"The Green Deal is not about controlling the environment, it is about controlling you. Taking the last of your human rights."
"The Weather Warfare is more effective in killing people than any other previous war."
They are claiming that there is OVERPOPULATION on earth, while in fact only the state of Texas will be enough for all 8 billion people to each have a personal self sustaining farm. In fact they artificially stuck us in the big cities and create regulations preventing us to live freely in and feed ourselves from the nature, for otherwise we will have abundant life, independent from their control.
Why the biggest food shortages are in places where there are a lot of mineral resources? Who is behind that criminal robbery? Why are our governments paid to support all that?
But worse of all, the same governing idiots use Direct Entergy Weapons (HARP, Chemtrails, Lasers etc.) to make fires, storms and floods. Just to blame it on Climate Change, get billions and do even worse things... whilst removing our rights, robing us of our money, taxing us to death, restricting our freedoms and way more. All in accordance with the Lucifer's Plan they are following.
You realize it or not, the world was and yet is under Satan's control. Un Luciferian Satanic Cult usurped our governments and uses our nations to control us, imposing taxes, imposing transgender, imposing poisoned water, food and medicine, imposing mass disinformation.
Video (Hawaii Fires): The Deep State wanted the island and with the fire killed any of the land owners who didn't want to sell (over 1000 missing). It was a coordinated attack. Police was ordered to block the people from escaping with their cars.
Oprah Winfrey bought over 1000 acres in Maui. Then all of a sudden fire destroys all the homes near her land but hers remains untouched. Sound familiar? In 2017 deadly fire destroyed many homes near her Montecito Mansion, but her property was untouched. So she expanded her land.
Photo and video evidence shows melting cars and standing trees. Something doesn't add up.
We know this is not a Climate Change. All the fires, storms, floods... they use Weather Warfare to kill as many as possible, just to stay in power. Now they want to lock us in AI controlled prison cities.
Hawaii was a big place for sex trafficking. They want to remove the people to get their land, by using direct energy weapons. They already have declared plans to build AI controlled 15 min city prisons there. (32:45)
All the attacks they do, they are turning it into a major donation campaign, so they make millions and billions out of our suffering.
Facing it's collapse after 2012, this Rothschild Khazarian Banking Mafia KM is now trying to buy time and restore their control by using the Climate Change Scam and vaccinations to eliminate 90% of the population. And they are declaring in many of their forums openly.
"They have weaponized space, through killer satellites, directed energy weapons, and more." (35:20)
According to Kimberly Goguen, of the Global Repository, "The Chinese Deep State has been orchestrating most of the weather modifications, heats, and droughts in the last few weeks."
The Truth Behind The Green Scam
They want to kill 90% of the world's population through disease and starvation to "save the environment"
Fulford is a journalist who begins to expose the group that was systematically murdering Japanese politicians, industrialists and government officials. The forensic trail led to David Rockefeller Sr. and members of the Rothschild family.
He was contacted by an agent of a secret group sent by Rockefeller Henry Kissinger. The messenger, a self-proclaimed assassin, said he represented the "elders of Zion." "He told me (this is on the record) that they had to kill 90% of the world's population through disease and starvation to "save the environment".
By 2050 they aim to bring the "useless eaters," as they call us, down to 4 billion people. Each country has a set daily goal, of how many should die through medications, vaccines, wars, created by them calamities.
Fulford offers a list of 10,000 people connected to the Illuminati, mainly members of Bilderberg, CFR and Skull and Bones.
"The upper levels of control rooms are all under the powers of the World Economic Forum, of the Rothschild Central Banks and the many different groups, like the Gates Foundation... I do believe that the Elite powers are loosing their grip and that is why they are trying to unleash an avalanche of multi faceted disasters." SGT Report
The Lie About Carbon Emissions
They are deliberately creating disasters with new technologies, blaming it on the global warming, only to gain more control with more regulations, fines, carbon taxes and travel restrictions.
