Science of the Heart: Heart's Mystery
Yulian, Unification Family Therapy
Over the past 18 years, research centers investigated Heart - Brain interactions; how the heart and the brain interact with each other.. and how that effects consciousness and our perceptions. Worries, fears, negativity, bad relations.. store negative energy in our body. This is physical energy, with certain resonance... Many like me can feel it and heal it!
In the state of Coherence; feeling love, compassion, care, appreciation... the heart beats out a very different message. This emotional information is encoded in the radio fields radiated in the surrounding. With such resonance we are able to heal, liberate trapped emotions, heal relationships. This is so easy now in the Age of CIG.
In this chart you can see, that the center of our spirit mind is the Heart. Heart expresses through the Intellect, Emotions and Will (functions of our spirit). As a result pre-energy is generated, that projects in our spiritual and finally in the physical surrounding. This physical projection, reflects the Spiritual Heart and can now be measured by science.
The human heart emits the strongest electromagnetic field in our body. This electromagnetic field envelops the entire body extending out in all directions, and it can be measured up to several feet outside of the body.
Research from the Institute of HeartMath shows that this emotional information is encoded in this energetic field. HeartMath researchers have also seen that as we consciously focus on feeling a positive emotion - such as care, appreciation, compassion or love - it has a beneficial effect on our own health and well-being, and can have a positive affect on those around us.
Here is the Chart of Heart Resonance:
When our spirit is on Formation Stage (resonance of 50 to 200). This resonance connects us to the Middle Spirit World. It's immature - child state. Children have not yet developed their spiritual mind, so they depend on the loving environment, security and protection of their parents. Otherwise they easily go into a state of fear, doubts or get angry at each other for small things. Parental care and protection at that stage is crucial to rise them safely to the next level of growth, because at that stage they are immature and get easily influenced by the emotional surrounding.
Now you understand that it is a problem to stay on that level, be emotionally influenced and unstable, when you're already grown up. Such people think of themselves as very heartistic. They easily enter in intimate sharing of gossips. That's only possible at such low resonance and leads them down towards negative resonance and resentments.
This means that their hearts are twisted and evil. They feel joy of gossiping, insensitive to the pain of those they hurt. Yet, they feel amazing compassion for the fallen natures of those around them, thus stimulating it, supporting and protecting it; Very humanistic, relativistic heart. You can understand that there is strong spiritual influence behind all this process. They are not conscious of what their actions will produce. The common base is the same heart resonance with spirits of that level. Read Games People Play in the Family, to see where all that leads.
According to the Unification Family Therapy, "humanistic philosophy, denying any universal vertical standards stood as an obstacle... The more humanistic love expended in society the more social problems and disappointment in love we gained. As Rev. Moon says, “Without the vertical axis, you can’t have the human horizontal love.” The next stage of Heart Resonance, rises to some emotional stability, by developing the ability to reason correctly what's right and wrong. Which leads out of the immature state of relativism.
Once person's Heart develops to the resonance of Growth Stage (300 to 400), he co-resonates with the spiritual realm of Paradise. At that stage he is willing (resonance of 300), he accepts (resonance of 350) to follow and practice the Truth, reaching to the resonance of Reason (resonance of 400) where his mind works free. Read the Power of Thinking. Here the love is pure and beautiful, but not enough mature to overcome temptations. In the Completion Age we have to go beyond that, creating the world of Ideal Families, leaving for the sake of the greater good.
"The unselfish way of life is to think beyond ourselves and our family and live for the greater purpose of the nation and the world." Sun Myung Moon
Completion stage of Love, Joy and Peace is where ones heart resonance reaches 500 to 600. That's the level of altruistic, sacrificial and unconditional giving of love. Nothing to do with selfish love and joy. A persona at resonance of 500 (Love) can positively change the frequency of 70 000 other people. One person at the vibration of 600 (Peace) can effect 10 million people. Person with vibration of 700 can positively impact 70 million people. That shows, that you can influence your environment, you can actually change the World.
"The day will come when the truth will be known and the message of love will be taught." Sun Myung Moon
The day will come when the truth will be known and the message of love will be taught. On that day, their regret will be deep.
Sun Myung Moon
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The day will come when the truth will be known and the message of love will be taught. On that day, their regret will be deep.
Sun Myung Moon
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We could always sense that True Father is at that stage. That's why our Original Mind felt so free in his presence. For this purpose, Rev. Moon said, "If there are 12 people who reach perfection, the world will be restored in no time." Today even science confirms that power of True Love and Living for the Sake of Others. Read more at:

Resonance of heart God's love Emotion Spirit
world heart resonance true love resonance peace joy Heart Resonance of
Love Heart Resona...