Monday, May 24, 2021

From Pain to Victory - CIG NEWS 12


From Pain to Victory

By Rev. Yulian UTS / 24 May 2021 / CIG News

In this new age, the words no longer play a major role, but the energies that one absorbs or generates unconsciously. Liberate yourself from fear and have full confidence that everything bad is over and now all of us together must build a new and happy life. Why do I say that?

After fully revealing who ruled the world and what has actually happened on Earth for so many centuries, many people will need professional psychological help. Should we fear? Truth is bring liberation. We now have evidence that THE SATANIC SYSTEM IS CLEANING THEIR OLD GUARD, to adapt to God's new providence.  

"The Global Cabal is the declared enemy of Executive Order 13818, signed by current War-time-president, D. J. Trump, on the 20 Dec. 2007. And is now confirmed. On Dec. 2023, all of a sudden now visible on the White House Government website (21:03)." See A GLOBAL DEFENSE CLANDESTINE SPECIAL OPERATION.

Think of God's Heart. No one knew his pain. No one wanted to look in that direction. That's why even people who yearned for God were actually running the opposite direction, away form him, Father Moon explained. 

How painful. How pity. I cry each time thinking of God's miserable situation. His own children turned against him. People of faith, even those who knew the Bible and the Principle, were running away from God's pain. Who is going to liberate our Heavenly Parent? Who will be bold enough to 'gladly' embrace the pain, comfort God and have the strength of heart to melt these evil energies that block Him from reaching his children. Think, whole spirit world mobilized under True Father.

The Scale of Corruption

Think, who has the power to put the whole world under fear of not existing virus? How vast is the network of influence of this Cabal? Who can expose their tricks and manipulation? Main media and the social media are all involved. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos have been absolutely involved in all crimes against humanity.
"Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel. Israel/Khazarians controls CCP, the Media etc.."

You cannot imagine the kind of monster experiments these people were doing with humanity. See, Fox News report on Fauci's research with heads of aborted babies placed on rats. Hear of the evil Biden's family was involved with. (1) And that's nothing compared to the whole picture.

In 2014 were published documents from the US Department of Energy from 2003, proving categorically that September 11 was a nuclear event. (2)

Video: How UN is controlled by Rothschilds and used for control and money laundering. If you are still not aware of the evil control on humanity and their dark plans and manipulative methods, you can start with this documentary: (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

Durham Report: "OBAMA stole over Trillion to fund Wars, Iran nuke programs & funneled money back to Italy, Swtzlnd (ML). The last 6 months of Obama Presidency. He sold Syria 8 × M28/M388 Davy Crocketts Nuclear Mortars. Syria case was to start WW3 on Russia." 

The Good Guys

In the previous CIG update, "THE END IS NEAR", I told you little bit of the people who know about the Satanic forces controlling the Earth. How they had to hide, change their names, pray and work in secret, to one day overthrow this Satanic sovereignty. Lincoln's descendants were among them. Lincoln was raised as president by a group of 20 Generals who wanted to abolish this evil Cabal, Now they say that, Elvis, JFK, Trump & Julian Assange are all Lincoln's descendants from the 2 sons hidden abroad under different names. (1) If this story is true, they are all a part of this secret movement.

Now we call them Q movement or White Hats. Still everything is covered with secrecy. But think, what happened each time when they came openly to stand against the Cabal? They were killed. Many sacrificed their lives, for this day to come, when the Cabal ends. Think of the numerous inventors who were persecuted and killed for discovering something that could improve immensely human life. Read, SPIRITUAL WARFARE: THE BATTLE WITH DARKNESS
"Exactly one year ago on April 24th, Trump mentioned “killing the invisible enemy with UV light.” Now County officials are scanning the audited ballots with UV light."

The show with the election fraud is only for the sleepy, to gradually wake them up. Truth is, Trump is still the president. If you failed to notice: Air-force one (AF1) is parked in front of the winter White House, where he lives. Biden was executed in 2019. His inauguration salute was performed by a burial squad. The actor, playing him in a movie studio is also part of the wake up show. The White House is now under occupation, since it is considered a foreign territory. The whole DC administrative are is closed for the last 2 years. So, please wake up!

