Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Rev. Sun Myung Moon 


November 27, 1978

What attitude do we need to nurture in order to move the spirit world? We need to change our concepts. Our attitude is an environment that must be prepared in order to receive spiritual help. We must use Father’s words and make ourselves channels to receive spiritual power.

Actually, the spirit world wants to be part of everything we have and do. They want to be involved to such a great extent. So whatever we may look at, we must search for the nobility in it, and treat it as if it were owned directly by True Parents. Then everything becomes like an expensive antique, a God-given treasure. Each object is waiting for your touch, hoping to feel the vibration of God through you.

Consider all things holy. Why does a handkerchief owned by a holy man become so valuable? Because of the vibration of the holy man. So you, too, should give all things a holy value. When you touch something, feel that you are giving it glory.

The same holds true for the people we meet and live with. When you see another person, how much do you care for him or her? How do you feel towards that person? You must really love the people you meet, because they are the temples of God. When you touch another person, feel that through your touch, both of you will be blessed.

Each of us has two aspects, mind and body. Our true mind wants to touch our body with heart and give love to it. We should think of our mind as God’s mind, because God loves it and that is where He dwells. Look at each man or woman as a holy person. Regard each person’s body as sacred and their mind as hallowed.

If you live like this, soon you will hear inside of yourself a small voice, the sound of your mind. Wherever you walk, no evil or darkness can remain. Only good spirits can touch you if you create such an atmosphere. If you place yourself in such a position, then spirit world will pour down upon you its abundant blessing and power.

You must attract this power from the spirit world and then weld yourself to it. Make it one with your body, so that even your arms and legs feel special. When you are in bed, even if it is a sleeping bag, your surroundings will become like a king’s palace. Your body will be resting in a king’s bed.
You must name yourself as the dwelling place of God. Then all good spirits will touch you. When you go to bed, lie down with a beautiful mind. Remove all ugliness from it. In the morning when you wake, come before the deep bosom of God, and then, when you go out to your mission, you will embark from the throne of God.

The spirit world is always around you, listening and attentive. Always be aware that it is within your reach. If you keep thinking this way, then you will be able to control your circumstances. Make yourself a tuning fork, resonating with and vibrating along God’s frequency. Resonate with God’s unselfishness.

If you partake of this resonance with God, then when you see someone, you will automatically be able to sense what type of person he is. Sometimes you will be able to see your own spirit man with your own eyes. Train yourself and discipline yourself to develop this capacity. If you live this way, you will be always able to act in the right way when an emergency arises.

You are in competition with the spirit world, so you must be determined to surpass it. Adam’s position is to control the spirit world, not the other way round. With prayer coming from deep within your mind, you can move a man from outside to inside. Become a magnet, a mover of people’s spirits. Become a spiritual magnet, drawing people with love. Maintain this condition or attitude, and then your prayer will become a reality.

Pray with all your heart, focusing your mind and soul on the object of your prayer, otherwise your mind will become restless and hasty. In the life of prayer, you must make the time to pray. Sit down even if it takes eight hours and pray. This time will never be wasted. Then you can go out and work eight hours for God. Therefore, be prayerful now and then go out, you and God together. If you have to write a sermon, for instance, the spirit world will help you prepare it. If you go out, the spirit world will lead you. You will discover the feeling of breaking through. You will become selfless, feeling the power of your mind and body pulling together in harmony. So the key word for this kind of life is respect.

Respect all things as holy things.
Respect all men as holy men.
Respect yourself as a holy person.
Respect your mind as holy.
Respect your body as holy.

Pay deep respect to all people, no matter what kind of person they may be. As a child, be respectful towards an elderly man. Think over your words three times before uttering them and always have a humble attitude.

Always share with others the best thing you have. Empty your pocketbook to give. Then you will deserve the best result. If you do not do good for your fellow man, you will have no sleep. If you have done good, then your mind will rest in peace. Unpack the dirty elements inside yourself and cleanse them. Open up the baggage of your mind and look what you find there. Don’t harbor selfish feelings. Repent publicly for any selfish feelings you may have entertained. Practice the virtue of meekness.

If you push yourself to develop these attitudes, then the spirit world must descend to assist you. The spirit world is using so many channels by which to come down and participate in God’s providence; they will choose the best one to use first.

In the Unification Church, a true leader must be able to mobilize the spirit world. When you touch it, all kinds of phenomena start to occur, some very strange, some very wonderful. Don’t be manipulated by them. You be the subject. Don’t let yourself be driven by strange phenomena. Before this, you may have had to face these challenges all alone, but now you have a clearer understanding.
You already know the secret of tapping power from the spirit world: witness to others, pouring out all your heart, soul and mind for them. When I was in prison camp, I would pray, and prisoners would just come to me and stand there. When they were introduced to me through the guidance of spirit world they would cling to me.
You, too, can be like me. The problem is that you are often too distant from thinking about the spiritual dimension: holy things, holy mankind, holy temple, holy mind. When I was in the worst of situations, lonely and hungry, a revelation would come or an important guest would appear before me. When I needed money, the spirit world would guide someone to me. Spirit world is never far away. They can cooperate with us. We should always feel that we are not doing quite enough, and that we always have to try harder.
Act with the support of the spirit world. If they are behind you, you will never be lonely. You will always have energy and power. Even though you may be penniless, still have no fear. You can be adventurous and bold. On the road of success, the more you walk, the further you yearn to go.
Who knows how long he or she will live? Maybe tomorrow you will die, at a mere 25 or 30 years of age. Do you have some guarantee from God how long you will live? No one has such a guarantee.
A wise person thinks like this: “I have only a short time to live. Within this time I must prepare myself for eternity. The way I live in the next two years will be the model for my eternal life.” Then explode your sense of love. Love God, and love another person as God. For an entire day, 24 hours, pour out your entire energy for someone. If you love a person like this, even though you may die early, you will have made the highest accomplishment in all eternity. Then when God gives you more time to live, your response will be immense gratitude. Push yourself to live more fully. The person who expects death and then is given life dwells in the fullest gratitude.
Leave behind something that God can praise. Each moment is so precious there is no time for worry or frustration. The person who recognizes that earthly life is short compared to eternity, and therefore condenses his accomplishments, is a wise man indeed. Think about what “label” you wear spiritually on your forehead. Ask yourself how many people, how many clans, how many tribes, how many nations you have loved.
Seek to become that master of love. Program your life like that, and you will never be a loser. Plan as if you only had two years to live, and then by the third year, when you are still alive, think of the joy of living! This is “resurrected” living. I still have so much to do: love my wife, love my children, love all mankind. I have to love the Unification Church. I must pay indemnity for all mankind. I need to liberate man from sin. I am determined to leave behind tremendous assets.

