Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Hittites & the Mystery of Vladimir Putin

Doubles of Putin, Stalin, Yeltsin, Gorbachev

Historic testimonies and photos and videos of how these leaders were always using doubles. Doubles were used also by the Kings hundreds of years ago. Historic sources point to a practice that started with the Hittite kings, but the origins could be in the previous civilizations. 

Grooming look-alikes to act like the leader during public events allowed the real leaders to script from behind the scenes without fear of assassination.

Source: Proposal for world federation

The mystery of Vladimir Putin

Information came by many Russians about the mystery of Vladimir Putin. In the video you can see clearly that not only are there multiple Putins but there were also multiple Boris Yeltsins and multiple copies of the same Czar.
The various Putins can be seen in the picture below:

This information allowed this writer to figure out this mystery. In recent years, multiple sources including the Pentagon have talked about how Western leaders were being replaced with clones. 

Video: Putin's strange reincarnations

The Hittite Leaders

Checking the historical sources, I found that behind this mystery is a clone business. The predecessors of the Hyksos were the Hittites in what is now Anatolia, Turkey. The Hittite leaders were being constantly killed in never ending power struggles. The Hyksos solved this problem by placing puppets on the throne and keeping the real leadership secret. The puppets could be replaced by look-alikes whenever they were killed.

How this could be possible? It would simply be a matter of finding several identical people and grooming them to act like a leader during public events. The real leaders could then write the “acting presidents’” scripts from behind the scenes without fear of assassination.

The question then is of finding out who the real script writers or secret leaders are. Thanks to the internet and the ongoing global awakening, a lot of them have already been flushed out. We all know about the Rothschilds, the George Soros types, Freemasons, the gnostic Illuminati, the P2 lodge etc.

What these various secret groups all have in common is that highly influential people gather in secret and form a consensus. They then force the public puppets like Prime Ministers etc. to carry out whatever decisions were made in secret.

Human Experiment Systems

The organization and the human experiment we call Democracy, was just an experiment, so is Communism, so is Socialism and other forms of government. Those are all human experiments, Kymberly explains. (21:00 min)

Non of the governments were really governing. They were only a management stuff of different departments of a world government, that goes back 250 thousand years. 

The World Government includes those of the seal. The seal does not include any humans. We know them as Enki, Murdok, Lucifer, Anti-Source, etc. According to all the treaties and agreements, that was your world government. 

Governments were only guardians, nannies, by proxy only. They had to give people the perception of choosing their leader. Never was there a vote from the people that mattered. The World Government was always making the final decision. 

Replacing the World Leaders with Doubles

Do there also now exist benevolent secret groups fighting for the average man and not for the benefit of a Satan worshipping elite. If they do, they need to stay secret in order to avoid assassination by the Satanists, the author says.

The so called White Hats claim to be such a group. Col. Riccardo Bosi explaining their gradual take down of the Satanic pyramid from top down: 

"At the highest level they've been take up to some time now. May be 3 and a half years, at the highest level they were gone. So, progressively the instructions have been coming from the White Hats into the lower level of the Black Hats chain of command, and down to the useful idiots at the bottom. But the Black Hats don't know it, because the White Hats understand how the Black Hats work, and they understand the blind obedience, even the most insane instructions, they will follow. So, they've been working the way down. And now we are at the very bottom. Just about every system on the planet has been taken care of. But again, it's extraordinary complex. And now is the last phase of the conflict, it has to transition to conventional war." (12:34)

So, over a period of time the White Hats have infiltrated the entire system and took control. The largest one of which is Twitter. But now there are real targets that have to be taken down, he said. "This war is 60% fraud and 40% force. White Hats are substantially destroying Black Hats' infrastructure, personal, systems."

They don't need nukes. They have control of energy weapons that will take your mind blow. It's not a battle of equals anymore. The rats are gonna lose. They are going down, he said. 

There will be bombs, Bosi said, and that will scare people, but actually that's a cover for these final operations. It will be some small mopping up down the road, as some of these cockroaches are hiding in places. To be honest, it may take up to a century to get the last ones out. Because they will hide, rebrand and regroup. But we will see the face of victory very soon. 

The Huge Bureaucratic Machine Today

As we all have noticed since Covid, we are now in a period of collapsing the all experiment structures and preparing the transition into a new AI experiment system, for better or worse. 

Video: Trump and Musk discus the vast corruption DOGE have found. It's time this big corrupted machine be gone. Of course, their manipulative work can now be now easily replaced by AI. And naturally, AI can imprison humanity (expanding the control to rediculous levels) or empower humanity with new opportunities. As Elon Musk said:

"AI will quickly surpass the human ability to control it... AI should be maximally truth seeking and also curious... to see humanity develop. Humanity is more interesting, than not humanity," Musk says.

The most important question is, who is behind this AI? Who is implementing this new system?

Surely that's all a part of the plan of the World Government, that was not human. But Lucifer was gone, since 1999, and Murdock too, since 2016? Kymberly and the White Hats claim that most of those taking and distributing their orders are also gone. Both sides claiming, that since 2012 God is in control.

