Sunday, October 13, 2024

WEATHER WARS: Weaponized Weather and Children


In this providential times, with intense CheonBo Spiritual Liberation and prayer vigils, unavoidably there are spiritual changes expressed also in the events of the physical world.

CIG News / Oct. 2024 / by YuliUTS

General Flynn: "We are going to see such a level of desperation in the next 37 days. What you think you have been through already in the last 8 years, what we are about to experience in the next couple of weeks/month plus... I think it's going to blow the minds of people. I think we are going to see things that we have not experienced as a nation."

In the previous report, Their Reign is Ending, we explained that the evil elites are no longer untouchable. The P Diddy case is now revealing the Satanic Pedophile rings. And as it was officially disclosed, this is all part of Secret Financial War that is ongoing now when the Cycles of Heaven have Shifted

In this CIG Report will show you how God's providence of restoration connects with the recent floods, storms and hurricanes.  Yes, in the recent years Weather is being used as a Weapon. It's important to understand the hidden agenda behind that. Yes, weather manipulation became the new battleground for global domination, social engineering, and obtaining resources. But is there something more important going on behind that? How is that connected with the changes in the spirit world? 

The Storms Targeted Areas with High Satanic Activity

Pay attention to Jessie Czebotar's observation of the areas damaged by the recent Floods and Storms:

"It's not normal weather patterns. We know that the system has weaponized weather... But I do see a targeting of areas where I know there is high Brotherhood activity (the Luciferian Brotherhood). Whether that's good military or bad military is hard to tell, but I definitely see stuff around areas that have been reported in my affidavits. You have a high are of military bases there and DUMBS (Underground Bases) in the areas that have been hit. So I think that there is more going on than we can say for sure." Jessie Czebotar

We now clearly see un effort to disclose the evil corruption of they system, weaponizing the weather and making huge profits from people's suffering, that includes freeing the land for the big companies, plus the horror of organ and child trafficking, 

These are ongoing operations to uproot that evil system, sources say. On 8 Oct. 2024 the Alliance caught FEMA Agents with kidnapped children for their international Child Sex Trafficking Ring. On the same day in Candler North Carolina was arrested the king pin of all time human traffickers, known as the "High Horsman," along with 41 of his men. (4:24)

Reportedly, the coalition had to fight with FEMA Agents in order to get to this Satanic Coven of Chandler NC. Chandler NC is considered a hotbed WICCAN community composed of witches, witchcraft and the Occult. After Hurricane Helene, numerous babies' bodies had been seen floating in the local river. They were not from local families, but from the flooded DUMB Underground Tunnel beneath Chandler.

The Alliance had recently arrested FEMA Director Deanne Criswell for kidnapping and killing victims of the Maui DEW Fires in Aug. 2023. And Florida governor, Ron DeSantis had clearly announced that the state didn't want FEMA in his state. 

The Government's Outrageous Overreach Exposed

"The government is outfacing the private sector 4 to 1, which is already leading us into recession. 41% of all our annual revenue is spend on the government."

Every year from now there will be about 30% increase in housing spending. That's doubling the coast of living every 3 years. 

"They don't care if you die. If they did they would have told you about cures for cancer and heart disease, they would have eliminated chemical pharmaceuticals long time ago, they would have eliminated GMOs and pesticides, they would have eliminated the spraying in the air... they would have done so many things if they cared. But they don't care at all." David Straight (1:50)

Video: Governments dumping tons of toxic chemicals in the air, harming our health and nature, confusing the weather patterns. 

Weather Weapon Deployed Against the People

Article in Bio-Engeneering Watch says, "Lawmakers briefed on Weather Modification Tech, conclude Hurricane Helene was DoD-Linked Weather Weapon deployed against American people."

Climate Change is engineered, meaning Man Made - made by man Weather Modification frequency, lazar, nano and other weapons - used right now on humanity; Creating storms, floods, fires - all sort of calamities to reduce humanity, rob us from our money, and reduce our freedoms with crazy restrictions. See, The GREEN SCAM: Lucifer's Cult Weather Warfare

They can create storms and stir them where they want.

Government Land Grab

"The Weather Warfare is more effective in killing people than any other previous war."

Multiple unnatural large tornadoes spotted inside Milton. Tornadoes everywhere in Florida. Yes, they are using weather modification to produce tornadoes under the guise of the hurricane. (20:50) 

"Do you know who destroys the planet more than anyone else in the world? The Environmentalists!"  David Straight

Video: The storms are cleaning the land for mining Lithium for the electric cars and Iridium for the military. FEMA facilitating land grabs.

A lot of information is now coming out of how that is connected with freeing land reach on Lithium or other resources. But is the Alliance using that, as Jessie hinted, against Satanic underground infrastructures?

Hurricane Milton is headed toward the Florida-Haiti 600 miles Interstate Tunnel used to traffic children from Latin America to Caribbean to the US. The tunnel that began construction in 2000, is an underwater highway tunnel spanning from southern Florida, outside of Miami to northern Haiti.  

Deliberately Creating Crises

FEMA was suspected of actually creating Hurricane Milton in order to feed off the victims, just as they had in Hurricane Helen, Katrina and DEW set fires in California and Maui. 

