Tuesday, August 18, 2020

THE RALLY OF HOPE In Time Of World Reset


In Time Of World Reset

People will see the world's largest transformation of wealth that we have ever seen - freeing everybody. What's important to remember is that GOD WINS. We live in a special time, when God is in control, despite the fact that while the SATANIC SIDE IS COLLAPSING things may seem chaotic - actually, it is all a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.  

By YuliUTS / August 16 Covid Update

After the Rally of Hope our HQ reported that the world platform will be transformed completely in the next few years; A complete World Reset; Space and Internet are becoming the main competition ground; The Space Force projects, like Space-X were mentioned and the upcoming free fast internet. Yes, these are the projects Trump and the White Hats are using to remove permanently the darkness from the face of the earth. Pastor Paula White, Spiritual Adviser to President Donald Trump, also contributed with her message and prayer. 
"Within a few years, a great transition of platform will take place.. Space-X... such projects are at the forefront of the digital platform revolution. The era of instant communication and exchange, True Mother emphasizes, is upon us... Current fight... has moved to a race for hegemony over platforms. Especially digital ones... However, a unified world cannot be realized if God remain absent from any platform and selfishness takes precedence." Dr. Yun, International Director
There are numerous global changes happening in the next few years, to open the way for restored nations. We live in unbelievable, historic time of transition. As the US Space Force explains:
"This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental to deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour." Steven Kwast, US Space Force
Moving away from wars and restructuring the military are not the only paradigm changes undergoing under the cover of Covid-19. There are many things that are in the process of restructuring right now under the leadership of DIA. The banking system reset is surely a major historic turn. Of course, there are many clash-backs. Yet, much efforts are invested to make the process as safe as possible. And as you see the internet is providing a great base for True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon, to elevate and focus our hearts on fulfilling God's Ideal and settling the Culture of Heart. More and more great people will stand on our side.
"We have a lot of excited Hollywood people that are sick of the Hollywood degeneracy, that are coming out trying to help us make a new Hollywood." A. Steinbart from DIA

Online Rally of Hope for the Realization of a Heavenly Unified World ISCP

Rejoice in the Lord always. Do not be anxious in anything.

Many of you wonder till when we will wear masks and keep partial lockdowns? The answer is clear; until the Good Forces win completely over the Dark Forces so that the Transition to the new peaceful world can be done. See the last report on the Underground War. And be sure that's happening with the total support of the Good Spirit world, under Father Moon's guidance. God is cleansing the world. 
"A massive surge of positive feelings is powering a deep shift worldwide. Optimism and joy are creating peace in everyone as they are filled with an instinctive knowing of truth and humanity’s potential for loving change." THE EVENT

In the last week, we saw bombings in several key places in the world, like Beirut. Actually, there were several more. Reportedly, the Dark Side did some attacks, and the White Hats had to act, to destroy some bases of the Dark Hats to prevent millions of deaths. We saw deep tunnels found underneath. (1)(2) These bombings will open the way to disclose the role of Israel in 9/11 and Fukushima attacks. Asked if he is saving the world, Trump said:

"We are saving the world from a radical left philosophy that will destroy this country and when this country is gone, the rest of the world will follow." Trump, C-SPAN2



In the last news, we see 30 thousand pedophiles arrested in Germany. We have thousands and thousands of arrests in US and all over the world. Cool stuff! The report just came on 87 politicians arrested for pedophilia. (7) So we cannot deny that something big is happening. 

"More and more people are becoming aware that we are experiencing the initial stages of a massive paradigm shift. A lot of things had happened since 2012 to pave the way for this." Prepare for Change

At the same time, we see the Underground war expanding to further parts of the world. DUMBs-taking-earthquakes are all over the world - more than before. Already 92 % of the underground bases in USA are under the White Hats control. Yet, in Latin America, only 8% are liberated. Yet, many island bases are being liberated just recently - many bases, under islands, under big mountains and in natural parks. Pray, for it is still ongoing process around the world. (3)

As we already explained in the previous Unificationist Weekly Update on the Coronavirus Plandemic; This is a cover-up not only for the military operation of Draining the Swamp but at the same time a Global Currency Reset. Economics, Production, Transport, Medicine and Education, will all be transformed. The world platform is completely changing, but all you see now is the demolition of the old system. 