Here is some difference; The White Hats claim that the top-heads of the Illuminati Bloodlines were also eliminated, and Rothschilds were taken down. Whilst, Kymberly says, that:

"Rothschild Family seems to be fencing themselves right now as the King maker. They tried to ratify Trump and other heads of states. People go on like it actually happened, but at the end they cannot pay the bills. Because, again, they were only managers of the paper currency system." 

All the paper money were bills, she explains. And at the end, you better pay the bills or you are in trouble. The ability to issue such bills used to be the Federal Reserve. Treasure Department was not part of the Government either. 

The creation of the Central Banking system was not assigned by Rothschilds, and was not assigned by humans. Governments, the Secret Space program, the Order of the Dragon, Rothschild Family, Black Nobilities, Kymberly says, 

"All of these people, claiming they control something, while in reality they control nothing... They were just puppets on the string, just as all the rest of us."

About all the Elders from different countries claiming to have access to bunch of assets, Kim says: 

"The Trump's Operatives are now trying to reclaim the assets from all of these various countries, thinking that US assigned them. No, you didn't! You just became the front guy for the World Government." 

"Just because we have bunch of Secret Space Force and CIO militaries in the White House right now does not mean that they are going to control the Global Intelligence Agency," Kim says. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Satanic Rituals Under Churches

Satanic Ritual Celebrations Under Churches

We reported before, that after WWII a commission was set to examine the damage of the Church buildings in Europe. 80% of the Christian Churches were found to have a hidden Satanic altar under the Christian one. 

While I was at UTS, Father Moon was sending Archbishop Millingo to explain to us how Cardinals and Priests in Vatican were practicing Satanism underground Vatican. But most people don't even know what are the Satanic practices. 

Here is a court testimony that shows you what was done under Christian Temples.

From the Court Case Affidavits:

(At the age of 6 Jessie experienced 1000 deaths a month. For the first time you can get a glimpse into the real evil nature and substantial reality of Satanism in our times. Those practicing it are born in this Luciferian bloodline, raised with these practices. She and many other insiders testify, these bloodlines number more than 80 million people, plus hundreds more millions closely serving them and participating partially. Their hierarchy is very strict and organized, always following Lucifer's spiritual directives. This will help you understand why it was so difficult for God to restore the world until now, and why for the first time in history there is a hope for the liberation of God and humanity.)

They brought out several children around age 8- 10, boys and girls and laid them with their hands and feet tied across the table width wise. Their heads were on top table and their feet hanging over. I was 6 years old. 15 foot or longer thick wood table set up to feast at. It was 1984 at St Peter’s Rockford Church in the main Underground Ritual area. 

I remember there were Elite men who came into the ritual room from the tunnel system underneath the sanctuary with white chef like coats and hats. (She mentions world known presidents) High Priests were presiding over the ceremony... their Assassins secured the children by rope to the table... dressed in their black ceremonial robes. (...dress that was made of aborted fetus skulls 

Books for rituals made of human skin with human hair binding... blood is applied for the spell to shows up. 

These children were given paralyzing drug, yet they were fully conscious. 

Children could see what was coming. They were told they would be dinner. Women brought plates and set the table around the children. On other tables sat the lower members.

After taunting... cut the top of the skull off the first child and  served pieces of his brain slowly so the child knew he was being eaten alive... moved from one child to the next as High Priests and Priestesses from the surrounding tables began to line up and he served the children’s brains and other body parts like a Holiday meal.

When they were done, one more little girl to be brought out, about 8 years old, naked...  she began to cut the girl’s scalp. The girl fought... to finish the job of taking the top of her skull off. They are skilled at all forms of witchcraft and medical torture techniques. So they knew exactly where to cut so she remained alive for longer time. They are small pieces of her brain but did not fully consume her to death. Then they ripped her body up through the railroad ties and threw her on her back before me. The blood was all over me and the surrounding areas... all those present let me in the room with the bodies and kneeling in a pool of blood.

I heard the little girl whimper. She could not speak because they had ripped her tongue out of her mouth... There are no words for what I saw in her eyes. As I looked the Lord said to me. “Do not turn your eyes away from your own flesh and blood.”

Source- / / /


Satanic Rituals in Hollywood

Now, Diddy organized crime sex trafficking investigation has led to the involvement of over 85% of government officials including judges, senators, House of Representatives, Obama, Biden and Trump.

Sean 'Diddy' Combs inner circle has exposed 'red rooms,' where young girls were raped. He had the power to traffic and sell children to anyone they chose.

FBI declassifies files on the CIA's involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking. Ted Gunderson explains details. (30:05)

Mell Gibson, who was appointed as Ambassador to transform Hollywood, says, "Hollywood is more than just a playground for the rich - it is a cesspool of exploatation, and satanic rituals... They've hidden in the shadows long enough. It's time to burn it all down." (31:34)

Acting on tips from Gibson the military was pointed at the locations where children were drained of their blood. (Video)

Dismantling Elite Pedophile Networks

As Lieutenant Col. Riccardo Bosi said, "We now shifted to a visible, conventional war, so those who were not aware of what's been going on can see the possibilities... There is gonna be this avalanche of success, where for many, many years all we've seen was frustration."

