Operation Game Over
The righteous don’t complain of darkness, but increase light. They don’t complain of ignorance, but increase wisdom.
Just In: A very secret Act, signed by Trump, was now revealed to close insiders. According to it, Biden will be allowed short presidency. People will have to see the reality and get scared, feel like in very tide shoos. And than imagine the relief when they take off those shoos.
And check the huge rise of hotel prices in DC around 4-6 March. Something big is coming. Why an Inauguration event is scheduled? At the same time, the Khazar mafia is beginning to totally lose control of its cunning justification for vaccinating. INDIA wants MORE Pfizer TESTING, so Pfizer LEAVES India while a rare, deadly blood disease is linked to the vaccine. And as Benjamin Fulfort wrote:
Riots and demonstrations against cowardly fascism broke out all over the world. [1] Pfizer executives are actively being hunted and killed and will soon be an extinct species, White Dragon Society sources promise. [2]
Insider: "Nothing could be more obvious. Declassification, arrests, game overturning. We are close! Don't plan anything for March and April. This is the time." The swamp is being cleared. Arrests and resignations continue. It just seems like nothing is happening.
More layoffs of chief executive officers.More layoffs of Senators.More layoffs of members of Congress.
Liberating God and Exposing Lucifer as Criminal Against Humanity
"True love can conquering even hell... With the limitless power of true love, the Kingdom of Heaven will be established on Earth." Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
At the same time the Divine Principle is teaching us how to expose Satan's crimes and the sexual immorality he has wrote in society (after the pedophile act of the Fall). Father Moon established the model course of Victory Over Communism, as ideological victory over the satanic system of taught. He was clear, that without ideological victory over the humanist-free-sex culture, the world will not be liberated.
And now is the time for this victory. We should wake up to understand how big is the power of our spirit:Satanic Values Brainwashing
Do you want your young girls turning in boys? This business is growing and getting unstoppable.
For the members who still didn't understand that Trump-Biden inevitable war is a moral war; a war of values: Trump stopped financing of Planed Parenthood, Biden restored it. The war is on your children, expanding Transgender business: Planned Parenthood's Dangerous Gender Hormone Program for Teens
This is a Military Intelligence Operation. There is a firewall on the information, to the point that even close to the President (still Trump) are not told what's going on. Very important not to have leaks in that critical time. Yet, people should observe the signs of where this Cultural War is heading (3)(4):
Mother Theresa's Order Caught Trafficking Babies (5) Do you think she started this on her own, or all this is a part of way bigger international activity? How hight do you thing goes the level of protection for these predators?
How is The Fall of Man connected to today's reality? You know the principle of Cause and Effect. President Trump’s announcement that he is going after high profile child sex offenders was directly linked to the painful reality of child sex trafficking. The problem is so serious - See, The Hillary Child-Sex Tape Is Worse Than You Can Imagine
Attorney Lin Wood dropped a MOAB, disclosing that Epstein is alive and well, and, it turns out, in the government’s Witness Protection Program. (1) He had documents and computer records that could cripple the Deep State and Democratic establishment.
A five-volume set with deep research of the deep Satanic pedophilic nature of most of today's leaders. Only the truth can help to take down the Deep State and the Satanists, Pedophiles, & Secret Societies that Torture Children and have spread their evil spider-net over humanity for centuries.
Book 1: Antiquity to Today the Ruling Elite’s Pedophile Bloodlust for Children
Book 2 The British Royal Family, Pedophilia, the End of Parasitic Monarchy
Book 3:The Rothschild Illuminati Bloodline and Ties to More British Scandals
Book 4: Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Operations
Book 5: Elite’s Sinister Agenda to Normalize and Decriminalize Pedophilia
"Space and Time are able to change depending on the level of human vibrations, quickly moving from one dimension to another." Heart Resonance
Yet, The Divine Principle explains that stopping the sexual immorality will be the most difficult task. The Principle clearly explains how Satan uses sexual last to control leaders and even priests. The insider from the Trump's team explaining the war with these evil forces, said:
"These entities, that seek to enslave us. Be they earthly or otherworldly Demons, at the end of the day is some how the Devine intervention that can save us. Thus, prayer is very important." Juan O Savin
Do you want your young girls turning in boys? This business is growing and getting unstoppable.
