"In 2023 we are going to have 2 transitions. One of those transitions is the Financial Transition of the Global Economic System. The second transition is the health system - the Global Health System." (Gen. Flynn, 8 min)
It is such an organized crime, at such a level, that seems inconceivable for most. Banking, healthcare... See, THE ILLUSION OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY and SATANIC PRACTICES TURNED INTO VAST CAPITALIST ENTERPRISE.
- "Federal regulators shuttered Silicon Valley Bank, headquartered in Santa Clara, California, on Friday, sending shockwaves through the market." The Washington Times
- "The Bank involved in the largest drug money laundering operation in the world." "This are Drug Cartel money, that have been moved. The biggest sudden move of money ever - they are afraid." FoxNews
- "186 banks facing the same risk," but some estimate "1400 banks worldwide collapsing."
"All the Central Banks of the world have already failed – it just hasn't been disclosed to the public yet... The disclosure of the bankruptcy will be made public in stages to ensure that there is no complete collapse of citizens around the world." Fulford Report
- "The recent rate hikes have created at least $8 trillion in losses for financial institutions."
BG Taims commented, "All this bank collapse nonsense is orchestrated and has one purpose - to get the herd to welcome digital currencies." See, CBDC – the digital currency/digital concentration camp
"Some 70 banks were closed or dismantled as part of a huge operation to seize 1000's of cabal accounts. All of those accounts have now been frozen with all of their assets moved..." (10 min)
"Why we are paying taxes? Why they increasing constantly our social taxes? Because we are in debt. To whom? The Rothschilds... the filthy rich Bankgsters that are running this system, that our corrupt prostitute politicians gave the power to these tyrants... You never worked enough and you оwe Rothschilds money, and they are taking from you... and they are telling you to go fight their wars... that make money from us for them, again. Sending our sons and daughters to war to be killed and to kill innocent people." US Marine
Since that false Financial System of Control is now obvious to mostly everyone, the Satanic Cabal are urgently trying to make a Reset of the whole system. The big Central Banks of the Khazarian Mafia are now pumping out dollars on a daily basis. In other words, the CORPORATION of USA and their FRB intend to drag the central banks of the EU, Switzerland, Canada and England down with them.
The Disclosure is Real but the Aims are Not Clear
At the same time, the truth has to come out and these satanic structures have to collapse for God's ideal to come. Thus we can see the events as a spiritual transition, where good and evil work together to abolish the old world paradigm, for the new one to come.
"The Global Cabal is the declared enemy of Executive Order 13818, signed by current War-time-president, D. J. Trump, on the 20 Dec. 2007. And is now confirmed. On Dec. 2023, all of a sudden now visible on the White House Government website (21:03)." See A GLOBAL DEFENSE CLANDESTINE SPECIAL OPERATION.
2. Health Transition
"The real money are in the Vaccines. They normally make them hundreds of billions of dollars per year. Even vaccines for Rubella etc. that are no longer around, but they are still given to everyone. Plus, there are added extra ingredients in there that cause autism, and many other disorders." KIM
Research found that 5% of the Vaccine packages were deadly.
"They weaponized a common cold coronavirus that has been around for thousands of years. They splice it with an HIV gene, making it very highly virulent, highly toxic and highly damaging." Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division
"Official indictments have been sent for all those involved in the Vaccine Genocide. This means that all 195 nations that have signed the International Criminal Court, now have a legal obligation to arrest these individuals: Bill Gates, Rockefeller, Soros... Xi, Putin, Trump." Fulford
"Why is Trump gonna be arrested? You are watching a show... When Trump is arrested, is time for celebration. That means the arrests of the puppets is about to start. They all have been tried and executed, but they have to go through this show in slow motion... You will see politicians arrested. They already have been arrested long time ago. This is for public consumption. So that's all that's going on." (1:07 min) Riccardo Bosi - Australian Special Forces
[Figura4] Chief Manhattan prosecutor cancels Trump's planned arrest.