"As of January 2025,a global military alliance is dismantling elite pedophile networks with unprecedented precision. Military helicopters, unmarked convoys, and black ops teams are striking... Reports indicate an increase inhigh-stakes raids across the UK and Europe. Private estates, underground bunkers, and even elite social clubs have been targeted." (40:45)

Rapper P-Diddy's daughter, as well as Jesse Czebotar pointed that the recent storms and fires are occurring areas connected to Trafficking, Occult Rituals, Satanic and Pedophile communities. See, LIBERATE OUR CHILDREN

Tunnel network beneath Los Angeles

Wildfire Investigators have uncovered a vast subterranean tunnel network beneath Los Angeles. (41:19) Built with high-tech security and designed to keep whatever they are doing down there hidden from the outside world. (see 43:38 min)

This labyrinth of hidden passages, tied to a sinister child trafficking operation, has been linked to some of Hollywood's most exclusive neighborhoods. Tunnels connected A-list celebrities' mansions to a main artery stretching through Hollywood and Pacific Palisades. Dozens of children were found - some rescued alive, others tragically not.

The Pedophile act of Lucifer

If you read the Divine Principle revelations you know that all Satanic Rituals practiced for thousands of years originate in the Pedophile act of Lucifer seducing sexually Eve, while she was still a young and immature girl. Once involving the angels that followed him to have homosexual activities among themselves and have sex with women, Lucifer was blackmailing them with the threat that if that's revealed to God they will be punished. This way he kept them in fear and motivated them to do more evil to multiply their foundation to prevent that punishment. See, CHAPTER 2: THE HUMAN FALL

Today we witness how what Lucifer started is multiplied and woven into today's fabric of world governance. The description of Lucifer as the false 'god of the Earth' and the physical world being under "Satanic Sovereignty" now receives a concrete meaning.

Leaders Without Consciousness

The matrix Lucifer created is a very encapsulated ego-system, that has trapped all of us, and it's very difficult to brake out of that. Especially the sexual sin, that Satan used to control the leaders, brake the foundations of the society, which are 'true love' and 'family', and separate us from God. 

"These are sick people... Look at the things that have been inflicted on people around the world, often by their own governments." Such people, involved in child rape "have no humanity. Do not be surprised by the things they are doing to us." Andrew Bridgen: Ex-Tory MP

Presidents and leaders that participate in these Satanic Rituals are governing our nations, and keeping us in perpetual wars, sicknesses, depressions. Trump is one of them, not one of us, says this video. 

This network operated in the shadows for decades, compromising politicians, and using child trafficking as their ultimate weapon of control. A retired NYPD detective uncovered identical child sex rings worldwide; Australia, UK, US - all connected.

"Rothstein confirmed that intelligence agencies like the CIA and MI6 are not protecting nations but instead facilitating human trafficking, blackmail, and child abuse to keep the global elite in power." 

Trump: Antichrist or Savior

Jessie supports the idea that Trump is on the good side, but admits that Musk grew up with her in the Luciferian Cult and they together have participated from children. She says, that now Musk, just like her had reverted to Christianity. 

Kymberly of the Global Repository gives details how team-Trump and the Space Force are in behind the scene plotting all the evil that's happening now, wile giving all kind of promises that they don't plan to fulfill. 

The Satanic Witch, Marina Abramovic says, Trump is the best thing that happening for Satanism, and "Trump is a Magician of the highest Order." Musk on the other side is Ashkenazi Jew. Trump is high degree Mason, and "The first Jewish President of US." Both of them are from the Black Sun Cult. (See this Video)

We cannot avoid the fact that everything Trump and Musk do is 
leading to the same AI, Smart Cities, and Digital Money agenda. 

Kim reported further financing from the side of Trump for the mRNA vaccines. Trump's Operatives, working together with the American Deep State and the Secret Space Force (SSP), Kim says, are sending frequencies to kill humanity with diseases from several different locations. (9:03)

"Open AI are going to invest 500 billion in mRNA Vaccines through AI."

It's not far from obvious that Trump and Musk optic is to usher the AI mind control revolution. Playing the role of Trojan Horse, to surpass the Christian opposition and finish what Bill Gates and Claws Schwab started. (See, Vaccines to Eliminate the God Gene

Top Fed official, C.A. Fitts, commented:

"I see Trump as a mixed-bag. He is doing many steps to build the Digital Control Greed. He is promoting Biometric and Digital ID (using the Immigration problem - the 'Problem/Solution trick'). He is building Data Centers all over the country, along with mRNA Vaccines, which are part of the Internet of Bodies. He is promoting unbelievably inflationary explosion of Crypto. He is talking of a Bitcoin Reserve, which is insane. Taking Taxpayers money and putting them in a Ponzi Scheme." Catherine Austin Fitts

Scam Digital Money with no real value: The newly elected President, Donald J. Trump, launched the Meme Coin on Friday — a digital token with no real value — sparking a buying frenzy. He is also issuing Dogecoin [ dog coin]. This is nothing more than an attempt by the Masons to keep their "money magic" system working.