Video: WUHAN TORNADOES man made

See what's happening right now in Wuhan. A big military operations for underground DUMBS cleaning (Tunnels and other facilities are being taken out). Global military operation to chase the Cabal operatives and clean up their strong-holds. If it is true; China will no longer be under a communist regime. North Korea too. I wrote in detail about that. (Reed)

Since 1996, the Cabal has captured many of the resistance, taken them underground, and as a last line of defense, they now uses these hostages in dark rituals of sacrifice. This creates a huge amount of suffering. The generated negative energy is collected and projected with scalar technology to the surface population. 

When God asked me to open my spiritual senses for 100 days so that I can see the situation by myself, I resisted. But He said, "There is no other way to show you."  Each evening, when satanists gathered and chanted, doing their evil rituals, I could feel the evil energy coming and the multitudes of evil spirits coming and trying to invade my body. These low vibrations of horror and fear keep humanity in resonance where their hearts cannot open and they are vulnerable to evil spirit world influence. I remember, when Rev. Moon found out of this, wishing he never did. I felt the same way. But no matter how painful the truth, God needs us to liberate him and his children. See, FATHER'S VICTORY OVER SATAN & THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN

3 year battle coming to END
When I asked God where is this evil energy coming from. He answered, "Look underground!" I didn't know where, but I could spiritually see big underground caves where those who do these rituals and project this evil energy were gathered. I couldn't stop thinking, how did True Father Moon find the strength to keep expanding his foundation with true love, knowing the essence of that evil even better than we do. 

Now, 7 years later, that is so much information coming about these Underground Bases of the Cabal. If the reports are true, any children are getting liberated now. I kept following the military activity, pushing them further and further south, where now seems to be the biggest ongoing battle - in the remote islands close to Antarctica. I could follow how military operations were held in many, even neighboring nations. 
"Right now they are taking down a facility in Turkey... (and) Mozambique (near Zimbabwe), where the biggest concentration of DUMBS is in Africa. They are continuing to lock that down and they are continuing to isolate Antarctica all the way down." Gene Decode
He also mentioned, "South Shetland Islands" and the "Valenian Island region" next to New Zealand. One of Lincoln's descendants also informed us:
"All Major Dams with Nuke Reactors will be collapsing - This is part of NESARA. The no more wars & Aggression part, Same as bombing the DUMBS/Tunnels. (34) Satanic Buildings & Dams will Fall." Intel

Major Dams contain Nuke Reactors; 3 Gorges Dam, Hoover Dam, Nile Dam, Lake Geneva and others. Think Superman 1; All Dams Failed right? See Ivanka's Hello Hoover Dam tweet. 

According to Fulford:

The proposal to hit the Geneva Lake, NATO and Jerusalem headquarters with hydrogen nuclear weapons was rejected, Fulford reported. Instead, the special forces will perform precise attacks to eliminate key figures and institutions involved in the false pandemic. One underground base in Switzerland has already been attacked and removed from operation. Think, transition to free energy.

Nobel Prize winner ,Virologist Dr. Luke Montani, said last week that "there is no hope and no possible treatment for those already vaccinated" after seeing the ingredients used for Covid gene treatment.

All branches of the Rockefeller Foundation will be attacked by the US Special Forces. In addition all members of the Rockefeller family will be pursued. All the military in the world knows that the root cause of global terrorism is the Khazar-Mafia, Israel (Netanyahu). Everyone involved in the so-called pandemic is sentenced to death.

It was revealed that the Facebook Covid-vaccine fact-checkers are funded by the manufacturers of vaccines, CIA sources say. In other words, Facebook, managed by David Rockefeller Mark Zuckerberg, is assistant in a mass murders. All Google employees involved in vaccination and pandemic censorship should be also executed, Fulford writes.

Pray for the release of all hostages from the underground bases. Pray for the release of all those children that were turned into sex slaves. (3) Pray for the protection of the forces of light, working to liberate that miserable situation. See, The Plan to Save the World
The whole point of Now is to show you that MSM is your enemy and lie about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. They are all controlled (Left, Right & Inbetween by the MOSSAD/CIA). It's important, before they get taken down by Libel Laws & Project Odin.

Video: The Protocols of Zion are very old source used by the Illuminati, the Cabal and the Khazarian false Jews to blame the real Jews. 293 paragraphs with Luciferian guidance on how to manipulate humanity. 