When you work, you must love that business, love the products you work with, and, of course, love the people. Always give honor to the other people. God created us, but we are also shaping ourselves and restoring our original value. Return a portion of what you earn to God as a tithe. Give one tenth to the local church, one tenth to the national level work and one tenth for the worldwide level, three tenths in all.

When you give to others, don’t think that you are giving to them out of your own pocket. Give out as though it were coming from a heavenly treasure. Then the person who is receiving through you is actually receiving from God. The spirit world can then help you, and God will remember everything and return it to you ten times over.

Make your company a dwelling of God. Don’t just feel like a worker or supervisor. Invest your heart in your work. Determine to make it a business that will serve all people. Then wherever your business goes, it becomes God’s “love extension.” Whatever you are responsible for, give it your heart and soul on a 24 hour basis. Feel like you are the parent and it is your baby.

Whatever you do, think that you are carrying it out in partnership with God. Feel that you are the second owner and pour all your love into it. The one who loves something the most is the ultimate owner. When you give love, you will attain infinite value.

Sun Myung Moon's Teaching
A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands
HUMANISM: Most Dangerous Religion Today
Free Your Spiritual Mind


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Why Mother Moon spoke of moving people to other planets


It's a fantastic time to be alive and see the transformation of the world. Just see the Rally of Hope and the fast foundation we have prepared to guaranty the future peaceful world. Humanity is now competing in space mining, where we hear of asteroids made of diamonds, gold and other treasures. 

By Rev. Yulian UTS /  August 2020 / CIG News

Rev. Moon often spoke about moving to other planets and living in space. Some families, he explained, will choose to live in space station. New technologies will allow us to have our houses in the sky and obtain the needed water and energy there. Some will choose to travel to other planets and live there. Others will choose to build houses and towns under the water. The earth will be connected with super-fast magneto-gravitational underground trains, allowing us to live at any place and work on the other side of the globe. 

In a recent speech, True Mother (Hak Ja Han Moon) said that now they want to move people to other planets, but first, we should solve our problems here on Earth. Even our world president of FFWPU spoke of the US Space Force projects (Space-X and the super-fast internet). 

If you noticed, Trump signed a law about Moon mining. And Space-X program prepares for moving a vast amount of people and opens numerous jobs on Mars. So you see why Mother's comment is of great importance. In fact the US Space Force website has advertisements for people who want to work in space (out of the earth).
"We are going to be mining on other planets. Once you start mining out of our planetary system, then you can build spaceships... science will discover things beyond belief... (and) eventually will discover God... After the technological revolution, there will be a spiritual revolution." Future Prediction

When you learn of how much hold and other precious minerals can be mined on the moon you realize two points: First, there is no way they didn't do everything to exploit that. Second, they had to do everything to make it secret. Only now, after the disclosure, preparing to open the secret technologies, that we start hearing reports from military people who were working on Mars and on the Moon in the last decades. 

“US has hundreds of vehicles that are more than capable of space flight. So we have a fleet of vehicles that are seemingly extraterrestrial. But if you know that, you will start questioning why we still use oil…”, that is why they keep all this secrecy, said Navy Seal, Bill Wood. “This space fleet… can go easily around the solar system without much time or any hindrance to the occupants.” Asked, How fast? He answered, “Incredibly fast… just below the speed of light.” (Video)

Yes, we had secret missions there since the 50s. NASA was created as a cover, to hide that while directing vast resources for the development of these bases. Tens of thousands were living and working on Mars, inner sources say. The air there is breathable, they report, and temperatures are normal. But this was all exploited by the Satanic Cabal that controlled the earth. The earth had to be liberated from heir control to start openly developing that for the benefit of humanity, which is happening now with this world reset. 

How to take these human conditions and turn it into gold - open the way for a bright future!

Is that just a fantasy? Well, it's disclosure time. Soon we will learn more. I can only say that from my window we could often observe with my children numerous flying objects appear from nothing and land on and off the military base across. So now they are not hiding much anymore. Don't think that I'm making it. You can read about that on the official pages of the US Space Force.  

Another sign that the Satanic control is ending is the approval of an underground tunnel connecting Alaska and Euroasia. Trump approved 22 Billion for such a railway. That presumes the beginning of the construction of the Peace Road, long promoted by Rev. Moon. The Satanic Cabal was using such underground fast magneto-gravitational trains, that are now undertaken by the White Hats under the cover of Covid-19. They allow transport to any place on earth in just half an hour. 