And yet, to achieve their goals, even the Satanic side is pressed to unite with God's providence and abolish their previous regime, just as the Divine Principle explains. And yes, God is also using that to wake up humanity, and the whole good spirit world is mobilized. 

Quantum IA Revolution Immanent

Both, God and Satan's side work to make this AI Quantum Revolution. Since the way Quantum Computers work is similar to that of the Physical Mind, we can understand that in this age God want's restore this Physical Mind AI, from Satan's control, back to God as a Subject. 

Number of top generals talk of a Sting Operation, meticulously replacing the bad world Elites with actors, or forcing them to cooperate in abolishing this sophisticated Satanic Deep State System. See, 

"but remember one thing, this is all Pantomime. All of the bad guys, all of the evil was taken out 4-5 years ago. We are watching it play out. It could not be done in real time. It's way too dangerous. They would have tried to kill him. It had to be done this way... You had all the signs that it's a movie... God is in control." Charlie Ward

"This is a Sting-Operation: You are seeing actors, playing a role. For example, Trump, we already got him as a defendant." (Video)

This is the Storm of Change. What we see now is the final purge. See, Re-booth of the System: End Gov Bureaucracy. For the last several years we were in a Global Defense War against an Extraordinary Threat.

So, are Trump and Musk, replaced with actors, or the originals agreed to cooperate? We reported in previous CIG News Updates what generals and high levels insiders say about that. Or, is it possible that their seemingly good moves are just a cover for implementing the new Digital System of Control? Only time will show. 

Read More:

CIG News Report 2025

From the previous CIG Report: 

Predictions 2025: Fires and Change of the System

Watergate was about Pedophilia

Remember the Watergate, Nixon and Rev. Moon's support for him. In 1972 one of the Watergate burglars revealed that their mission was to recover "The Book" containing damning evidence of politicians - both Democrat and Republican - who paid to rape children, detailing their twisted proclivities. 

"Watergate was a smokescreen, a warning from the Deep State to any politician daring to expose the pedophile network controlling Washington. Nixon's downfall was a brutal message: stay silent, or be destroyed." (37:18)

A retired NYPD detective uncovered identical child sex rings worldwide; Australia, UK, US - all connected. The Evil Force behind this network operated in the shadows for decades, compromising politicians, and using child trafficking as their ultimate weapon of control. 

"Rothstein confirmed that intelligence agencies like the CIA and MI6 are not protecting nations but instead facilitating human trafficking, blackmail, and child abuse to keep the global elite in power." 

Pedophile Cult Runs the World 

Sex trafficked survivor explains what they do with 5-7 years old children. The beating, the rape  (See from 23:56 min), the auctions, killing and selling them for organs. (27:54)

After showing a big list of Democrats being recently charged or arrested for pedophilia, Alex Jones said, "Labor has been the key to the Pedophile Rings that control the MI6 in UK. For 60-70 years it's been known that Pedophile Rings run it. So it turns out, Pedophile Cult runs the UK."  (7)

"But why suddenly they are all getting busted? This is just the last few weeks, the arrests of all these Labor Party officials... how are they in so many different Sex Cults... That's why exposing the Pedophile Rings that control the Government, that's a National Security threat." Alex Jones (11:12)

Video: Russia intercepts Israeli jet trafficking Adrenochrome victims to Hollywood.

Ukrainian Children Smuggled for Sex

Former UK MP says, MI6 is covering up Ukrainian children being kidnapped for Sex Slavery & Organ Harvesting after they are smuggled into England. It's a global mass scale industrialized Child Trafficking. Pedophilia is is the "glue that holds the elites that run the world together". More money are involved in child trafficking then in Drugs. "Once involved - it's the ultimate blackmail," he says.  (36:47)

Most of the biological weapons were created in Ukrainian laboratories. Trump has already fired all Pentagon employees involved in the supply of weapons and biological weapons to Ukraine. He has also stopped all funding to Ukraine. "With Western support, Kiev launched an organ trafficking system in Ukraine, in which human organs taken from the battlefield were sold online" To fulfill the quotas, sometimes just slightly wounded had to be cut for organs, Red Cross volunteer said. 

Governments, Celebrities and World Elite Involved in Child Sex Trafficking

P Diddy's case exposed them all. Hollywood actors are now running away, and together with World Elites selling their big properties. Fires are now destroying these elite areas and underground tunnels for their child sex parties are exposed. 

The daughter of P Diddy, herself a sex victim, says, "watch for those fires." Whose houses are burning. "Explosions make accidental fires too," she says, "and then you look and it's tide to something tide to trafficking, " (5)  This Child Trafficking has to be stopped. 

Adrenochrome - The Drug of the Elite / 
Raping and draining the blood of infant children

The Ongoing War on This Pedophile Cult

What the Military Alliance did with those that they have already convicted - the Adrino-junkies? Reports come they poisoned the Adrenochrome to kill the elite. "They are mostly gone now," Gene Decode says. That's why so many are replaced with doubles. 

And now, we see their Satanic symbols, the Getty Museum and Playboy Mansion's area burning to the ground (4), were all Elite houses were found to be connected with tunnels. 