Numerous experts and events show that the Fed and the Central banks are bankrupt. For this reason this Khazarian Banking Mafia wants to use the "climate crisis" as a new scare tactic to extort money from the masses. In fact,
"We are about 1°C above the coldest it's been in the last 10 thousand years. And it's 2°C cooler than the wormiest it's been in the last 10 thousand years. It has been much wormer 2 or 3 times in the previous periods." [Video]
"The climate crisis is based on lies. CO2 levels are now lower than they have been for more than 95 percent of Earth's history. In fact, greenhouse growers inject CO2 into their greenhouses to increase yields."
Fact is, in the last 40 years the earth have become greener, according to NASA's studies. Yet, they weaponized the HARP technology to produce storms, fires and other calamities, just to blame it on Climate Change. And now they are even blocking the sun. So this fake 'saving the planet' agenda is all about destroying nature and humanity for big profit, just to fulfill their mad Satanic agenda.
The Lie About Overpopulation
They are also claiming that there is overpopulation on earth, while in fact only the state of Texas will be enough for all 8 billion people to each have a personal self sustaining farm. In fact they artificially stuck us in the big cities and create regulations preventing us to live freely in and feed ourselves from the nature, for otherwise we will have abundant life, independent from their control.
Why is that? Because the private central banks act like 'leeches', sucking the life energy out of us with money created out of thin air. But now it seems like more and more countries are uniting against their Fiat monetary system of slavery.
Sudan shut down the Rothschild-owned and controlled Central Bank of Sudan, thereby shutting down a major hub for human trafficking. [EasternHerald] [Video]
IMF and World Bank are used by the Satanic Cabal for "unconventional warfare".
In 1973 the most populated 3-rd world nations were told to sterilize half of their women population, or they would not get IMF founding. UN certified that plan. Sterilization programs were carried out in numerous countries. In number of documents UN calls for 80% of human reduction.
See the symbology behind the World Health Organization. You can question their real purpose?
Lying About Our History
See this video of how they are taking billions of our money through faking NASA's space walks, recorded not in space, but under water, with green-screens and CGI. [MillNews]
Our view on history is to change once we realize how this Satanic Cabal was manipulating all the major events. How they were behind both, Hitler and Stalin, just as the Divine Principle explains. How they are both Antichrists - representing Satan and satanic bloodlines.
Video: The Deep State Satanism is behind each side of the war. The Zionist Bankers raised Hitler to push the Jews in Israel, punish the rest of the world and kill the business opposition worldwide. At that point the Germans were no longer needed, so they starved, burned, raped and killed millions in peaceful time. This is all work of the Devil, no matter what skin he is hiding behind. God's heart is broken... devastated. Who will save his children?The fourth group that contacted with Fulford was "the family" often referred to as the Rothschilds. This group is the European royal bloodline and includes the Saxe-Gotha family, the Rothschilds, the Habsburgs, and other European royal bloodlines. Scottish Rite Freemasonry eventually reported to this group. They also control the Committee of 300. Queen Elizabeth II was the leader of this group.
The Khazarian Banking Mafia KM is trying to buy time
Khazaria emerged as a powerful player around 800, the time when on God's side Charlemagne was crowned and established the golden Unified Christian Kingdom of the Franks. At the same time God was developing his providence, Satan prepared the satanic practicing Khazarians in order to later invade God's foundation.
Khazarians are considered by some as the 13th tribe of Israel, because they took the skean of Jews to fulfill Lucifer's goal. For thousands of years they have practiced Satanism. They are the ones who became Slave Traders and Bank Owner of the world by using their Luciferian magic and dirty tricks.
In the 'Period of Struggle among Religions and Ideologies' (1648-1789) the Cain-type worldview was to surrender to the Abel-type worldview. In 1666 the Khazarian Jew, Sabbatai Zevi, proclaimed himself Jewish Messiah, followed by millions, openly teaching satanic practices as something good. They infiltrated the Communist movements and instigated the French Revolution and later the Communist Revolution.