Mother Theresa's Order Caught Trafficking Babies (5) Do you think she started this on her own, or all this is a part of way bigger international activity? How hight do you thing goes the level of protection for these predators?
You can find thousands of such stories. Now you see why Trump spent the last four years combating child predators and why they hate him so much. As Juan O. Savin said, "Satanic pedophilia is the main aspect now that needs to be brought under control! If we cannot protect the innocent - children and young women (the weak who cannot do it alone), then we cannot protect anything!"
Why do you think so many CEOs left their positions; Zuckerbert, Bezos... ??? Why official record shows they are arrested? What's really happening? (See)
Not only in politics, but in so many areas of life, the situation is so wrecked, that is no way to fix it. As Juan O Savin explained that Military is in control and is not giving complete power to Biden's side. In his words, National Guard should have some supper cleaner, and do number of flashes to clear those filthy pipes. And keep sharp eyes for all the swamp creatures, they may attempt to escape through tunnels and coming out at strange places, some even at 100s of miles away.
"The Royal families believe they are descendants of Cain, who came from the relationship of Eve with Lucifer (Other dimensional Alien). They don't see themselves as humans, but as a higher race." Juan O Savin
Trump embarrassed them, when he stood in front of the Queen, he explained. And it's not about arresting just some pedophiles. No, it has to be thorough. It's vast operation. It takes time. Has to be done completely, so they don't just pup up somewhere else.
"We still have to protect our people. We are under a direct attack. These people that seek to subjugate us and make us their sheep, and farm us as animals, are not going to win. And it's not because we are so smart or have a fearless leader... but because of Devine intervention." Juan O Savin
The Covid-19 will reportedly end by May. We have to agree that the danger is yet big in this invisible war. The Khazar mafia will leave with teeth and claws and appear to be carrying out repeated acts of sabotage, such as the destruction of a German power plant and an attempt to poison Florida's water supply. [10] The polar vortex that is hitting Texas now is also a space attack, say U.S. space forces. [11]
We are tired of waiting
SuntaSurfing rightly asks, "When you have the evidence... why do you prolong the farce? Why force people stay home? How long? We are tired of the secrecy of the bad actors and now the secrecy of the supposed good guys.
We constantly hear of people on all levels being arrested, but majority of people don't even hear of that. When there is going to be press-conferences and direct information? Yet, the only answer was, that (1) the war is still very dangerous and (2) they cannot act as dictators, but has to be done according to the law.
As Unificationst, my comment is the following. To reeducate the world, they think they have to first bring people to the brink of destruction. That only then they will wake up. But that's not true. We all learned the Principle and experienced our awakening in a Workshops, in a loving atmosphere. It's a matter of education. The fear method of education applied now is a Satanic technique, to create a problem and than present the solution.
We don't like seeing that the supposedly good guys are using the same Satanic techniques. They should receive True Parent's teaching and learn the correct way. They should higher lecturers from the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) to educate the world in the Culture of Heart.
Of course, we don't know everything they are facing. My observations are that they do everything to protect the people and are really working very systematically. Each months I witnessed how they work on exposing different problem and holding quietly their operations. A lot of things happening
Operation Game Over
Pedophilia is how the Deep State recruits people. In Operation Game Over 75 people were arrested for human trafficking at the Super Bowl.75 people were arrested during Operation Game Over, calling it a record number of arrests. (Video) Three of them are accused of human trafficking. "The abhorrent practice of human trafficking is a crime that is nothing less than modern - day slavery," Chronister told a news conference. "We are not and will not weaken our efforts to stop this."