"Alliance Special Forces were in the middle of arresting 64,000 CIA MS13 Cartel Members for their drug and human trafficking... which was leading to panic in certain US banks mediating in their Money Laundering Operations." Situation Update
"Non-cash electronic transfers between businesses only in Australia - 220 billion a day. Let say 250 days a year. How we make the system better. We get rid of every tax. Everything. All gone! Income tax, capital gain tax, sales tax, everything - gone, and we put 2% expenditure tax on everybody. Every time you spend a dollar, 2 cents go to pay tax. That's it. Everything you earn, you save it. Only when you spend... That 2% comes to 1.3 trillion dollars annually. Now we've got the money to build the nation, and you've got to keep the money you make." (1:17 min) Riccardo Bosi
"You have been ripped off your entire life, mercilessly... You think you are paying 30 to 40% taxes, but then you have GST and all the other hidden taxes, so you are actually paying 60-70% in tax. That's why you can't get ahead. That's why you can't get deposit for your house. That's why mom and dad are both working two and a half jobs... That's by design." (1:20 min)
- Tornado in Mississippi leveled the town to the ground.
To reduce the human population they created numerous Deadly Technologies:
Inventing Wars with Invisible Enemy
They even Invented Wars with Inexistent Enemies, just to keep exploiting us. The so called wars on invisible viruses were also all for the money. The entire narrative of people getting sick from viruses is false. Viruses are a global, unconfirmed Conspiracy Theory, she says. When Vaccines became profitable, to justify their use they promoted the idea of viruses. (Video)Dr. Robert Young explained, "Viruses have never been isolated. None! Meaning all vaccines are fraudulent. This is the biggest fraud against humanity. Why there is a new virus every year, with a new name, but similar symptomologies? They invent them - for money - for profit. It's all a big lie. (Court Video)
Why the Sudden Death Syndrome? Now this Satanic structures are desperately fighting for survival. To keep their power they are ready to kill even 90% of humanity. And to do that they devised bio engineered viruses, toxic vaccines, deadly frequency weapons, weather warfare, food and water poisoning, and much more. Yet, their own boat keeps sinking, and 2023 seems to be a decisive year for who is to win - God or Satan.
Robert Kennedy Jr recently said, "(they) blocked early treatment to create a $98 Billion vaccine industry." As a result, now country after country experience unexpected excess of death among the vaccinated. Strange blood-cloat developments are found int their veins, traced to the vaccines. And thousands of young athletes, journalists, pilots etc. are dropping dead suddenly. Few hundred millions are permanently handicapped for life.
Japan Orders Investigation Into Covid Vaccine Deaths as MSM Admit “The Jabs Are Killing Us”. Authorities started official investigation. Even in US, mainstream media are starting to quietly report the truth. And now US Senate holds hearings on this. (Video)
World Leaders are Controlled Puppets
"ALL presidents are selected (and controlled). There are NO exceptions whatsoever. Until you grasp this simple basic concept, you'll forever live and die in the matrix." Ezra
You are surrendering your power and rights to their Satanic representative. Meanwhile, the politicians you've chosen cannot take one decision out of the script given to them from this Satanic Elite, governed by Lucifer. See, SATANIC PRACTICES TURNED INTO VAST CAPITALIST ENTERPRISE. What can you expect from sociopaths who think that reducing the human population is the only solution. Just look in what the elite that's governing us is involved into:
May 2017 - Vatican, Global Elites found guilty of Child Sacrifice by 6 Judges at the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. (1)
Why that never made it into the headlines? Thousands of survived victims have testified against well known global leaders. Court testimonies, recorded video testimonies, explaining that on a regular basis these elites were kidnapping children and youth for the purpose of holding pedophile parties that included human sacrifice. See, LIBERATE OUR CHILDREN
Fox News: "We know the FBI let Epstein get away with abuse for over a decade. In fact, they were covering for Epstein's rich and powerful friends that abused the underage girls."