They are the once who established today's Israel, despite the fact that they have nothing to do with the genetic Jews. With their vicious, satanic manipulations they took over the world banks and enslaved all kings and governments. And once they took over England, they controlled the next generations of Royals. Thus, majority of royals today are groomed in Satanism from birth.
Now, Fulford warns us that, "The Rothschild Khazarian Banking Mafia KM is trying to buy time by promising all sorts of good things in 2025. At the same time we see them pushing New Age nonsense about some kind of photon belt or 5th dimensional ascension that will eliminate 90% of the population. Survivors will then receive "medical beds" and magical machines that will do everything, etc. In other words "please wait until we are able to kill you".
"The new totalitarian measures of EU aim to persecute those who produce food. It is being done under fraudulent pretexts of dealing with 'climate change', with 'reduction of CO2' and the like." THE REAL PURPOSE OF THIS LAW IS FAMINE, CONTROL AND DEATH
In France, the riots and chaos stopped after France abandoned its intention to leave NATO and called for a new "international taxation" in addition to the current taxes. Let's remember that Turkey was attacked with 300 earthquakes 2 days after announcing its desire to leave NATO and join BRICS.
The War between NATO and BRICS
"NATO is an arms trade organization and that they need wars and explosions to stay in business." Fulford
On the other hand, the BRICS nations are uniting in opposition to these Deep State structures. They reject the fake Fiat money of the Rothschild Central Banks. They want to set up their own payment system based on the gold standard.
Last week Putin banned 5G throughout the Russian Federation and dismantled existing towers in 3 largest cities. Now report comes, "Monday 14 August on Putin's orders, Russian Armed Forces executed a roomful of Telecom executives for raising a new 5G tower."
Now 45 countries plan to join BRICS before the Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. Thus, 85% of the world is ditching the fiat US Dollar.
Father Moon also spoke of this. If several nations unite and establish their own Central Banks and remove the tariff, transiting to free trade, they would prosper and set an example for such a transition on a global level.
That's why the war in Ukraine is regarded as a war between NATO and BRICS. And now Fulford says, "The defeated Zelensky signed contracts that handed over vast tracts of Ukraine, some of the most fertile agricultural land in the world, to BlackRock. Now that his faction has lost, many of these contracts will be null and void."
Video discussing some of the recent military activity around the world. Countries gaining sovereignty.
We Need Golden Standard in our Hearts, not in Money
With gold or without money lead to greed... The culture has to be changed to the Culture of Heart. A Revolution of Conscience is needed. Not gold..
We still need to find out is BRICS a solution or just a Trojаn Horse to usher the new age of digital currency. Kim says, they are now forcing the countries to join BRICS and accept this gold-backed digital money. They will be controlled by China, she warns, and come together with the implementation of digital passports for absolute control.
On the other side, we see Russia not supporting homosexuality and transgender, even punishing the production and sale of GMO as a terrorist act. Russia is portrayed as a White Hat worrier for human liberation. But can we forget that Hitler also publicly stood against these evils only so that he can bring those he attracts to demise. It's a satanic trick. No wonder we are still suspicious, remembering that these satanists always work in a very clever way to make us willingly accept their ways of tricking us. As someone said,
The Cabal always controls both, the side of villains and the side of opposing saviors. In this war with Satan, God is the only one we can trust. Observing the fact that some Masons already took positions among our leadership, makes us doubt even our own movement. The time will come when you can trust no one, Rev. Moon said."There is no team of good guys, no team of "Light Forces". Both teams work for the same master."
In this Documentary about the Royals, you can see how the truth about these Elite's satanic activities started to come out after 1999, and after 2012 the court cases started. Obviously without Lucifer's protection the fog of ignorance is collapsing. They have been involved in Satanism, Human Sacrifice and Pedophilia for generations and generations.
