Friday, February 28, 2025

Baby Farming in Ukraine

Now that DODGE reveals the big financial fraud of sponsoring the Ukraine war, 2/3 of the money being laundered before even reaching Ukraine, the weapons sent ending in Narco-Cartels instead. US experts say, Ukraine was the biggest money laundering operation of the Deep State. But there is much more:

Baby Farming in Ukraine

There are companies making billions from baby farming in Ukraine. (Video: Nazi Satanic Ukraine - KHAZARIAN MAFIA)

Russian Special Forces stumbled upon many pedophile Camps in central Ukraine. Hundreds of such facilities are scattered across the countryside.

MEP Marcel de Graaf confirms that satanic Ukraine is the biggest supplier of children for pedophile networks, human and organ trafficking. See, Hundreds of Pedophile Camps Scattered in Ukraine

You see them celebrating Nazi SS veteran as a hero for Ukraine. See, Why the World Supports the neo-Nazis in Ukraine

You see the Satanist, Marina Abramovich making statues for them. Ukrainian soldiers and mercenaries were found to have Satanic idols, symbols, tattoos all over. See, Devil Warship, Nazism and Pedophilia in Ukraine

Historic Background

I have already written about the plan to restore Khazaria on the territory of Ukraine and the history of Khazaria and their satanic ritual killings of children, for which their nation was destroyed 1000 years ago. We see history repeating.

You have to understand history. Khazarian Satanist Bankers created Nazism, killed much of the real jews and created Israel pretending themselves to be Jews. Then continued killing the real genetic descendants of the Jews (the Palestinians: 98% Jewish gene). They are doing the same thing now in Ukraine, killing their own people.

Reporters on the ground - all terrorist attacks on civilians originated from the Ukraine side - and blame it on Russia

Why Khazarians hate Russians? Prince Sviatoslav destroyed Khazarian (today's Ukraine and Khazakstan teritory) precisely because of their Satanic nature. Khazarians were kidnaping children for ritual rape and murder. They were killing those crossing their territory, and taking their identity. In fear, those who pass had to pay big sum of money.

With this war in Ukraine they wanted to empty the territory to be able to create their Second Israel, already naming the new cities, one of them 'Khazaria'. That's why more than 14 million Ukrainians were expelled out of the country and towns were burned to the ground. See, Restore Khazaria in ukraine

(SeeThey have been developing Fascist assets in the Ukraine for 70 years. They occupied the government. It was operation against Russia. Creating private Militias to terrorize the pro-Russians in the country.

Using their underworld contacts to squeeze everybody who supported Russia. Using bribes and pressure CIA was going after the natural resources of the country.

Stew Peters: ― "The President of Ukraine is gay; owns a $40 million Florida mansion; is deeply connected to Hollywood and established Elites; hosts a multitude of US funded Bio-weapon labs... and is a full blown Nazi installed by the CIA."

Rothschild's bank servers were in Ukraine

We find in history how these Khazarian pretend-jews became the Bankers of the world, using their Babylonian black magic tricks, schemes, bribes, wars and assassinations.

"Putin and his team extracted all the data from the banks that would expose the corruption from 2014 and that tens of billions of dollars had been drained using Ukraine as a channel, the source continued."
"Rothschild's bank servers were in Ukraine and have now been seized. That means the game is over for them.")
The Deep State has been devastated by their money laundering operation in Ukraine, which is being destroyed by Putin. Biden, Obama, Soros, Clinton.. (and others to be revealed), all have their blood-soaked hands standing deep in Ukraine," the Mossad source noted." Read also, UKRAINE WAR IS AS FAKE 

Bio-Weapon-Labs Created COVID

U.S.-led Biolabs in Ukraine have carried out secret research for a long time, posing potential threats to the people of Ukraine & beyond, while locals were unaware of this.

"Putin told Trump his forces had “pummeled to dust” all known foreign bioweapon labs in Ukraine... weaponization programs which could have plunged the world into a true zombie apocalypse." Source

This comes amidst the world discovering that the Covid virus, was actually a bio-weapon based on Cobra's poison. It was mass-produced in bio-laboratories around the world and spread through the drinking water. 

In captured laboratories Russians found the production of the Corona Virus, how it was spread, and the World Health Organizations's involvement in this crime: 

The Russians captured a large number of migratory birds with microchip-controlled capsules containing various plagues... could be opened by satellite command where they would cause the most damage. The locations of the American laboratories that manufacture these biological weapons in Ukraine and 35 other countries. The diseases and epidemics, the means of their release, the countries in which they are being tested. Even the virus responsible for the current pandemic and the huge number of bats used to transmit this virus. Proof was provided that the World Health Organization representatives regularly visited these laboratories around the world. Fulford Report

"RUSSIA is EXPECTED to [EXPOSE] the underground BIOLABS and tunnels that housed tens of thousands of children from different countries. In videos circulating.. Soldiers are carrying out children who haven't seen light in years. 

"We must never forget that God's sorrow is behind the pain we suffer." Father Moon

Think of God's heart, when He see his children suffering in Ukraine; Drug and child trafficking rings, Baal and Nazi worshiping groups. On top of this now peaceful people are pushed out of their homes. See, Who Ordered and Payed the War and what is the Cabal's plan for Ukraine.


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