The Court handed down guilty verdicts on various global elites including Pope Francis and the former Pope Joseph Ratzinger – who then immediately resigned from his office. And only now his death was publicly announced, despite the fact that he had death sentence years ago.
As one of the witnesses testifies, ''These people are serial killers. They are masters that are skilled in torture, and they know not only how to cause death in a horrific way, but they know how to make death extended, so the individual can be tortured to the greatest extend...'' (2) obviously for releasing maximum of adrenalin, which they will obtain through drinking the victim's blood, mostly from children. She also explains their Necromancy - speaking with the dead, and pleasure from cannibalism. She also explains the horrific method of removing the skin and the nose to reach the penial gland.
- French national television is now reporting the torture and killing of thousands of children by the French elite to collect Adrenochrome every year.
Obtaining this precious drug from the penial gland was nicely disclosed in the movie, "Avatar 2". Just as the movie said, that's giving them longevity, keeping them young. It coasts millions, and in many TV reports it was called the Drug of the Satanists. Just look at many of the movie stars, staying youthful for decades.
See, Ukraine Is Farming Children in Factories for Elite Pedophiles. I think you should learn how Ukraine is connected with the plans of these people. Why it is their stronghold and how it is historically connected with their Satanic practices? (See, History of Satanism)
"The US pushed for the death and destruction of Ukraine. The goal is the total collapse of Ukraine, so that NATO will use it as a proxy for the Russian containment. Pentagon runs 46 bio-labs in Ukraine, George Soros, Vanguard and BlackRock now own most of the land. The US owns Ukraine. Total destruction of Ukraine has been the plan." (People News, 35 min)
As US General commented, ''this is not a nation, this is a Criminal Cartel.'' With this war they are doing money laundering, plus they make billions from illegal organ trafficking. Many reports of kidnapping people, killing slightly wounded, just to fill up the tracks with organs. See, Satanism and PEDOPHILE CAMPS IN UKRAINE
- "The war in Ukraine was used to sell off weapons from their caches and launder stolen cryptocurrency through the Ukrainian central bank. And to extort the European and American peoples to buy gas at four times the price. European living standards fell accordingly."
They Have the Power Because of Our Consent
Do we actually have solution, if we consent with evil and our own organizations are being infiltrated from within by operatives of this evil force? Are we aware when in our ignorance members and leaders themselves uphold the narrative of these evil structures?
On the question, why these Elites had so much power? They have the power because we have given them our consent. Now this curse is braking, so now we gonna get a burst of abundant energy directly from the Creator. The flow of energy has changed. You are now able to receive the full blast. The evil spirits can no more suck your energy. Only you can give it freely to another person.
"In recent decades, we have witnessed how our nations have been forced to submit to the colonization of NATO, the UN, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and that bunch of foundations that aim to indoctrinate the masses, manipulate information. Our countries are forced to accept homosexuality and transgenderism. We have seen them destabilize legitimately elected governments and sow chaos, war and misery as the 'instrumentum regni' (literally 'instrument of monarchy', i.e. 'instrument of government')" Archbishop Carlo Vigano
Yet, we were giving away our energy to these puppet politicians and corrupt governments, because we were giving our consent. Stop giving them your power, Kimberly says. They will always have a Savior program; Putin, Obama, Trump. Stop giving them your power.
"When books, newspapers and media are efficiently controlled, the people will hear and accept exactly what the few in control want them to. Government censorship is one form of that control. Anyone braking the government rule will be suspended."
The Satanic Cabal has always used divisions and weaponized that against us. We fought among ourselves. Moving forward, we have to do so unified. We can't achieve our goals if we don't do so. We need to understand what happened to humanity, and we have to change our direction.
Once the Lucifer Power Fog is Removed
We see a global awakening to the fact that the Western "rules-based world order" is ruled by genocidal criminals, Satan worshippers.
