Using their underworld contacts to squeeze everybody who supported Russia. Using bribes and pressure CIA was going after the natural resources of the country.
The Deep State has been devastated by their money laundering operation in Ukraine, which is being destroyed by Putin. Biden, Obama, Soros, Clinton.. (and others to be revealed), all have their blood-soaked hands standing deep in Ukraine," the Mossad source noted." Read also, UKRAINE WAR IS AS FAKE
"Putin told Trump his forces had “pummeled to dust” all known foreign bioweapon labs in Ukraine... weaponization programs which could have plunged the world into a true zombie apocalypse." Source
This comes amidst the world discovering that the Covid virus, was actually a bio-weapon based on Cobra's poison. It was mass-produced in bio-laboratories around the world and spread through the drinking water.
In captured laboratories Russians found the production of the Corona Virus, how it was spread, and the World Health Organizations's involvement in this crime:
The Russians captured a large number of migratory birds with microchip-controlled capsules containing
locations of the American laboratories that manufacture these biological weapons in Ukraine and 35 other countries. The diseases and epidemics, the means of their release, the countries in which they are being tested. Even the virus responsible for the current pandemic and the huge number of bats used to transmit this virus. Proof was provided that the World Health Organization representatives regularly visited these laboratories around the world. Fulford Report various plagues... could be opened by satellite command where they would cause the most damage. The
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