Undercover detectives have been monitoring hotels, motels, massage parlors and online chat rooms. The youngest suspect was 19 years old, and the oldest was 73 years old. 6 women were rescued. "We are trying to dry out the demand."
We don't want to discredit the complete operation. So we wait appropriate moment to get them, so that they don't connect that this is a vast operation to catch them all.
Satanic Empire
Book 1: Antiquity to Today the Ruling Elite’s Pedophile Bloodlust for Children
Book 2 The British Royal Family, Pedophilia, the End of Parasitic Monarchy
Book 3:The Rothschild Illuminati Bloodline and Ties to More British Scandals
Book 4: Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Operations
Book 5: Elite’s Sinister Agenda to Normalize and Decriminalize Pedophilia
"These corrupt people earned hundreds of trillions of dishonest incomes. Who do you think received this money? You know. The Rothschilds, for example, were trillionaires. Yes, with the letter T. Bezos, Gates, and Musk look inconspicuous. Do you know how much gold the Vatican has acquired? Tons upon tons. It all belongs to us humans now. And this wonderful time is coming, which is why "the best is yet to come.»
God's Work to Overthrow Satan
The Biblical history is describing the attempt to overthrow the Satanic control over this world. God had to raise people who cold stand up against the Satanic control dominating humanity as slaves. Took him thousands of years to find one family to start; expand it into tribe and nation in few hundred years period.
Despite the effort to abolish this Satanic culture Israelites, as well as Christians later, were always infiltrated and hacked again and again by these vicious Satanic schemes. The Bible describes the succession of good kings on God's side, and bad kings resorting again to satanic practices.
What was the major fight? All the Satanic civilizations were based on satanic practices of pedophilia, ritual sex and murders, financial control and taxation - Practices of the ruling elite today. Which shows you that the war with Satanism is yet to be won.
The real believers in God were always trying to establish a moral and peaceful culture, based on stabile families and absolute values. The Satanic forces did everything to prevent that, through free sex, destruction of the families, making all values relative, and provoking constant wars and struggles. They attacked and infiltrated God's side every way possible, thus God could be unable to work. Read the Full Text
- Abraham destroyed the Satanic idols and moved out after God's call
- Moses led his descendants out of the Satanic culture of Egypt
- Israelites fought against the Canaanite Satanist culture
- Jesus was substantially to lead humanity of of it, but was killed before even marrying
- Rev. Moon was asked by Jesus to end it by raising the Culture of True Families
- Trump moved to physically arrest and destroy all pedophile Satanic practices
Providence in Subjugating Satan
2000 BC - Tribal victory for God: Abraham was successful in moving out of the Satanic practices and creating tribe free of it. His son and grandson (Jacob) inherited and continued that tradition.
Moses successfully started a nation educating it to resist this Satanic practices. He educated them, that the Snake Canaanites warship, making sexual and ritual killing, is in fact Lucifer, who became Satan by seducing Eve sexually (to eat the fruit of knowledge).
When 400 years later some Israelites accepted Satanic practices, the kingdom was divided (those who practice North, those who resist South). When South was also invaded by practicing Satanism, God made them fall and exile.
2000 yrs later - Jesus initiated world level of Separation from these Satanic practices. For this reason the prepared nation was to accept him and through them he was to educate the Roman Empire and liberate the world. Satan invested all his power to kill him and prevent that, but Jesus succeeded spiritually and promised Second Advent (3rd Adam, to finish this completely).
2000 yrs later - Rev. Moon was called by Jesus. Same like Jesus was rejected by the Jewish priests at his time, Father Moon's warning was not followed by the Christian ministers in 1945-1952. So he promised to God that in 40 years he will raise world foundation to Subjugate Satan, which he completed by 1985, when he already founded Washington Times and got many Christians to hear him. Communism had to collapse in few years.
Thus 1992 he started the Completed Testament Age (7 yers), blessed 400 million families - cutting them off from Satan's lineage. Based on that Lucifer had to step out in 1999. His power was no longer behind the evil Satanic structures on earth. His evil structures on earth continued desperately, but the good was now free to also develop its foundation, which was completed by 2012.