"People will see the world's largest transformation of wealth that we have ever seen - freeing everybody." 

Once the transition is done, people will see the world's largest transformation of wealth that we have ever seen - freeing everybody. In this special time, I encourage you to use discernment and listen to your heart. Just as Father Moon told us, be the first to investigate and find the truth. 

Thus you see why the Lockdowns are still kept, for your protection. In the report, you see the base for free-energy that was liberated. See energy from vacuum to learn what they were hiding from us. Keshe also explains these gravitational-plasma technologies. Hold your horses to object that, for US Space Force officially declared free energy will be released for all of humanity. Over 6000 patents will be disclosed with life-changing technological inventions. 

"As Divine Principle says, once our spirituality is restored we will see fast scientific and technological jump towards the most pleasant living environment."

And if you are Unificationists, please be sure you know what The Washington Times stands for. Don't stay on Satan's side. Don't stay against Father's ideas. Please make sure you understand what Trump stands for. 

  • He is the first president not to go in war with any nation
  • He is the first who went on tackling the pedophilia and child trafficking
  • He is the first president to expose corrupt Royals, Politicians and Bankers
  • He is the first to remove the Federal Reserve from the private hands

It is the good forces behind Trump, who elected him for that mission. It is urgent to stop the misuse of technology by godless governments. I already have expanded somewhat on that global military and intelligence operation for ending the evil banking control, pedophilia, drugs and child trafficking. I published also some cool stuff on the upcoming financial reset.

Trump: "When I get re-elected I will ELIMINATE the payroll tax PERMANENTLY." (4)

The new quantum banking system eliminates all middle people between you and what you are paying (Moving out of the Petrol Dollar). Instead of the bank “to streamline its business processes across multiple departments and external entities”, the Quantum Banking's, “automation of processes will remove all unnecessary manual intervention in transaction processing”. That will not only give you much freedom and convenience but eliminate the corrupt banking control that was devastating the world. HUMANITY WILL GAIN FREEDOM



We are talking about some much bigger spiritual and moral changes forced upon humanity by the highest Heavenly force. 

Think of God's Heart and the pain He had to endure, observing the crimes against His children. Since Lucifer's act of sexually seducing Eve, humanity lost it's freedom and was disconnected from God. Eve was yet underage. This was a pedophile act. God's children were forced, misused, abused and raped ever since. 
"823 children were pulled out of a Tunnel last night. 53 dead. 23 had to be euthanized."
Now we see thousands and thousands of abused children being liberated from all kinds of underground bases used by the elite satanic Cabal. (5) See Trump admitting the reality of this child trafficking (6) and dedicating half a billion for stoping it. (7) From this latest news, you should understand why "Pedophiles will be jailed for LIFE under new laws set to pass parliament today." 
"No escape: 87 republican and democrat politicians charged for pedophilia." (7)
Remember, all borders, wars, resentments, corruption and sickness were Lucifer's inventions, for keeping humanity unable to develop spiritually. And who is Lucifer? Who are the Fallen Angels? Extraterrestrial - otherdimensional, spiritual beings, seeking to subjugate the human mind in all sorts of ways. Those who served Lucifer on earth were allowed to be rich by accepting the practice of pedophilia, child murder and cannibalism. See "Pizza Gate." These were the elite 1% of humanity. Imagine what a demonic force had controlled them? Read the Bible. Read the Principle. It's all there. 
"Obviously people will be pretty mortified once they realize what's going on. So to destruct them from being horrified, we will just show them bunch of cool stuff." A. Steinbart

And the purpose is to join everyone in supporting the creation of a peaceful world. That's why R. D. Steel said, "I think most of these sealed indictments are not to be open. They are there to neutralize people." Remember, we are talking about millions of people, not all can be executed and put to prison. 