Cleaning the Evil History
This is directly connected with worshiping Lucifer and Lucifer's Sexual - Pedophile Fall (Raping the yet infant Eve). Such Satanic practices were spread throughout history and were the main objective of God's people to eradicate them

It must be noted that while the military government represented by Trump is winning inside the US, the bloodline families that were controlling the world are either pressed to support the transition or being eliminated. The biggest problem with these bloodlines were their satanic practices, including pedophilia and child sacrifices. (See the Best Research Book

"News that there were 54 kids found in a cargo container in Delaware yesterday did not hit the media." 5 October 2020) And just in the last week number of high-ranking Rabbis were arrested for money laundering and child trafficking, together with many bankers. 

Why are so many children going missing? (We see Bankers and Royals buying kidnapped children). Why are top politicians and judges involved? See Hunter Biden involved in Pedophilia, Rape and Child Torture. Why is all main and social media involved in the cover-up? 

Even the UN was invaded by the Cabal, to the point where UN was bringing rape, sexual abuse and sex trafficking, wherever they went. How to build CIG if that's not resolved? Why is UN dominated by socialist-communistic goals and values? 

Media's Propaganda and Cover-up

Yet, media and even the social media are so much focused on cover-up and propaganda of the false pandemic. But now is the time they will be exposed. The fact that Foreign Nationals have been hired by Twitter & Facebook to do the censoring makes matters worse. Nationals of Hostile Foreign powers: CHINA & IRAN. This might go straight to Military Tribunals. Listen to President Trump: "One of the things we're doing... Big Tech has to be STOPPED"

As we previously reported, Covid-19 is a cover for the mass arrests. (3) It is happening now, but you will see the fall of the Satanic Cabal reported in the Media after March 2021, according to sources. Yes, that's what Mother is talking about. The evil powers have to be quickly uprooted, to safely exit to conquering outer space. The Revolution of Heart and Conscious is more urgent than ever. Mother Moon clearly said in her last speech that Heaven can no longer wait. 

Dark Bloodlines were Controlling us

You see now, they are opening the Biden corruption intel. (1) At the same time exposing the CIA involvement and the corrupt censorship of Twitter, Facebook and so on. Now the people who were at the top, untouchable, cannot hide anymore. Yet, they still can do harm, as we see the California fires, caused by energy weapons. (2) We saw many energy attacks in the first wave of the Coronavirus and big chemtrail chemistry attacks in the second wave. 

The 9/11 truth is prepared to be revealed, as a part of dismantling this Satanic system. (3) And since the evil bloodlines still have lots of power throughout the world, a big effort was made to constrain them from their money flow. At the beginning of this month, Trump announced high-alert and over 600 explosions were registered throughout the world exactly coinciding with the locations of the underground bases where the black nobility is still able to hide. (4)

I strongly recommend that you see this sequel, "The End of the Earth as we Know it." 

The Way They Manipulated Us

This C virus scenario has been in preparation and under study for many years. See the 2010 Rockefeller Report. It is not disputable, since the information comes from the official patent registers in the Netherlands and the United States. And we have all the documentation. (7) See REV. MOON PREDICTED THE CORONAVIRUS

See the world they want to create with this False Virus (Video). With 9/11 they made us be scanned when flying. Now they want to scan us in every building and every area - controlling people's life completely. No wonder most people see the only hope in Trump, who is standing against this Cabal.
Less than a week before Trump's Act for creating the Space Force a strong move was made to declassify the advanced space technologies that have been developed. Barrett said:
Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea… You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be. STAGE SET FOR SECRET SPACE PROGRAM DISCLOSURE
Trump is preparing to disclose new technology that his grandfather saved from Tesla's confiscated documents. Plus this, 6000 patents will be opened from secrecy, that will change our life completely. The good forces use Trump to put the end of 1000s of years Satanic rule on humanity and open the way for this new world. 
True Election results show Trump won 410 Electoral Votes
And don't worry about the elections in USAThe last news is - THE ARRESTS HAVE STARTED. The official ballots were with radioactive watermark, but Dems printed fake ones. Busted (9)(10) This was a military sting operation. (11) Military intel says Trump got 80% of the vote. They already deployed the military to do the arrests in 12 states. They started the arrests last night. (12)(13)
Trump's victory in 2016 built a fortress wall against the aggressive march of an ideological sect that has taken over the world - the sect of the satanic Cabal with their false neoliberal globalism. The status quo imposed by this sect monopolized public discourse and began to crush dissent. Progressivism and classical liberalism, which once fought for more social justice and personal freedom, have degenerated into crypto-totalitarianism, which destroys the value foundations of modern civilization. The sect has successfully infiltrated international institutions, universities, the media, cultural centers and non-governmental organizations. It took over the publicity. He declared a real jihad against Freedom, against dissent, and last but not least, against God and against Christianity, replacing all principles with aggressive atheism.
This video describes the efforts of Q and the long chain of generals and presidents who fought secretly for the liberation of humanity. Rev. Moon supported and worked with many of them. He helped Ragen and other Q figures to fight this satanic Cabal. Yet, obviously many don't know these facts, as you can see in 1:05 of the video. (14)
See True Mother's efforts (Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon) to bring World Peace by establishing the Culture of Heart, based on true families and true love. 

AMAZING NEWS: "Quantum lip is not a simple advance. It is a real jump. It will be the end of unfair wages. It will be the end of the disease industry. It will be the end of criminal organizations and inefficient education systems... Abundance will finally manifest on this earth." Read SIGNS THAT GOD'S KINGDOM IS COMING

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

THE RALLY OF HOPE In Time Of World Reset


In Time Of World Reset

People will see the world's largest transformation of wealth that we have ever seen - freeing everybody. What's important to remember is that GOD WINS. We live in a special time, when God is in control, despite the fact that while the SATANIC SIDE IS COLLAPSING things may seem chaotic - actually, it is all a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.  