2012 - Cosmic lever of restoration started with Rev. Moon ascension. Began the spiritual shift towards the Golden Age. Spiritual awakening started in both, the physical and the spiritual world. In 7 yrs he united all religious founders in the extraterrestrial world and mobilized them to descend and transform the earth. Several nations were prepared to accept the Culture of Heart.
The End of the Deep Satanic State
2016 the good forces, dedicated to remove the Satanic control, succeeded to elect Trump in power. After 3 years of successful court-cases and arrests, the stage was set up to arrest all top structures of the Satanic pyramid. Se the section, "Who is Q", to understand the prehistory of this world wide military operation.
2020 - Under the cover of Coronavirus started massive cleaning of all lower satanic structures; Banking, Big Corporations, WHO, Governments, Activists (like ANTIFA). You see how it goes systematically through the pyramid - top down. So next will be cleansing Media, Education and cleaning the Religions of the Satanic infiltration. In this regard Vatican was cleaned, over 300 priests arrested, Pope resigned.
Satan always worked to invade God's side
What was the major fight? All the Satanic civilizations were based on satanic practices of pedophilia, ritual sex and murders, financial control and taxation - Practices of the ruling elite today. Which shows you that the war with Satanism is yet to be won.
The real believers in God were always trying to establish a moral and peaceful culture, based on stabile families and absolute values. The Satanic forces did everything to prevent that, through free sex, destruction of the families, making all values relative, and provoking constant wars and struggles. They attacked and infiltrated God's side every way possible, thus God could be unable to work. Read the Full Text
Dear Y.UTS, I consider your surprising friend request an extraordinary honour to me, and I rushed to confirm it with delight!
...like both of us and most of our mutual friends, we have a lot of them already... Indeed, some recent postings on your page confirm to me what I heard from another conservative American compatriot, resident in Vienna, the heart of Good Old Europe, like I am resident here.
I hope that these sensational things, which are reported in your postings, are truly going on in our "land of the brave", and that our America is turning to become the "Nation under God" again, as it was designed and planned by the Founding Fathers!
Being a fervent Trump supporter, like most of our mutual friends, I raise my eyes upwards to Heaven together with all of you, my Compatriots, praying:
Let it happen, Father in Heaven!
Make it true!
Shield our good Christian President Trump!
Save America! Save us Christians, who are Thy loyal fighters for the light against the apocalyptic powers of darkness,
save Thy Christian World from the Antichrist's grip! Amen.
How do you destroy the mockingbird media? Script a movie, feed them a false narrative that tickles their ears, and let them run with it and self destruct. Trap set. They'll never recover from it. Trump controls the narrative. Checkmate.
The Vatican pedophile network is closed. All the gold has been repatriated to the US Treasury. These monsters no longer have the funds to build new bases, secret experiments on people, bullying children. The clique is drained of blood. Do you think all this would have been possible if the Rothschilds, for example, the Vatican gang or the members of the Bilderberg 300 Club still had some power? The answer is no.
All of them have been disarmed, and their families have been arrested. You may believe it or not, you may like it or not, but the battle is on and the advantage is on the Light side. Let's be patient, we will receive an exceptional reward."
August 7, 2020.
"There are many, many powerful enemies, because of which you and I will have to part for a while and we will not see each other. There are a lot of rich enemies and they are absolutely not happy with what I do. But we have one chance to do it, and no president in history has done what I'm going to do."
"It is important not just to listen, but to hear. Trump bluntly told us that he needed some time out of sight to save his life. He said he was going to destroy them all, so they could do anything to him. I think this speech alone was enough for the Deep State to start organizing a second impeachment. Trump openly threatened them.
Watch for the many other subtle clues given to us over the long period of time before Trump's "departure." Pay attention to the "coincidences" and nuances of Biden's "presidency". How many times has Trump said that the best is yet to come? We're not done yet. Hold the line."
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