I saw it spiritually in 2015. Charlies Ward was told 6 years ago that it's going to happen. In December last year, they told him, "We are starting next year Charly. We will collapse the world's economy." Everything he was told, has happened. 
"They had to collapse the world economy in order to bring the financial reset. It almost happened at instant, under the cover of Covid-19." Charlies Ward
As Trump said, "I'm gonna give you your God-given right of freedom." Now the government has to be restored in the proper way. They eliminated the Federal Reserve and are now re-educating all the Judges and Layers in the new constitution. We are all moving into the new quantum financial system and GESARA will be part of that. The job is huge, but as an investigative reporter wrote, "Trump does the unthinkable." 
"Funds to restart the global economy will be released this fall, they say. Believe only when you see it."

Questions and Answers
The evil side is cooperating in their downfall

Question: Yes! Here in Korea COVID 19 is going sometimes up and down. Is COVID 19 so dangerous? These days also I see that new virus is coming from China.

Answer: Ignorance will not help. Up and Down, what? What virus? Statistically, this is a joke. Fewer people are sick or die than in any other season. Yet, there are way bigger things happening behind this fake pandemic. We have to just OPEN OUR EYES. Lockdown has to be kept with lies, till the WAR IS OVER. The evil side is cooperating in their downfall.

Q: Yes I know that everything looks like lier but almost Korean people are so afraid bcs of virus

Answer: There is no virus! It's a War! Biological attacks - Microwave attacks. Now even Nuclear attacks, so many places in the world. So, they try to keep you home - BE PROTECTED. Because it's War. (Emergency Martial Las was invoked: Follow my Chen to learn the aims, the actions taken and the results to come).

Q: Yes! I read your information every time and when I read it I feel very good, you are teaching us many good things.

Answer: One cannot take down the Satanic Banking Mafia, that controlled the world, and expects no counter attacks. Be serious - it's not a joke. We are in the process of hunting down some very reach and dangerous people, who have a network of highly evil ponds all over the place.

Destroying the institutions of Evil is much harder than simple arrest

209 nations are united in an effort to protect the people while the transition is over. (See THE PLAN) So the news has to keep pumping lies to keep people calm. At the same time, all structures of the Satanic Cabal have to cooperate or be exposed, one by one. To make a soft and peaceful transition many of them have to cooperate. WAR IS OVER

War is over... everything is over... this is only playing out to wake us many people as possible on their own volition. (8)

Q: Ye this so serious time for heaven. So I think it takes a long time to turn to normal times

Answer: Soon people will learn that cooperation with the spirit world is a very substantial thing. So substantial - You cannot make a difference. Father talked about that. I hear about Government preparations to disclose that very soon.

Q: Wa, this is so good

Answer: Both, the evil side and the good side are in direct communication with the spirit world. That's why this transition is possible. Don't you think True Father has to do something with that? It took him few years to organize the spirit world and prepare for this D-Day World Reset. See, REV. MOON PREDICTED THE CORONAVIRUS JUDGEMENT DAY
"For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way. Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by the splendor of his coming." 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8
Since True Father (Rev. Moon) mobilized all presidents in the spirit world, do you think they work with TM, or they come down and work with the Presidents? (The Presidents) Therefore, the world leaders will do their job in cleansing the satanic structures on earth and those who are good will come to support the Culture of Heart. Thus the way for restored nations will open. And it's a lot to clean everywhere - see examples - see what kind of people took over Education and were involved with every aspect of the society. (9) See, NOSTRADAMUS USED DIRECTLY THE NAME "MOON" TO DEPICT THE NEW MESSIANIC

Q: Presidents are so powerful so all the nations people can follow them easier

Answer: True! Now that they will be free from the control of the Deep State, they can do that on God's side, or they will be exposed for their crimes and changed. It is happening right now.  To transit to a God-centered world, think of how many things have to be restructured completely; The education, the medical system, the economic system, the political system, the judiciary system and so on. These systems were all under Satan's control until now. 

Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Media - WAR against humanity
The Great Awakening is not just for the Rothchilds and the Hollywood. It includes also exposing the Big Pharma and the media, all included in this fraudulent scheme. 

Medicine was turned into a tool of Big-pharma and the Eugenics ideology. (10) It became the third biggest cause of death, instead of leading humanity into the original state of health and happiness. Now you see why Covid lockdown brought to many empty hospitals, reported all over the place. The health structures need a full transformation to align with God's ideals and principles. Now that's coming with full force. Meany revolutionary healing technologies are prepared to be disclosed. LIBERATION IS ON THE WAY. 


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