By YuliUTS / August 16 Covid Update

After the Rally of Hope our HQ reported that the world platform will be transformed completely in the next few years; A complete World Reset; Space and Internet are becoming the main competition ground; The Space Force projects, like Space-X were mentioned and the upcoming free fast internet. Yes, these are the projects Trump and the White Hats are using to remove permanently the darkness from the face of the earth. Pastor Paula White, Spiritual Adviser to President Donald Trump, also contributed with her message and prayer. 
"Within a few years, a great transition of platform will take place.. Space-X... such projects are at the forefront of the digital platform revolution. The era of instant communication and exchange, True Mother emphasizes, is upon us... Current fight... has moved to a race for hegemony over platforms. Especially digital ones... However, a unified world cannot be realized if God remain absent from any platform and selfishness takes precedence." Dr. Yun, International Director
There are numerous global changes happening in the next few years, to open the way for restored nations. We live in unbelievable, historic time of transition. As the US Space Force explains:
"This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental to deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour." Steven Kwast, US Space Force
Moving away from wars and restructuring the military are not the only paradigm changes undergoing under the cover of Covid-19. There are many things that are in the process of restructuring right now under the leadership of DIA. The banking system reset is surely a major historic turn. Of course, there are many clash-backs. Yet, much efforts are invested to make the process as safe as possible. And as you see the internet is providing a great base for True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon, to elevate and focus our hearts on fulfilling God's Ideal and settling the Culture of Heart. More and more great people will stand on our side.
"We have a lot of excited Hollywood people that are sick of the Hollywood degeneracy, that are coming out trying to help us make a new Hollywood." A. Steinbart from DIA

Online Rally of Hope for the Realization of a Heavenly Unified World ISCP

Rejoice in the Lord always. Do not be anxious in anything.

Many of you wonder till when we will wear masks and keep partial lockdowns? The answer is clear; until the Good Forces win completely over the Dark Forces so that the Transition to the new peaceful world can be done. See the last report on the Underground War. And be sure that's happening with the total support of the Good Spirit world, under Father Moon's guidance. God is cleansing the world. 
"A massive surge of positive feelings is powering a deep shift worldwide. Optimism and joy are creating peace in everyone as they are filled with an instinctive knowing of truth and humanity’s potential for loving change." THE EVENT

In the last week, we saw bombings in several key places in the world, like Beirut. Actually, there were several more. Reportedly, the Dark Side did some attacks, and the White Hats had to act, to destroy some bases of the Dark Hats to prevent millions of deaths. We saw deep tunnels found underneath. (1)(2) These bombings will open the way to disclose the role of Israel in 9/11 and Fukushima attacks. Asked if he is saving the world, Trump said:

"We are saving the world from a radical left philosophy that will destroy this country and when this country is gone, the rest of the world will follow." Trump, C-SPAN2



In the last news, we see 30 thousand pedophiles arrested in Germany. We have thousands and thousands of arrests in US and all over the world. Cool stuff! The report just came on 87 politicians arrested for pedophilia. (7) So we cannot deny that something big is happening. 

"More and more people are becoming aware that we are experiencing the initial stages of a massive paradigm shift. A lot of things had happened since 2012 to pave the way for this." Prepare for Change

At the same time, we see the Underground war expanding to further parts of the world. DUMBs-taking-earthquakes are all over the world - more than before. Already 92 % of the underground bases in USA are under the White Hats control. Yet, in Latin America, only 8% are liberated. Yet, many island bases are being liberated just recently - many bases, under islands, under big mountains and in natural parks. Pray, for it is still ongoing process around the world. (3)

As we already explained in the previous Unificationist Weekly Update on the Coronavirus Plandemic; This is a cover-up not only for the military operation of Draining the Swamp but at the same time a Global Currency Reset. Economics, Production, Transport, Medicine and Education, will all be transformed. The world platform is completely changing, but all you see now is the demolition of the old system. 

"People will see the world's largest transformation of wealth that we have ever seen - freeing everybody." 

Once the transition is done, people will see the world's largest transformation of wealth that we have ever seen - freeing everybody. In this special time, I encourage you to use discernment and listen to your heart. Just as Father Moon told us, be the first to investigate and find the truth. 

Thus you see why the Lockdowns are still kept, for your protection. In the report, you see the base for free-energy that was liberated. See energy from vacuum to learn what they were hiding from us. Keshe also explains these gravitational-plasma technologies. Hold your horses to object that, for US Space Force officially declared free energy will be released for all of humanity. Over 6000 patents will be disclosed with life-changing technological inventions. 

"As Divine Principle says, once our spirituality is restored we will see fast scientific and technological jump towards the most pleasant living environment."

And if you are Unificationists, please be sure you know what The Washington Times stands for. Don't stay on Satan's side. Don't stay against Father's ideas. Please make sure you understand what Trump stands for. 

  • He is the first president not to go in war with any nation
  • He is the first who went on tackling the pedophilia and child trafficking
  • He is the first president to expose corrupt Royals, Politicians and Bankers
  • He is the first to remove the Federal Reserve from the private hands

It is the good forces behind Trump, who elected him for that mission. It is urgent to stop the misuse of technology by godless governments. I already have expanded somewhat on that global military and intelligence operation for ending the evil banking control, pedophilia, drugs and child trafficking. I published also some cool stuff on the upcoming financial reset.

Trump: "When I get re-elected I will ELIMINATE the payroll tax PERMANENTLY." (4)

The new quantum banking system eliminates all middle people between you and what you are paying (Moving out of the Petrol Dollar). Instead of the bank “to streamline its business processes across multiple departments and external entities”, the Quantum Banking's, “automation of processes will remove all unnecessary manual intervention in transaction processing”. That will not only give you much freedom and convenience but eliminate the corrupt banking control that was devastating the world. HUMANITY WILL GAIN FREEDOM



We are talking about some much bigger spiritual and moral changes forced upon humanity by the highest Heavenly force. 