It reminds us of what Col. Riccardo Bosi explained, that all the scary events we will witness in the upcoming few months are cover up operations for arresting the last remnants of this Pedophile Mafia. 

"A lot of what you are seeing in News is complete bullshit and fake. It' so outrageous on purpose to get you attention at this point. It will continue until has accomplished that goal fully."

Father Moon's Support for Reagan made possible to fight that evil

Simon Parkes explained, that "Reagan was much more of a good guy than people realize. He was really, really, really good guy. The advancement in technologies that was put into practice during his presidentship... The moment that was possible in the mid 80s, the human race, the White Hats, were in position to take on... In the last few years those technologies have been used against the oppressor, under the oceans and in the space. And we took the control from the bad guys. That's where we are." (Video)

"Every single war is a 'theater', the Satanic Cabal had never fought a real war, ever," Kimberly explained. They had much higher frequency weapons. Even scalar weapons are a joke compared to what they used. But thanks to Reagan's Stargate Program that was changed.

In the last few years the bad guys have been reduced to very primitive modes of operation, trying to use 20 year old technologies, because they no longer have access. "That's the level to which they have been reduced to now, because their access to anything greater than that has been completely cut off," Simon Parkes says. 

And that's mostly thanks to Reagan and Rev. Moon. Because of that finally the humanity has better weapons and is able to combat the occupying spiritual forces, he explained. 

You remember that Father Moon met and spoke with Eisenhower. Many recognize the role of Rev. Moon's newspaper, The Washington Times, exposing the real nature of Communism and in the support of Reagan's presidency and the start this this 'Star Wars' - Stargate Defense program. This brought to the collapse of the Communist regimes. And by 1999 set the foundation to take down Lucifer from his position of control. And now this technology is used to liberate humanity from this evil spiritual spiderweb of enslavement. 

"The Military Alliance to bring that liberation, they say, is linked to Nicola Tesla. Why the building he designed and had his secret laboratory in belongs to the Korean Peacemaker and Unificationist, Rev. Sun Myung Moon? See the Tesla-Trump-Moon Connection.
Other sources point the origins further back to generals surrounding Lincoln, and later, generals surrounding McCarter. You know the connection of Father Moon and McCarter. You know Father Moon made a movie about McCarter." Ending the Banking Cartel

Numerous generals from this Military Alliance have come out in the last years explaining this development and their determination to end the global system of evil. And we know that System was created by Satan:

"The Matrix is a System, Neo... created around us." 

Australian Lieutenant explains, "We are not just talking a few bad actors. We are talking about an entire system that let this happen... Someone has to bring it down, and we are ready to start." Corona revealed that system. People now see their crime. We hear, "Australian Police to Arrest Gov’t Officials Involved in ‘mRNA Genocide'" (Video

See, Re-booth of the System: End Gov Bureaucracy

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Re-booth of the System: End Gov Bureaucracy

Planet Management Change

CIG News / Nov. 2024 / 

With the US Elections, Selection, Deception, whatever you want to call it, now big riots and chaos are expected in over 600 big towns. Putin commented, "The moment of truth is coming. The previous World Order is irreversibly becoming a thing of the past." It is a fundamental change in the way we manage this planet, he said, and it "will define weather all of us jointly can build a world that would allow everyone to develop. (Video)

"We are in the midst of the most significant military operation in history, and it's about to reach a critical point." Ezra Cohen, 24 Nov. 2024

Jan Halper gave us interesting angle, describing the military operation behind these elections. (1:04:17) And for some reason they want things to escalate. 

"This is escalating. The next couple of months gonna be epic, because the fight is on... the fight is on life and death." Juan O' Savin (50:54)

To understand the ideological and moral conflict behind this polarization, see the Voter turnout by religion. 62% of Protestants and 56% of Catholics voted for Trump, while 79% of Jews and 72% of atheists voted against him.

Re-booth of the System 

Juan O' Savin explained that now after the election of Trump the Re-booth of the system will take some time to shut down each previous structure and start anew. 

Is it gonna be gradual, gradual and then sudden? - they asked Sheila Holm, a Christian author of 35 books, who fought many legal battles against corruption. How it's gonna happen? "They are already noticing the hits," she answered. "It's pages and pages and pages explaining absolutely everybody involved. It can be up to 99 people involved for every one of these cases." (4:30)

Is this gonna happen in this year? "Yes" - she said, "we are already seeing it." "We gonna start seeing names that we don't know... The cases are now coming to fruition. The cases are now coming forward. "

"I don't think this is gonna take a year. You gonna see this flip occur literally over the next couple of months. There will be a year or two with a military presence on the streets of America, just like after WWII." Juan O' Savin (1:10:21)

"We would promote positive affirmation of nuclear family." Trump

"What's gonna happen in the next 3 to 6 months is very critical. It's gonna be very untidy. It's gonna be a lot of pain as the truth comes out," Col. Riccardo Bosi says. "Who is noticing the increasing public arrests of pedophiles, the increased arrests of drug dealers? All these stories that used to disappear.