According to some Military sources, in 2020 the heads of all 13 satanic bloodlines got arrested. That's why Trump said, "The head of the snake has been cut first."
Jessie mentioned that the top of these Illuminati Bloodlines are German. I wonder what's the connection with the Nazi created secret space force? Remember, Hitler was from the bloodlines. Nazis were involved in Satanism, witchcraft and flying gravitational technologies under the control of Demonic powers (see). Is there are good force to be able to stand against their technologies? Ufos = German technology real / Aliens = Fake
"The head of the snake has been cut first."
On 30 July 2018, when Trump walked in front of the Queen - this was not an accident, but the very Royal protocol for surrender. It validates that he has taken back the Corporation. (1:10)
"Everything in our governments is captured. There is not even one Agency that is not working for the Corporation." (32:17)
The Department of Defense has the actual real result of the 2020 US election, she explained. To avoid civil war they allowed Biden, who is president only of the bankrupt, foreign Corporation - owned by the Crown, which also capitulated. See, QUEEN'S DEAD SIGNIFYING THE DEATH OF THE WESTERN POLITICAL AND MILITARY LEADERSHIP
And as she officially clarified,
"Biden is a legitimate president but only of what is now the bankrupt US Corporation. And that was a treaty of 1871... 2018 executive order outlines any foreign interference in future elections..." (CBN 30:40)
But the real war is on much higher technological and spiritual level, involving the Secret Space Force and fallen Angelic forces dominating from behind. The Deep State are created by them as external control mechanisms through the political structures. (Video)
Restore God's Love, Life and Lineage
"The work of engrafting will remove the connection with the satanic lineage.” Father Moon, CSG p.129
So the Messiah must accomplish absolute restoration of the lineage, renewing the blood line that was defiled by Satan. This transition must be made. This is why the Messiah must surely come. Without his coming, there will be no restoration of lineage. We must restore lineage. CSG, 127
True Parents.. must rectify the wrong lineage
that forms the root of the satanic world,
turn around the deviated life, and correct the misdirected course of love. The
Bible says… those who seek to live will
die… because the satanic world must die. 127
When God’s love, God’s life, and God’s lineage are established, Father Moon explained, “Satan will have to leave. The work of engrafting will remove the connection with the satanic
lineage.” 129
Our hearts break when we understand God’s lonely, desolate position, not surrounded
by the environment that should have
existed, accused by Satan, robbed of His
rightful place by the satanic world….
How much have you wept in sympathy
with God’s situation? 133
What is the original sin? It is love gone
wrong. Our love should have been connected to God’s love, life and lineage. Instead, it was connected to satanic love, life and lineage. Because Adam and Eve became the personifications of the devil and left behind the satanic lineage. 135
Why was the all-knowing, all-powerful
God of autonomous authority, who created heaven and earth from its root, so
helpless in the face of the evil being who
brought human beings to the state they
are in today? … Because Adam and Eve
became the personifications of the devil and left behind the satanic lineage. (So) Our love should have been connected to God’s love, life and lineage. Instead, it was connected to satanic love, life and lineage. 135
God regrets… is that
humanity inherited a false lineage. You
inherited false blood. Satan is the origin
of this. He always wants to create havoc
with all things of creation. You are connected to such a universe, such rights
of ownership and such a lineage. The
sources of all these five functions – what
you see, think, smell, say, and touch –
belong to the satanic side. 137
True Parents Must Appear
True Parents must appear. What do True Parents have to do? They must rectify the tainted lineage that forms the root of the satanic world, turn the resulting deviated life around, and correctly reopen the path of love that has gone the wrong way. 187
the True Parents who must appear on this earth representing God’s will? They are the ones who must prevail over the satanic world in order to rule over all things; they are to destroy Satan who dominates the human world. 191
someone on behalf of God must be victorious over Satan… as a child of direct lineage, he must fight with the satanic world and win over it for God. 192