Think of God's Heart and the pain He had to endure, observing the crimes against His children. Since Lucifer's act of sexually seducing Eve, humanity lost it's freedom and was disconnected from God. Eve was yet underage. This was a pedophile act. God's children were forced, misused, abused and raped ever since. 
"823 children were pulled out of a Tunnel last night. 53 dead. 23 had to be euthanized."
Now we see thousands and thousands of abused children being liberated from all kinds of underground bases used by the elite satanic Cabal. (5) See Trump admitting the reality of this child trafficking (6) and dedicating half a billion for stoping it. (7) From this latest news, you should understand why "Pedophiles will be jailed for LIFE under new laws set to pass parliament today." 
"No escape: 87 republican and democrat politicians charged for pedophilia." (7)
Remember, all borders, wars, resentments, corruption and sickness were Lucifer's inventions, for keeping humanity unable to develop spiritually. And who is Lucifer? Who are the Fallen Angels? Extraterrestrial - otherdimensional, spiritual beings, seeking to subjugate the human mind in all sorts of ways. Those who served Lucifer on earth were allowed to be rich by accepting the practice of pedophilia, child murder and cannibalism. See "Pizza Gate." These were the elite 1% of humanity. Imagine what a demonic force had controlled them? Read the Bible. Read the Principle. It's all there. 
"Obviously people will be pretty mortified once they realize what's going on. So to destruct them from being horrified, we will just show them bunch of cool stuff." A. Steinbart

And the purpose is to join everyone in supporting the creation of a peaceful world. That's why R. D. Steel said, "I think most of these sealed indictments are not to be open. They are there to neutralize people." Remember, we are talking about millions of people, not all can be executed and put to prison. 


I saw it spiritually in 2015. Charlies Ward was told 6 years ago that it's going to happen. In December last year, they told him, "We are starting next year Charly. We will collapse the world's economy." Everything he was told, has happened. 
"They had to collapse the world economy in order to bring the financial reset. It almost happened at instant, under the cover of Covid-19." Charlies Ward
As Trump said, "I'm gonna give you your God-given right of freedom." Now the government has to be restored in the proper way. They eliminated the Federal Reserve and are now re-educating all the Judges and Layers in the new constitution. We are all moving into the new quantum financial system and GESARA will be part of that. The job is huge, but as an investigative reporter wrote, "Trump does the unthinkable." 
"Funds to restart the global economy will be released this fall, they say. Believe only when you see it."

Questions and Answers
The evil side is cooperating in their downfall

Question: Yes! Here in Korea COVID 19 is going sometimes up and down. Is COVID 19 so dangerous? These days also I see that new virus is coming from China.

Answer: Ignorance will not help. Up and Down, what? What virus? Statistically, this is a joke. Fewer people are sick or die than in any other season. Yet, there are way bigger things happening behind this fake pandemic. We have to just OPEN OUR EYES. Lockdown has to be kept with lies, till the WAR IS OVER. The evil side is cooperating in their downfall.

Q: Yes I know that everything looks like lier but almost Korean people are so afraid bcs of virus

Answer: There is no virus! It's a War! Biological attacks - Microwave attacks. Now even Nuclear attacks, so many places in the world. So, they try to keep you home - BE PROTECTED. Because it's War. (Emergency Martial Las was invoked: Follow my Chen to learn the aims, the actions taken and the results to come).

Q: Yes! I read your information every time and when I read it I feel very good, you are teaching us many good things.

Answer: One cannot take down the Satanic Banking Mafia, that controlled the world, and expects no counter attacks. Be serious - it's not a joke. We are in the process of hunting down some very reach and dangerous people, who have a network of highly evil ponds all over the place.

Destroying the institutions of Evil is much harder than simple arrest

209 nations are united in an effort to protect the people while the transition is over. (See THE PLAN) So the news has to keep pumping lies to keep people calm. At the same time, all structures of the Satanic Cabal have to cooperate or be exposed, one by one. To make a soft and peaceful transition many of them have to cooperate. WAR IS OVER

War is over... everything is over... this is only playing out to wake us many people as possible on their own volition. (8)

Q: Ye this so serious time for heaven. So I think it takes a long time to turn to normal times

Answer: Soon people will learn that cooperation with the spirit world is a very substantial thing. So substantial - You cannot make a difference. Father talked about that. I hear about Government preparations to disclose that very soon.

Q: Wa, this is so good

Answer: Both, the evil side and the good side are in direct communication with the spirit world. That's why this transition is possible. Don't you think True Father has to do something with that? It took him few years to organize the spirit world and prepare for this D-Day World Reset. See, REV. MOON PREDICTED THE CORONAVIRUS JUDGEMENT DAY
"For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way. Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by the splendor of his coming." 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8
Since True Father (Rev. Moon) mobilized all presidents in the spirit world, do you think they work with TM, or they come down and work with the Presidents? (The Presidents) Therefore, the world leaders will do their job in cleansing the satanic structures on earth and those who are good will come to support the Culture of Heart. Thus the way for restored nations will open. And it's a lot to clean everywhere - see examples - see what kind of people took over Education and were involved with every aspect of the society. (9) See, NOSTRADAMUS USED DIRECTLY THE NAME "MOON" TO DEPICT THE NEW MESSIANIC

Q: Presidents are so powerful so all the nations people can follow them easier

Answer: True! Now that they will be free from the control of the Deep State, they can do that on God's side, or they will be exposed for their crimes and changed. It is happening right now.  To transit to a God-centered world, think of how many things have to be restructured completely; The education, the medical system, the economic system, the political system, the judiciary system and so on. These systems were all under Satan's control until now. 

Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Media - WAR against humanity
The Great Awakening is not just for the Rothchilds and the Hollywood. It includes also exposing the Big Pharma and the media, all included in this fraudulent scheme. 

Medicine was turned into a tool of Big-pharma and the Eugenics ideology. (10) It became the third biggest cause of death, instead of leading humanity into the original state of health and happiness. Now you see why Covid lockdown brought to many empty hospitals, reported all over the place. The health structures need a full transformation to align with God's ideals and principles. Now that's coming with full force. Meany revolutionary healing technologies are prepared to be disclosed. LIBERATION IS ON THE WAY. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

2020: From Darkness to Light (CHOSEN)

From Darkness to Light

Father Moon promised to make all the secrets revealed from the Spirit World; as for who have killed Kennedy (assassinated by the Cabal, after creating a new department to bring their end). In the last 7 years (2012-2019), he was educating the Spirit World, to come and help end the evil on earth.

We all recognize that something is shifting. Humanity will not stay the same after this Pandemic. No one can hide who they are in this new and higher vibrations. No matter how hard they try. The old tactics no longer work. The negative people can no longer hide it. We can see who they are. Global elites were finally being held responsible for their crimes. All the evil influence will be removed, and new technologies will be revealed from now on. See, SECRET SPACE PROGRAM DISCLOSURE

Time of great revealing: Humanity will move towards complete disarmament. A new type of government will appear. Many things will come out till the end of this year - many truths. Shocking facts of long-hidden secrets. We all will need to help each other. Our true and good human nature is to prevail. See, AGE OF THE UNION OF THE SPIRITUAL AND THE PHYSICAL WORLDS

Vibrations are raising - everything is driven by vibrations. We are leaving one world behind and we are moving into a new reality. Don't be resistant, the old rules will not apply anymore. The earth is heading towards ascension - it's happening so quickly; Many will have brake through - Time to be, not just do. Things will change so quickly - what's important will change. Radical changes - shifts in society. See, GOD'S LOVE: TRANSCENDING ALL NATIONS AND BORDERS

"We'll see world peace, we already entered it. Some nations will clean up... for what they have done wrong before. As we see in the United States. It's cleanup time... we see the evolution in science and technology, and a lot of things in the next 3 to 5 years will not be what we see, what we know today. We will not see armies. The knowledge brought out will make the present arms obsolete." Keshe

We are at the End of 

the Eternal Spiritual War
So many of our fellow citizens have been fooled by the lies of the enemy. They need to wake up and face the truth... truth that is bad and really ugly.

This spiritual war can be traced to the earliest shadows of human history. When you see the depravity brought by the global ctrl-left, you find its origins in the conflict of the human mind and body, resultant from the Fall. Evil flourishes when the righteous remain ignorant, the Principle explains. Father Moon told us, that we should be the first to research and understand.

You have no idea of what is about to come. It's big. It's huge. It's shocking. It's awesome. So wake up - learn the truth about the Satanic Control of the Earth because you will be a witness of its demise. Please sit back and enjoy the show, once the truth starts to be revealed. We were living in a world of false illusions, designed to keep us in permanent suffering. God cannot allow that any longer. Become part of God's victory.

Best Documentary study on the History of Satanism: Who really pulls the strings behind the politicians and how this Satanic Cabal came into power: PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4

Black Lyes Matter

This is the final stage of the war with the 'Invisible Enemy'. What you see now happening in US is not because these luters can achieve something. It is to give the illusion of having this freedom, so that the good side can hunt all their leaders and operatives, at the same time exposing their real agenda and thus wake up the sleeping society. 

We presumed our politicians will protect our rights and have the best interest of our society. We presumed wrongly. Those who came in power were only the ones filial to the Satanic Shadow Government. In recent years came prevailing evidence of their satanic practices; pedophilia, combined with torture, child sacrifice, and cannibalism.

No wonder all sorts of immoral behavior was imposed on us and our children through every possible means; media, entertainment, organizations, and governments - all owned by this Cabal. For example, authorities routinely laced homeless children with pedophile men as foster parents (1). There was a network that included high-ranking academic members of major Universities.
"Investigation is going on Sorus's activities. His hundreds of organizations advocating extreme liberal leftist policies; for brake down of traditional institutions and values. They engage young people in violent protests; assaulting, burning and luting. (2
Cynically using George Floyd’s killing as an excuse to destabilize society, destroy Christian values and push for a Marxist revolution. Their biggest supporters is George Soros.

Now we see the result of this education expressed in the ANTIFA riots and the Black Lyes Matter. Anarchist organizations sponsored by Sorus promote socialist ideas mixed with pedophilia, under the so-called LGBT rights.

Texas Antifa movement, self-described Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, wrote, "Revolution means the long fight for communism and nothing less.”. We see multiple reports on their confrontational and often armed demonstrations on their website.

The real question is, why academics and the Banking Cabal are pushing the world towards Communist New World Order? Was not their aim for Global Communist Victory that was prevented in the 80s when Rev. Moon brought the collapse of their Marxist Totalitarian Regimes?

But first, you have to know who is actually controlling the world and why they sponsored the 1917 Red Revolution (4). That will clarify everything. Knowing who is behind, you will connect the dots between humanism (relativism) - materialism - left-liberalism - abolition of the family (free sex & transgender) - atheism, satanism, and pedophilia. They all come from the same source, controlled spiritually by Satan (literally - direct embodiment).