The Polarization

Many people are coming to the realization that this criminal Pharmaceutical and Food Industrial Complex is focused on selling us poison to keep us sick, to sell us a cure, where the cure is actually also poison, causing more problems. And the whole machinery of politics, legislation and enforcement is joint to serve the same agenda in keeping us weak and dying. (Video)

Society has become extremely polarized, on those who see this reality and are trying to educate the rest, and those who deny to see the truth. The reeducation of such people turns out to be a very difficult process. The Divine Principle turned out to be more than correct, the ignorance is that keeps us under Satan's control. We've been asleep. 

But now, after Covid, people started questioning; what's in the Jabs, what about government, our food, our air and water? They see the pattern. Suddenly there is an awakening giant, this is an intentional Social Engineering. And no wonder people cling to Trump in the hope that he will save us.

I don't know who can confirm such thing, but WTP News reports, "High-profile arrests have began since Trump's return." "Financial Kingpins seized: Elite families, including Rothschilds and Rockefellers, have been captured, facing charges for funding black ops and their role in market crashes." (22:50)

And as SG said, "President Trump has already announced he is closing several Federal Agencies and Departments. The Department of Education is just one of them and the latest one to hit the narrative space." (8:10)

Will Military Behind Trump End the Deep State / We in Informational War

The Corrupt Tax System - What's the solution?

"You get taxed on what you earn, taxed on what you buy, and taxed on what you own... taxes, taxes, taxes... That's why we need to reduce the size of government... let the people keep a lot more of their hard earned money." Elon Musk

Musk said, "We have gigantic government bureaucracy, we've got overregulation... it's getting to the point where everything is illegal, you just can't get anything done... mass of requirements that don't make any sense... drives up the cost.." 

"When was America great?" - the new Trump appointed Commerce Secretary said. "Our economy was rocking. This is 95 - 125 years ago. We had no Income Tax, and all we had was tariffs." (17:51)

How come a gang of few hundred forced the billions of people to pay them more than half of their earnings in tax. There is tax on everything, even on the things you own, things you buy with your already taxed money. Yes, they have this scary legions of enforcers. But the worse part, the money they get are used to enforce more restrictions, limit further our God given freedoms and rights, and sponsor more wars, that we don't want. The only thing we are allowed to choose is which little group will be stilling our money to feed this Satanic machine of Slavery. 

A clip from Elon Mask: "At the end of the day you've been taxed... weather it is direct taxation or thru inflation, your money is being wasted... We gonna get the Government out of your back, and out of your pocket." (2:11:34

Payroll taxes have always been unconstitutional. We were hijacked by the private, Cabal owned, Federal Reserve. We've been enslaved by payroll taxes, property taxes, and so many other taxes they have installed, paid as interest on the money borrowed from these private banks printing money from nothing. No money from these taxes go for your country. 

Will he stop the Deep State or he is the Deep State. 
Will they fool us around for 4 years more with no actual result.

Musk to Dismantle Government Bureaucracy

(2:05:45) Donald Trump has announced Elon Musk will head the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). As Trump said in the statement, they "will pave the way for the Administration to dismantle Government Bureaucracy, slash excess regulations, cut wasteful expenditures, and restructure Federal Agencies - essential to the Save America movement. (See article in The Washington Times)

"This will send shockwaves through the system, and anyone involved in Government waste, which is a lot of people," stated Musk.

"To drive this kind of drastic change," the statement continues, this department "will provide advice and guidance from outside of Government, and will partner with the WH and Office of Managements & Budget to drive large scale structural reform, and create an entrepreneurial approach to Government never seen before." 

Trump also mentioned, "making changes to the Federal Bureaucracy with an eye on efficiency and, at the same time, making life better for all Americans." We will drive out the massive waste and fraud which exists throughout our annual $6.5 Trillion Dollars of Government Spending... work together to liberate our Economy, and make the US Government accountable to 'WE THE PEOPLE." 

He said, "Their work will conclude no later than July 4, 2026 - A smaller Government, with more efficiency and less bureaucracy, will be the perfect gift to America..." 

Asked, why some evil politicians got re-elected, Col. Riccardo Bosi answered, "They are all controlled. They are all Soup puppets": 

"The governments are all under control. They are playing the game. They have been for some time. That's why you see some leaders are the real personality collaborating with US, and others are replaced and waring masks. It's a movie. It's unfortunately very necessary." (1:04:00)

We all will be deeply satisfied when this is done, Ricardo said. And asked, how long till some of these evil structures burn to the ground, he replied:

"The synchronization of each of these targets, and there is a sequence in which the targets need to be taken out, for what they are doing... they are taking out a knot and then what comes out of that knot will collapse, and they are taking another knot, and it collapses."

The Actual Machine is not Trump

Derek Johnson reminds us, "Trump is never been a president by Constitutional standards. He has been a war-time-president by Constitutional standards. The whole time!" See, We are in a Global Defense War against an Extraordinary Threat

"The visible site in America is that around president Trump as a figurehead. But the actual machine is not Trump. He is the visible site... it is much more orchestrated... the fight is on life and death." Juan O' Savin

Trump is an actor. Does not depend on him. The powers that control the Military that tells him what to do, and the AI calculating what's the best for them, are the once that should come to align with God's will. 