The New World

Why did Trump sign the release of these 6000 secret patents? They will transform the world. Based on them already are developed technologies for the recovery of the human body and even the regeneration of individual organs, which are used in the so-called "med-beds". Everything is going QUANTUM.
Hence why all hospital equipment will be obsolete. Hospitals & Cancer Treatments are being Cyber Attacked WorldWide and being shutdown. They are shutting down Elective Surgeries because we have Med Beds coming. (5) (6)
This healing energy interacts directly (on quantum level) with your etheric body - the closest to the physical. That is why it brings healing (body and physical mind become free of the low influence), and as a result of that your intentions very quickly manifest on the physical plane. Meaning, your spirit mind will be free to create. Your Original Mind will be liberated. Your hearts will be liberated. Meaning, God will be liberated to express through his children. 

In addition, the Universal Plasma Energy will find wide application in the fuel and energy sector, as it is the unlimited and wireless source of electricity that is already much talked about in many scientific articles. Think free energy, fast travel, incredible speed of flying, super fast and secure internet. Think end of poverty, end of the borders, end of all wars and suffering. 

Did you see the Starlink trains in the Sky? 
"Our new Internet Folks. Beta Version is ready to go. 7500 times as fast as we have.. Secret Space Programs controlled Quantum Starlink is going to control many new systems on this Planet." (7)

All the old will be gone very shortly. This is how we get New Internet, Free Energy, Med Beds. The Power to whole entire World will switch off briefly like Q64 says. Didn't Rev. Moon predict that? You can read it in the last chapter of the book, "Messiah," by Bo Hi Park. 

And did you know that energized water with plasma can make it capable of giving you all the nutrients and vitamins you need, and even heal you? That's why Father Moon spoke of THE ERA OF WATER FOOD

Learning to work with this Universal Plasma Energy requires that we understand and follow the spiritual laws. The very energy is that manifests your imaginary reality outside - acts as a "plasma TV screen" radiating your thoughts, emotions and actions to the world around you. We have to learn to live without shadow. Live according to God's principles of love, Father Moon said. That's why, they promise, with the new Quantum Education every problem will be resolved and all ignorance will be gone in no time. 

The Victory is at hand: We have the biggest Global Movement for Peace - Educating the global leaders and restoring families with the Culture of Heart. We will soon become One Global Family Under God.

Did Lincoln have any living descendants?

According to a relative, the 2 sons (grandfathers of JFK, Elvis, Julian Assange and Trump) survived after hiding in Lybia under different names. Not the only ones, who had to hide from the Cabal and go in hidden; But that's how the resistance movement grew up in secrecy through the centuries. John G Trump & Nikola Tesla relationship can not be understated. Truth will come out. Read

However, It's a miracle that Rev. Moon could survive, despite the fact that he exposed the Cabal ideologically and blocked many of their plans, especially the take over of the world through Communism. Personally, I see several cases where the 'Q resistance' saved Father's life. In some of the cases, by using the new secret technologies. Question is; Did the Cabal kill him at the end with their laboratory virus? I will not be surprised if the True Family separated only to protect the lineage, not to be whipped out by the Cabal. That's why is no good to criticize True Children. They are amazing individuals, and I love the fact that they all work for World Peace, in their own way. See, MY DREAMS


Good summary of what is happening or coming and also good point at the end about the True Family...

Did you see the TV report that Vaccines destroy the antibodies in your blood? Say good by to the Immune system God gave you. They are to reprogram that, overriding the immune system. No going back!

Physical mind people are the ones to accept the shot, so no much change I guess. Their physical mind will become a bit stronger and more receptive to distant control.

The first shot prepares you for the genetic change. The next shots are supposed to start the mutation process. Experts say its irreversible. No going back to human DNA... and aims to switch off your spirit. Physical mind people are better slaves for them.

But what can we do, the Cabal was forever trying to remove our humanness and make us controlled by evil spirits. Only that now they use newer tech to be more effective with that.

President Trump said he will never vaccinate, but people have the freedom to get vaccinated, even though they don't need it, he said. His daughter Ivanka did not vaccinate. Just took shot publicly. But not clear what shot. Could be anything.

Trump was always promoting chloroquine which I hear is also considered effective vaccine. No side effects, no DNA modifications.

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