Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Hittites & the Mystery of Vladimir Putin

Doubles of Putin, Stalin, Yeltsin, Gorbachev

Historic testimonies and photos and videos of how these leaders were always using doubles. Doubles were used also by the Kings hundreds of years ago. Historic sources point to a practice that started with the Hittite kings, but the origins could be in the previous civilizations. 

Grooming look-alikes to act like the leader during public events allowed the real leaders to script from behind the scenes without fear of assassination.

Source: Proposal for world federation

The mystery of Vladimir Putin

Information came by many Russians about the mystery of Vladimir Putin. In the video you can see clearly that not only are there multiple Putins but there were also multiple Boris Yeltsins and multiple copies of the same Czar.
The various Putins can be seen in the picture below:

This information allowed this writer to figure out this mystery. In recent years, multiple sources including the Pentagon have talked about how Western leaders were being replaced with clones. 

Video: Putin's strange reincarnations

The Hittite Leaders

Checking the historical sources, I found that behind this mystery is a clone business. The predecessors of the Hyksos were the Hittites in what is now Anatolia, Turkey. The Hittite leaders were being constantly killed in never ending power struggles. The Hyksos solved this problem by placing puppets on the throne and keeping the real leadership secret. The puppets could be replaced by look-alikes whenever they were killed.

How this could be possible? It would simply be a matter of finding several identical people and grooming them to act like a leader during public events. The real leaders could then write the “acting presidents’” scripts from behind the scenes without fear of assassination.

The question then is of finding out who the real script writers or secret leaders are. Thanks to the internet and the ongoing global awakening, a lot of them have already been flushed out. We all know about the Rothschilds, the George Soros types, Freemasons, the gnostic Illuminati, the P2 lodge etc.

What these various secret groups all have in common is that highly influential people gather in secret and form a consensus. They then force the public puppets like Prime Ministers etc. to carry out whatever decisions were made in secret.

Human Experiment Systems

The organization and the human experiment we call Democracy, was just an experiment, so is Communism, so is Socialism and other forms of government. Those are all human experiments, Kymberly explains. (21:00 min)

Non of the governments were really governing. They were only a management stuff of different departments of a world government, that goes back 250 thousand years. 

The World Government includes those of the seal. The seal does not include any humans. We know them as Enki, Murdok, Lucifer, Anti-Source, etc. According to all the treaties and agreements, that was your world government. 

Governments were only guardians, nannies, by proxy only. They had to give people the perception of choosing their leader. Never was there a vote from the people that mattered. The World Government was always making the final decision. 

Replacing the World Leaders with Doubles

Do there also now exist benevolent secret groups fighting for the average man and not for the benefit of a Satan worshipping elite. If they do, they need to stay secret in order to avoid assassination by the Satanists, the author says.

The so called White Hats claim to be such a group. Col. Riccardo Bosi explaining their gradual take down of the Satanic pyramid from top down: 

"At the highest level they've been take up to some time now. May be 3 and a half years, at the highest level they were gone. So, progressively the instructions have been coming from the White Hats into the lower level of the Black Hats chain of command, and down to the useful idiots at the bottom. But the Black Hats don't know it, because the White Hats understand how the Black Hats work, and they understand the blind obedience, even the most insane instructions, they will follow. So, they've been working the way down. And now we are at the very bottom. Just about every system on the planet has been taken care of. But again, it's extraordinary complex. And now is the last phase of the conflict, it has to transition to conventional war." (12:34)

So, over a period of time the White Hats have infiltrated the entire system and took control. The largest one of which is Twitter. But now there are real targets that have to be taken down, he said. "This war is 60% fraud and 40% force. White Hats are substantially destroying Black Hats' infrastructure, personal, systems."

They don't need nukes. They have control of energy weapons that will take your mind blow. It's not a battle of equals anymore. The rats are gonna lose. They are going down, he said. 

There will be bombs, Bosi said, and that will scare people, but actually that's a cover for these final operations. It will be some small mopping up down the road, as some of these cockroaches are hiding in places. To be honest, it may take up to a century to get the last ones out. Because they will hide, rebrand and regroup. But we will see the face of victory very soon. 

The Huge Bureaucratic Machine Today

As we all have noticed since Covid, we are now in a period of collapsing the all experiment structures and preparing the transition into a new AI experiment system, for better or worse. 

Video: Trump and Musk discus the vast corruption DOGE have found. It's time this big corrupted machine be gone. Of course, their manipulative work can now be now easily replaced by AI. And naturally, AI can imprison humanity (expanding the control to rediculous levels) or empower humanity with new opportunities. As Elon Musk said:

"AI will quickly surpass the human ability to control it... AI should be maximally truth seeking and also curious... to see humanity develop. Humanity is more interesting, than not humanity," Musk says.

The most important question is, who is behind this AI? Who is implementing this new system?

Surely that's all a part of the plan of the World Government, that was not human. But Lucifer was gone, since 1999, and Murdock too, since 2016? Kymberly and the White Hats claim that most of those taking and distributing their orders are also gone. Both sides claiming, that since 2012 God is in control.

Here is some difference; The White Hats claim that the top-heads of the Illuminati Bloodlines were also eliminated, and Rothschilds were taken down. Whilst, Kymberly says, that:

"Rothschild Family seems to be fencing themselves right now as the King maker. They tried to ratify Trump and other heads of states. People go on like it actually happened, but at the end they cannot pay the bills. Because, again, they were only managers of the paper currency system." 

All the paper money were bills, she explains. And at the end, you better pay the bills or you are in trouble. The ability to issue such bills used to be the Federal Reserve. Treasure Department was not part of the Government either. 

The creation of the Central Banking system was not assigned by Rothschilds, and was not assigned by humans. Governments, the Secret Space program, the Order of the Dragon, Rothschild Family, Black Nobilities, Kymberly says, 

"All of these people, claiming they control something, while in reality they control nothing... They were just puppets on the string, just as all the rest of us."

About all the Elders from different countries claiming to have access to bunch of assets, Kim says: 

"The Trump's Operatives are now trying to reclaim the assets from all of these various countries, thinking that US assigned them. No, you didn't! You just became the front guy for the World Government." 

"Just because we have bunch of Secret Space Force and CIO militaries in the White House right now does not mean that they are going to control the Global Intelligence Agency," Kim says. 


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