What of Trump's actions align with God's Will
1. Exposing the evil of the Left Ideas, and the Medical fraud
2. Standing on the side of Faith, Family / against Abortions and Transgender
3. Efforts to reduce the heavy Bureaucracy and Taxation
4. Declaring war on Child Trafficking

In that regard, Judy noted: "There were over half a million sealed indictments charging Global Elites with Pedophilia, Treason and other Crimes against humanity that have already gone through the Court Process and were waiting to be served for arrests and Military Tribunals. 

The Court Cases of Epstein, Maxwell and now Diddy could be a sing that Elites are no longer untouchable. And just today, 11 Nov. 2024, Mr. Pool posted:

"The Green Light has been given by President Trump. The Global Military is in motion to takeover Fake News Mainstream Media and make mass arrests."

Star Link has intercepted encrypted communications from Deep State operatives attempting to flee to New Zealand, Antarctica, and remote Pacific islands. And Judy reported, that once the EBS is triggered, the Earth Alliance will eliminate the elite hideouts. When these underground facilities are neutralized the elites will have nowhere to hide. 

Crimes of the Industrial Food & Drug Complexes  

The extreme Food situation: Just because you buy from a local farm doesn't mean it is not toxic. How many vaccines the animals got? How much pesticides were used in farming? We are trapped under wrong education, harmful legislations, and wrong enforcements. 

And The Washington time reported, Trump nominates RFK Jr. as Health and Human Services secretary

Mr. Trump said he is nominating Mr. Kennedy, a former presidential candidate and renowned vaccine skeptic who believes the U.S. food supply is causing an epidemic of childhood diseases, to lead the sprawling department charged with “improving the health, safety and well-being of America.”

“For too long, Americans have been crushed by the industrial food complex and drug companies who have engaged in deception, misinformation, and disinformation when it comes to public health.” The Washington Times

Last week, a Dutch court ordered Bill Gates, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, and many others to face charges of intentionally misleading people about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, These vaccines have killed more than 20 million people so far (more than the Holocaust). [Video]

As WTP News reported: "Quantum Healing Freedom Act" is prepared by Trump to be enacted in 2025 to secure permanent integration of Med Beds into all medical facilities, stripping Big Pharma of its power to hide and suppress alternative cures. It will initiate a large-scale investigations into past medical fraud, showing to the world that cures for diseases like cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer have been withheld.  

The Transhuman Agenda is now Operational

"We need to realize that this is not over, the Transhuman Agenda is now operational on our planet," Dr. Robert O' Young warns. And Trump bringing Musk on the board is a testimony to that.

Yes, we are all hopeful that Trump's promises will turn into real good actions. But are we sure we know what Trump and Military's end agenda is? Are they really saving us from the Digital Control? Or in fact, they are the once ushering it? See, A Global Purge Bringing AI Revolution 
Elon Musk says, "there will come a point where no job is needed, where you can have a job if you want a job, for personal satisfaction, but the AI will be able to do everything." 

Remember, the ruling 1% always uses the trick of "creating the problem and giving you the solution." That explains the extreme push of disclosure of all the evil in the system. As Rothschild said, when people need a hero we will provide them. When this heroes now push the AI Digital solution, the once objecting are the first to accept it. Even if they realize, "Oh, that's not what we expected," they have already given their acquiescence by voting for these false saviors. 

The actor only reads the script. In the case of Trump there are 3 or 4 actors at least. The real question is is this military group behind him really on the good side, or just another scam of the Deep State?

Why there is a mixture of great things Trump proposes, and things that are very scary? What worries me is that he is supporting homos and they support him? How that connects with the promise to stop transgender? Is it just to mislead the Christians? Are those real moral objectives? We want to see real results, not just political promises in time of election. 

But notice the real things Trump promotes, like the deadly C19 Vaccine and now the Bitcoin, "a speculative bubble inflated by greed for easy money." Instead of eliminating the need for financial intermediaries, Bitcoin is primarily traded through funds managed by the very intermediaries it was meant to avoid. 

This is all led by AI, all these inflating baloоnes we see in the last decades, that make life more and more difficult. 

What future it is to have money that one day can go double, next day can go to zero? How to trust the good promises, if all actually happens at the end is that they were just used to push such evil and fraudulent things unnoticeably and with no resistance. 

Are Trump and Musk Satanists

Video: Najadi says, Musk is replaced. The original was evil. In 2023 Trump said he will obliterate the Deep State, meaning it was already done. He has the photos of all those who were executed. 

Following these Deception can lead us into a very wrong way, but who is to blame once people get fooled and give the power to these false saviors. Don't forget, This War is Against Spiritual Beings.

Ex-satanist, Jessie Czebotar, testifies that she was raised in the Satanic Order together with Musk. "From the affidavit I brough out, he was one of the hierarchy children in the System with me," she says. "He was part of the Star Wars Now Project." 

"I was told that he came to the Lord, and he wanted to come forward and help bring out the truth," Jessy says. He is now "forming this task force to clean things up," she says, "holding different aspects of our government to account." 

