will end soon.

"We will show you what they have done... You will be shown the facts of what these people have done for thousands of years...  8 million people have been executed by now."

The Space Force, he says, already controls all satellites, and thus all data. All the conversations of those criminals, even from the past are being recorded. They cannot hide. All that these Khazarian-Jewish-Masons have done in hidden will be exposed for the public to see. 

"This operation is planned for 7 years, with first thing in mind - the safety of humanity. No harm!.. Controlled demolition. Central Banks will be removed. Internet goes quantum."

It is almost over - 95% done 

"What we see now is a film," he says, with wonderful ending for us, but bad ending for all the corrupt leaders. In his words, "It is 95% accomplished, 5% is the Storm going through your village and city... to cleanse the environment." And don't worry, your money is covered, he stressed. 

"Everything will be reversed. We maintain what we have, not damaging it, but we change the software... It's probably the best present for humanity, that is coming now. And the world will be much more clear when it happens." (Video)

We no longer need a Parliament, Najadi said. Politicians will be jobless. "Very soon, in days, weeks or months, it is over. The no flight zone over Maralago ends on June 21." "I think it will happen very soon, because we were allowed to disclose it." 

"It's done. I want to be clear, it's done. The war is won. But the opportune moment for the Storm to surface and to pick up all the rest of the bad people is coming soon. So the War is done. It's won."

"Five to ten flights now a day are bringing to Guantanamo, and many other bases around the world, where the Military Tribunals are executing rogue politicians and corporate guys."

Najadi says, the US Space Force has the gravitational technologies and has a lot of power. "The remaining people that we are moping up; the Free Masons, the corrupt Judges, the Lawyers, the Bankers, the Pedophiles... we are coming for you. The US Military Justice system will get every and each one of those bad, insane people on earth and beyond." 

Military "is defending our earth on military secrets," Najadi says, "but Politicians don't exist anymore. They are gone. Media will be gone. We don't need them... We are writing the scrip of the Media now." 

Palestinians are Simply Muslim Judeans

Fulford (21:20): "Palestine is the Roman word for Judea. Newspapers should refer to Palestinians as Judeans. They are going to be incorporated in the nation of Israel as Muslim Judeans. Regional peace would be reached with all the neighboring nations."

The whole world is sick and tired of the needless trouble these people have caused. The world Terrorism... Red Brigades, ISUS, al-Qaeda... is all run from Switzerland, is all run by the same people. The entire planet has had enough, Fulford explains. "They are being told, either you stop this or we will destroy you."

"Directed Energy Weapon will be used to destroy the Tunnel Complex underneath Gaza, which is the last stronghold of Satanists. Hamas are Satanists, so are a lot of the Israelis working for the Defense Forces - working for the same team. I have been saying; Irane and Israel have been working for the same Mafia people since way back. This is what we call the Khazarian Mafia (Sabbatian Jews)."

"Netanyahu is in a deep underground bunker. There is some serious fighting going on there. They have very highly trained troupes there guarding him. So there is an underground fight going on in Israel."

"So there is a war. And there is incredible network of underground facilities underneath Israel. That's where it all it's taking place. It's a gorilla labyrinth tunnelling system... warehouses, meeting rooms, hospitals, it's all underground. He is hiding there while his troupes are some pretending to be Hamas, some pretending to be Israeli troupes to murder civilians and try to provoke a World War III, to get themselves out of the situation." (53:54)

"If the Governments don't stop that the Underworld will," Fulford declares. Therefore we can assume that bringing foreword the problem with the Rothschilds, Satanism and Pedophilia is a means to bring up the Cartels, the Underworld Mafia and the Secret Agents (trained to lie and murder) to become the heroes saving humanity. Thus making them our officially accepted rulers in the upcoming new Quantum = Digital system of control. So, the question is, who exactly will be behind the steering wheel of this new Financial System? 

The Financial War Behind

Still not clear are the Global Repository (allocating the Money print) and the US Space Force in war for the control over the Monetary System, or they are working together. Although Kim, just as the White Hats, portraying herself as saving the planet from the Global Satanic Cabal, in her explanations the Trump-Space-Force supposed White Hats are indeed the 'false saviors' of the Cabal Program - just trying to morph into a new system of control, in order to survive. 