Who was Controlling the World

To understand the external events one has to know who are the main forces controlling the world behind the scene, and what are their aims. See, Khazars and the Communist-Globalist Revolution and how Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution, to gain complete control over the world. They devised the hoax about the Holocaust, to hide behind while themselves destroying humanity.
“It is the principle that God works his will on Earth through human beings. God used The Washington Times to help bring an end to the most pernicious worldwide dictatorship in history and gave freedom to tens of millions of people.” Sun Myung Moon
Rev. Moon blocked their plan of Global Communization by exposing their false ideology through The Washington Times and VOC (2)(3). That brought to the end of the Communist regimes but did not end the agenda of the Cabal, pulling the strings from the shadows. The cultural war went to further extremes, timing demoralization - revolution - communication. See, THE DECLINE BROUGHT BY THE CULTURAL MARXISM

Now President Trump is destroying their Occult Shadow Government, exposing their pedophile rings and false Banking structures. Numerous good forces, both from the physical and the spiritual world, are behind this process.

After the Rockefeller's head died in 2019 (most probably indicted for crimes against humanity), reports come of the Jesuit and Malta lineages also being destroyed. Arrests of all pedophile Cardinals in the Vatican were followed with confiscation of immense amounts of gold (in underground facilities at the Vatican and in tunnels connecting it directly with Jerusalem and Egypt Pyramids). Read, LIBERATING  HUMANITY

The truth of all Dark Lineages that controlled the world now comes out. Look at Obama’s royal Illuminati lineage.... you can see he has English, German, and French royal blood. He was chosen by the Council of 13 as Cabal's chosen president of America.

Not only you would soon learn that he was an illegitimate descendant of Rockefeller, but you'll see numerous photos, videos, and documents of his early training in Terrorist camps. No wonder Obama allow the Islamic terror group ISIS to run wild. No wonder all those awarded by him are indicted by the Military Tribune for pedophilia and crimes against humanity.

Documentary: Communism was created by the Zionist Satanic Cabal, based on the Jesuit Satanistic ideology. Lenin was a Jesuit. Marx was a Jesuit, given the mission to ideologically put all socialists under the Zionist agenda (Khazarian Satanic Mafia). Rothchild paid the Red Revolution 1917. 

How they Controlled the World

And if you want to know how deep the corruption goes on high levels just follow the money. Through the Banks, they controlled the Politicians. Politicians controlled the people. Their front-persons like Sorus controlled the organizations. These Bankers were behind all depressions, all wars, all poverty, and all sickness pandemics. They profited from our misery and suffering.

The main media and the big corporations were under selected by them puppets. Through the control of money, resources, laws, and information, we were all under complete Satanic Sovereignty, originating from the beginning of history. Isn't that what the Principle was trying to explain to us?

The world was controlled by 13 lineages of 'Black Nobility'. They manipulated the world through the Banking system and the 6 Global Corporations that possess 95% of all businesses, including the media. The world was governed as a big corporation with 3 centers; London as the Banking Capital of Rothschild, the USA as their Military force, and the Vatican as their spiritual center. Democracy was just as a cover - to entertain the illusion of freedom. See, ENDING THE BANKING CARTEL

Manipulated in Submission

The power structures of Free Masons and the Vatican were important, as every Western pyramidal power structure, such as the military and government bureaucracy, is controlled by them. This also applies to medical, dental and architectural associations, etc., including people who have high salaries thanks to "licenses". Pedophilia was the glue in their high-ranks allowing no moral person to ever enter and learn what and how are they doing. And wasn't the Fall a pedophile act of Lucifer, to begin with.
"The slave cannot be freed if he does not wish that for himself." 
Where are we now? In the coming world revolution, if the momentum of recent rapid developments is maintained, we envisage the complete abolition of what is commonly referred to as the "world shadow government", "ruling class" of "dark nobility," or the "elite." Be absolutely sure of God's complete victory. This is the glorious moment when humanity is to learn the painful truth and be finally liberated.

Video: Why Communism is the Deep State mind control Cult / Ander the pretense of Atheism they undermine the human value and allow the Elite's goals to become a reality. Think total control, think killing millions without court case or remorse. 

The Cooking of Humanity

To understand why God could not allow their evil control to continue you have to understand their plans. As Divine Principle explains, first we have to know the identity of Satan and be able to expose his crimes against humanity. See, HISTORY OF SATANISM

The final battle, Divine Principle explains, was ideological. This final expression of the war between God and Satan was a war to kill human spirituality and impose Godless Satanic Totalitarianism. The Cabal controlling the world was behind Nazism and behind Communism.

What the elite used this money is for the 'cooking of humanity' with their new microwave weapons, chemtrails with nano dust and toxic chemistry, plus the vaccination programs.  Everything part of their depopulation scheme. See, NASA's War Documents to grasp that is Trump is now fighting for our lives. This video shows documents revealing the grand depopulation plan in motion.

Plane for World Satanic Control

The Cabal was planning to make the final step towards a Global World Totalitarian regime. China was to be their model. The Coronavirus pandemic was to paralyze humanity and allow them to make permanent dictatorial control, imposing vaccines with tracking nanotech, capable of killing you if you disobey. See also the US-China Trade War

According to their own document from 2014, all churches were to be transformed into Satanic temples, worshiping the Antichrist. Such a church was built in Russia, praising the Revolution and Stalin.

Paid by Soros army of Antifa and alike, were to take over our cities with the support of the Democratic left governments. See their Communist slogans and posters with Stalin. All in all, we are witnessing the collapse of the left ideas - the collapse of the Democratic party in US.