"That's not gonna happen in the (Luciferian) Brotherhood. They are not going to allow somebody to air all their dirty laundry. They are not just gonna allow people to get out. That shows us, there has been a major shift. The system lost control and authority. They can't even stop some of their biggest members from getting out of the system or going against it." Jessie Czebotar (1:29:50

Yet, according to her affidavits, "Donald Trump isn't a part of any of the Secret Societies, (and haven't take part in) any of the oaths and the rituals." (5:07) And yet, a video came out with Trump in the central chair in a Masonic gathering. Kymberly says that he took the Satanic out when he reached 40. Pictures are circulating with Trump and teen girls. His lawyer was homosexual. Is he a good guy, made a contract to play a good guy, or in fact he is the Trojan Horse and the real Antichrist, to fool all Christians and moral people? 

Video: Najadi explains the Evil agenda behind Elon Musk, who he claims is now taken down, obviously replaced with double. Electric cars were scam, Obama made Musk rich overnight, we will fly with new technologies after the Storm.

Stated activities that we would like to confirm 

4 Nov.2024: Military takes down the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). $23 trillion seized and classified vaults containing elite blackmail material (videos, docs. and genetic experimental material). BIS was the operational nerve center of the Deep State, used to fund wars, regime changes, and globalist agendas, they say. 

6 Nov. the Alliance raided underground base in Antarctica. Secret Server farm containing the Deep State's most sensitive data, and anti-gravity spacecraft discovered. 

7 Nov the Vatican Bank was raided - 10 trillion laundered funds seized

Kim commented: "Hunting down Elders is not going to provide them with enough Gold to support the entire worldwide financial system." (24:42) Blockchain too "will not help them create a financial system that would function and be stabile," Kim said.

9 Nov. Mil Ops in Hollywood: Major arrests in California, taken with airplanes. 

20-23 Nov. Trump summons 74 world leaders in Island to finalize plans for the eradication of the Globalist Cabal worldwide. 

And all the Police and Military that deed what you were told by the Masonic leadership, Col. Bosi said, "you have 2 to 5 years lifespan from here on. You've been betrayed and abandoned by this masonic leadership... running away, leaving you to face the consequences." (32:43)

Fulford reports of a complete internet shutdown in Denmark, that has the oldest Royal family in Europe. In similar shutdown of communications and transportation in Holland the former Satanic Elite had fled the country. After that the supreme court started prosecution of Bill Gates. (Fulford)

Is that only a Deceptive Manipulation

But did Trump do with the Deep State before? Did he stop the Vaccines? Look at people surrounding him, and their deep involvement with the Occult. 

"Trump Surrounds Himself With Swamp Creatures: Every major appointment Trump did so far, all Jewish Zionists who are pro war and pro genocide. Trump is pushing laws that will imprison you if you say something Antisemitic. This is a Zionist occupation of America." Video

We cannot avoid the fact that bringing down this old financial system and disbanding the old structures is also a major part of the Cabal's plan.

"You've got to understand that everything on that planet, every event, is choreographed to the last letter," Col. Bosi explained. "The Masons leave nothing to chance... Even Lottery... You have the illusion of choice. It is all scripted. Masons, Masons, Masons, and Masons... But their life is coming to an end, their world is coming to an end, and they cannot do anything." (16:49)

A lot of things Trump says now are so cool, but look at similar psychological operations in the past. They say the right things. They say exactly what people want to hear. People believe the absolute freedom is finally coming. This video explains similar situation:

The Scare of New World War

Now the narrative is pushed for upcoming World War III. Former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi's explanations:

"They are threatening with WWIII since forever... It's going to be a cover story for the final battle between the Black Hats and the White Hats. It will be 40% real, 60% fake. And you can't make the difference on TV of what's happening and what's not. It is a cover story for the WH destroying the last of the BH... The Black Hats still have some military capability, they can do damage, people would die... But it won't be the war they are telling you about. It will be a cover story for the White Hats to do what they have to do to finish off the Black Hats." (1:20:28)

"The whole world is gonna be benefitting from the next shifting, once occurring," Bosi said, "It has to be simultaneous, and hast to happen globally."

The main media was kept till now so that the Black Hats think they have hope and do not hide under the rock, Riccardo explained. And we need the same talking heads that the not awakened people are used to trust to start changing the narrative. (26:42

"Taxes were illegal. Stollen by rogue governments," Pascal Najadi said, "But it all will be reversed. Money are not important. The world is rich. Much richer than we thought. We have no Climate Crises, no Energy Crises, no Food Crises. Prices went up to shock the people. When the operation is done, everything will collapse, because the prices are really much, much lower. And Tesla patents will come into force."

"Money are right now secondary. No body will have any problems with money. I can guarantee you. First you have to be free. And that needs a consciousness." Pascal Nojadi


Whatever these Psyops may really aim for, I believe that God is in charge and the light of the truth will keep coming and coming, until the day of full liberation of God's Heart of and of his children. See, Timelines Converge after 2012

Be sure to read the previous CIG Report, A Global Purge in Time of Liberating Key Evil Spirits, to understand the real objective of the Space Force through Trump and Musk, culminating into a new AI Digital System of Control. Will it be a block or a step foreword towards building God's Ideal coming substantially on Earth?