"For them you are worth more death than alive." David Straight

Why do the Deep State Cabal Elites want to deliberately create crises? It's all about power and control, plus obtaining children and human organs for their lucrative international trafficking business. That's why the Elites worship Satan with pedophile parties to honor Satan in return for riches, power and glory. This is all coming out now with the P Diddy's court cases. See,  No Longer Untouchable,

"We identify them. Each will be part of this case as defendants. These defendants will no longer include individuals, but also include corporate entities who ultimately profited of this culture and behavior. I'm looking at banks, pharmaceutical companies, hotels," the prosecutor announced. (18:05)

Weaponization of Children 

"The Epstein case of sex trafficking, blackmail, and corruption reaches the highest levels of power. The Diddy case is another key, linking global elites to a web of treason, pedophilia, and sex trafficking. Videos and evidence are about to surface, and that will bring governments down." WTPNews

We have to understand, as we explained in the article, Cycles of Heaven:, that God's design for everything is that the Satanic System operates of on. Why? 

"This is God's design and the enemy is bound by certain things. He can't step outside. He can twist, try to deceive, and create illusions about, but everything is made to operate the way God designed it to operate." Jessie Czebotar

It's just as on God's side, the Scripture says, that God has prepared in advance a good works for us to do. Satanists weaponized children. They monitor and track such children, she says, and they watch for the signs for this children to rise up. Their aim is to prevent what God prepares to do, and yet, use it to stir the course of history in their favor. See, This War is Against Spiritual Beings

"In this weaponization program, the system is looking at each child enrolled in this program individually... looking at what is the universal impact of that child in the world... what areas are they connected to, and what is their divine destiny, and how that impacts everything moving foreword." Jessie Czebotar

Why we ended up in such dysfunctional state

The central hub of their intelligence network was Israel, where the Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv was reportedly destroyed just last week, Judy notes.

"Israel was founded by the Rothschilds and British Crown, using the fake Jew of the Khazarian Mafia - direct descendants of Cain, who had been practicing pedophilia and Satanic Child Sacrifice Tites since the time of Adam. 

For centuries the Rothschilds, British Crown and Vatican have controlled Taxpayer monies, Central Banks and Intelligence services worldwide (Mossad, CIA, MI6 etc.)"

Khazarians linked to UK Royals for the last 200 years
322 Skull n Bones (Khazarian) - all US presidents 
1670-1930 Big Pharma raised (Khazarian)
1871 - Act of England (Secret Constitution placed by Secret Societies) Khazarian
1912 - Titanic Sinking - Killed all the opposition to the creation of the Fed
1913 - Federal Reserve  (Khazarian)
1914 - WWI  (Khazarian)
1917 - Bolshevic Revolution ( (Khazarian)
1945 - Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird 
1948 - Israel Formed (Khazarian/Bolshevik Govt.)
1949 - Mossad = CIA Formed 

Israeli handlers are in fact Mossad, Uk MI6, Rothschilds, CIA. All operations of Child Trafficking (Epstein, Diddy) and Drug production and supply were under them.

The Mossad Khazarian Mafia was controlling Ukraine. Now that they lost this stronghold, they are on the way to lose also Israel. As Israel was kept for the last, we are obviously now approaching the end, they say. 

"Dissolution and destruction of the Crown Corporation and Vatican Bank financial entities actually happened eight years ago, back in 2016. Both, the Pope and Queen Elizabeth capitulated to President Trump." WTPNews

While the Deep State considers Trump the New Pindar, for the masses he is presented as a 'Savior'. People are pushed to think he is the only solution, while in fact, all the evil done the last 7-8 years was done intentionally by Team-Trump. Biden was just an actor. Officially the Military behind Trump was in control. See the section, Trump was arrested,

Neutralizing Underground Secret Facilities used by the Elites

"The underground cities, built by the Deep State to shield themselves from the chaos they've created, are now being identified and destroyed," Judy says. The Earth Alliance has located several of these bunkers, including one in the Swiss Alps, where top globalists have been hiding. We already reported of many elites now trying to escape in such bases in Argentina. 

This is a war on a scale we've never seen before. Once these underground facilities are neutralized, the elites will have nowhere left to hide, they tell us.

"You will witness the fall of the corrupt politicians, bankers, and corporate alites who have been part of this evil system. You will see arrests, confessions and the dismantling of the globalist networks that have enslaved us for so long." WTPNews

And the Global Repository reported, "Nathen Rothschilds panics while trillions of dollars in their Dragon Family fund just disappeared." (UNN News)

What the White Hats are promising after this Storm

From government officials to ranking moguls and entertainment elites, those who have acted in secrecy or malice are now being held accountable. You will see laws applied equally and fairly.

"The era of government inefficiency, waste, and corruption is coming to a close. No more secret deals or hidden agendas that favor a select few. Instead, programs and policies will focus on serving you, the citizen, above all else. Every law, every initiative, will be crafted with your wellbeing in mind, insuring you and your family prosper i a system designed for the people, by the people." WTPN

Entertainment industry Revolutionized:

"Hollywood's darkest secrets are being dragged into the light. The fall of major entertainment figures signals a new chapter where art, media and culture will reflect truth and integrity. No more glorification of toxic behaviors." WTPN

However, amidst this prolonged invisible war, and lack of obvious positive developments, many of us are becoming disillusioned. Many of the supposed positive developments can be very well just steps in the well crafted satanic plan, and those pretending or even presuming to work on the good side, could be actually aware or not, working for the fulfilment of the Cabal's Plan. Believing in God's victory is still in the realm of faith.

Disillusioned seeing White Hats don't speak the truth, don't stop evil, and are actually assisting it happen

The question is: Do the Spiritual Storms in today's providence cause these Physical Storms. Is the spiritual wind of change in this age of God's direct dominion swiping the world from its core. See, Cycles of Heaven


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