"Truth will start to come out. And by the middle of the year, the Military Tribunals will kick off. Many of them have already been done. This is the end of the end. This is it. The evidence will be so overwhelming and it's coming in the next 6 months. It will be tough ride for many." Colonel Riccardo Bosi - Australian Special Forces
We cannot forget, that after True Parents' victory on global level Lucifer was forced to leave his position in 1999. Read, LUCIFER REPENTED. In result, his earthy structures went on fighting among each other for power and promoting desperate plans for survival that will never work. This is a chaotic state of self-destruction. Without Lucifer's power they can no longer hide their doings. They themselves had to start Disclosure programs, in an attempt to control the narrative.
"Lucifer... wanted to grasp the same central position in human society as he enjoyed in the angelic world... This was why he seduced Eve, and this was the motivation of the spiritual fall." The Spiritual Fall
Here are few of the 45 Communist Goals for overtaking the world. It's pure Satanism: (54:36 min)
23. Promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible...
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.
This Satanic Cabal have always used the technique of infiltrate, divide and conquer. They may pretend to be of any religion, but their actual belief system is Satanism.
Humanity is one race. But they want to divide us, control us, destroy us.
Father Moon explained that by allowing the Communist participation in UN was the failure that needed 40 years to indemnify. This video shows the consequences:
Are there any Good Guys in this Invisible War?
Two powerful groups claim that position; (1) the White Hats and (2) the Global Repository. My question is, is the Global Repository that Artificial Intellect that controls humanity? Exactly this was its function under Lucifer for thousands of years. Lucifer stepped down. What can assure us that Global Repository now is on God's side, as they claim. On the other side, are the White Hats really good, or just a controlled opposition, a psy-op to excuse the NWO overtaking the world, while pretending that they are awakening us by allowing the Evil Plans to materialize. We cannot forget that they are offshoots from the Black Sun Cult.
"All these Psyop channels have an excuse for literally everything: Trains explode and release poisonous chemicals... it's white hats saving children. HAARP weather warfare, they're flooding the tunnels. Trillions of taxpayer dollars flowing to Jewkraine... Wake up, they aren't saving kids, they are vaccinating them... for viruses that do not exist. If you don't snap out of it soon, you never will." Ezra
Gen. Flynn, who has a top level security clearance, is telling the people that no one is coming to rescue them. There is no Plan, accept for the people standing up to rescue themselves. He urges us standing up against the Vaccine crimes. At the same time he says, "It's so much happening," giving a hint to their world alliance military operations:
"Ukraine... China... Iran... Israel... there are foreign policy issues unfolding around the world and they are all related to exactly what it is that we are doing. (He hinted the Financial Reset and BRICS+)" Gen. Flynn 45 min
So how good this Military Alliance is if the wars, floods, fires and earthquakes are their operations? Aren't' they all working under the control of the Secret Space Force, which was the Cabal's military? Or will they really trick the Cabal and liberate humanity by using Trump?
What to know about Trump:
Trump ran a pro-gay platform from the moment he took office. Not exactly what Christians expected by voting for him.
- Trump promoted the 1st ever openly gay cabinet member to be Director of National Intelligence.
- He appointed at least 5 openly gay ambassadors
- He launched a global effort to end criminalization of Homosexuality.
That's without question. The question is, if the fraction of the Secret Military that's controlling him really wants some good change, or just to gradually transfer all levels of power under them for their own satanic purposes. For sure they are gradually overtaking the Mafia, Politics, Media and other Cabal structures to work under them or be destroyed. What they will do with that - not sure. Promises can be true or misleading. They are musters in false promises.
Remember, if Satan's forces are fighting themselves, they will collapse.
- Space Force have already taken over the Department of Defense Military Satellite System.
"We gonna have a revolutionary reset of our consciousness. A big spike of it will pick up in early May and fade by June. It will happen because of the total crash of the system. And will come back in 2024 and be with us for decades. " Clif High's Predictions