But we cannot also forget that the Global Repository was at the top of the financial system set up under Lucifer (non human entities control). That makes it very difficult to discern what is true, what is a psyop war over our minds. 

Very possible that these two narratives are part of the same script and playing together. 

NOTE: What a coincidence; US Space Force call themselves the Guardians. Kimberly (Kim), of the 'Office of the Guardian' controls the Key Military Intelligence. The private secret military of the Cabal in the inner circles of the Luciferian Brotherhood are called the Guardians.

NOTEThis Executive Order 13818 is signed in 2007 coincides with Kim's claim that the Cabal lost the ability to freely print new money in 2007, which led to the global financial crises in 2008. That triggered the acceleration of the program for implementation of new form of digital monetary system of control. 

Kimberly of the Global Repository also reports Deep State been hunted down by freelancers and operatives. "We set it up to take over all of the holding company's operative systems, starting at 7 am this morning," Kim said. At the same time that the Office of the Guardian took them over, she says, "we zeroed out every single one of their accounts." 

"At the same time we also shut down the base platforms for militaries worldwide and intelligence worldwide, NATO... the base platform for internet security." 

"We also shut down all the Treasury Systems, everything everybody has... from the base platform... Basically, things that the Deep State had are now pretty much shut down. They have no eyes and ears."

"Than we proceeded to finish off their financial system with backbones of tax authorities and others. So every one is having data base problems this morning. Because we came to the conclusion that Governments aren't doing anything. They are just a tool for the Deep State, and they are not helping the people." 2024 05 08, Kim situation update

Zeroing out their holding companies doesn't effect us, the normal people, in any way, she stressed. This concerns their shareholders with alleged Bank assets that they never had, and leverage against your deeds. 

"A lot of wars were funded by this offline trading... but as of this morning everything erupted into a giant zero. Zero communication lines, zero access, zero ownership over the financial system. No ability to hide it anymore... They were caught up completely off guard."

The Cartels launched a full scale assault 

"They spend a lot of time hiring people and formulating a black list of people who stole from them, black nobilities, people within governments, within militaries. Some high profile names on that list.  Most of the SSP (Secret Space Force) operatives are on that list. Some of the Dragon families are on that list."

"They all have been continuously being lied by them.. And they started hunting everybody down last night." 

"No going back from here. We have several more steps to complete in the next days. We have been hitting system after system, after system." 

"This is a worldwide operation that has been meticulously planned."

And according to Fulford, "These people are criminals and there is no way on earth that they will gonna be able to create a world dictatorship controlled by them. That plan has failed. They are going to jail." (1:58:04)

Our Conclusion: 

The way Satanists ruled over humanity for thousands of years is by creating a problem and then presenting a solution. Each time people needed a hero or a savior, they would give them one, just to keep this new emerging group under their control. 

Once taking over the narrative in this group, they would implant some enough strange ideas in people's heads to make this new movement look crazy in the eyes of the rest of humanity. Trump would do and say some crazy thing, to make it easy to be accused. 

Najadi now says he is the reincarnation of president Kennedy. (4:49) He says, Kennedy joined his body in January this year. And the Earth is Flat, he says. Sounds like a crazy psychopath. And that's on purpose! But what do we know - may be the spirit world, under the guidance of True Father Moon is hijacking all those leaders on earth. 

What we care is what's our real daily situation. Whatever transition they are planning and implementing leads to global changes. Many suffer in the process. They know that the transition will take years. Naturally not seeing positive results people will loose faith in the 'we are saving you from the Cabal' narrative. That's why time to time a new figure jumps out telling us some positive news of how the 'saving plan' is working, something so great and optimistic that it's easy to believe. 

When that enthusiasm vanishes and we get tired of listening the lies of this messenger, they give us a new one with another exciting news. Meanwhile, the plan of killing not millions, but billions is in progress. Meaningless wars are pushing tens of millions out of their homes and freeing the land for their new plans. The grip around our necks is tightening, under the excuse, of 'we have to show you, to awake you,' which is only making us blind that they are the once doing it. 

"We raised the prices artificially to shock you," Najadi says.

If they really do something good we want to see these evils stop. We want to see the movies stop showing us trans and homos as main heroes. We simply want a free, peaceful, happy and human world, based on true loving families and the Culture of Heart. And we believe, no matter what they do, at the end God's Will of such a world will be fulfilled. Aju!

Continue to Part 3 / Back to Part 1