Several Attempts to Uproot Satanism

Baal worshiping, in the Bible, was pretty much what you see now happening with all this satanic group, with raping and sacrificing children, really bad stuff. God called him to become king and eradicate the king's family and all the Baal worshipers. At the end of his life, God rewarded him for that. But he didn't eradicate the other idol worshipers and Satanism still continued in Israel.
"Elisha destroyed King Ahab's family and all the Baal worshipers in Israel... performed many miracles and called the people of Israel to return to God"
Constantine was the Emperor to destroy the Satan-worshiping rulers and make Christianity accepted. Uprooting Satanism was a long and difficult process. In less than 1000 of years, the Church was invaded itself by Satanic practices. Ritual rape and child sacrifice was practiced even by some popes. The Reformation tried to separate from that. There was a 100-year war. Yet many Protestant Ministers today have sold their soles to the Devil and Christianity was unable to respond to the growing Satanism in the world. If Rev. Moon did not interfere, Atheistic Communism would have overtaken the world by now.

Today we see Trump doing just that, eliminating the pedophile, blood-drinking elite. And hopefully this time he finishes the job till the end. At the same time, the True Parents of humanity have prepared a worldwide foundation for the transition into the Era of True Families.

Court found the Queen, Ratzinger and 37 global elites guilty of Ritual Murders 

Children and teens were stripped naked, sexually abused, hunted down and killed by European royalty and other global elites. Over 500 000 indictments.

Teams were on Standby since 2017, waiting for green light to start the arrests. We are at war right now fighting for the life of humanity; fighting to end this evil.

On Feb. 25 2013 six judges of a Brussels common law court found the Queen, Cameron, Ratzinger and 37 other global elites guilty in the disappearance of 50,000 Canadian indigent children. Cases were prosecuted by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, ITCCS.  In Feb. 2013 Catholic Pope Joseph Ratzinger resigned within days of being issued his arrest warrant. Evidence presented could be reviewed in “Hidden No Longer” and ChildAbuseRecovery.

All testimonies and evidence point to a Ritual Satanic Practices. Mell Gibson spoke many times of the same Occult Rituals practiced by the elite in Hollywood. "They are addicted to blood-drinking," he said. One of his movies was dedicated to such practices in South America. The biggest mass-grave with 800 thousand ritually sacrificed children was recently found in Peru.

We all know the same Satanic practices were prevalent in Egypt and Babylon's civilizations. It was always God's people who had the task to eradicate this Satanism and establish a pure, Godly culture of faithful love and true families.

"Now, all of Satan’s world must be struck." CSG

Vatican and Global Elites Found Guilty of Child Sacrifice
Child Abuse Recovery www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com

The International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels handed down guilty verdicts on various global elites. Children and teens were stripped naked, sexually abused, hunted down and killed by European royalty and other global elites. Read, Paedophilia: Enough Evidence against the Queen of England and Her Prime Minister

Silent Military Tribunal Court Cases

For the last few months, Trump is fighting this Deep State. They had thousands of military bases deep underground (3); Connected with super-fast margrave trains. These DUMBS are where the secrets of their New World Order's depopulation program lie. 100 000 children were rescued in tunnels under the Clinton Foundation. Nearly 80% of these underground bases were destroyed or captured. That's why these top-elite figures could be arrested under the cover of Covid-19.

As a result, now the chemtrails were stopped, 5-G was stopped, Vaccinations were exposed, and criminals from untouchable elite ranks were sent to Military Tribunal. It's kept secret since US is in a declared war situation. They are still planning what is the best way to make this publicly revealed since for those still asleep it will be unbearable shock. Many indictments were already shown on official pages, but not in the media. See, THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD

The Biblical history is describing the attempt to overthrow the Satanic control over this world. God had to raise people who could stand up against the Satanic control dominating humanity as slaves. Took him thousands of years to find one family to start; expand it into tribe and nation in a few hundred years period.
  • Abraham destroyed the Satanic idols and moved out after God's call
  • Moses led his descendants out of the Satanic culture of Egypt
  • Israelites fought against the Canaanite Satanist culture
  • Jesus was substantially to lead humanity out of it, but was killed before even marrying
  • Rev. Moon was asked by Jesus to end it by raising the Culture of True Families
  • The Alliance moved to physically arrest and destroy all pedophile Satanic practicing lineages

Colonel Riccardo Bosi - Australian Special Forces

"The top level of filth that's been running the planet has been taken out. The middle order are now panicking and running. The middle order is running the Presidents and Prime Ministers. Heads of the public service for example, they are all panicking and running on each other. They did get an offer. And the offer is, "cooperate". Most of them do. All these useful idiots at the bottom."  

The Spiritual War

"What is the most fearful is just to have all the evil spirits attacking the physical world... Without fighting in the visible world and defeating Satan, no road will emerge by which we can make progress in the spirit world. Without this, we would surely face obstacles."Rev. Sun Myung Moon - CSG

You have to understand this Satanic Cabal was plotting to keep humanity sick because they followed Lucifer. Read, Diseases Caused By Lucifer. Bill Gates' ancestors were involved in depopulation for 200 years. They were always involved in poisoning humanity. And he was prepared for this satanic mission from childhood. (See video) Dr. Lawrence Palevsky clearly testifies that Unvaccinated Children Are “The Healthiest Children I’ve Ever Seen”

But he is only a front-person, representing the views and the agenda of these 20 people, dominating the world. And what do they say?
“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Committee of 300 Member
These people more than believe this, they know it's true. They practiced enough satanic rituals, pedophile rape and murder, to know what they are; vampires in this world and deadly viruses, once they go to the spirit world. Their very existence even in their earthly life is one of a deadly virus for humanity. They were propagating the legacy of eugenicists (Depopulation) for centuries. But do you know how Evil Spirits invading our bodies control us?
Once, faced with very manipulative spirit, with incredible evil mental power, I wanted to face him and see who is doing it. I was shocked to see a tiny virus-like creature inside the body, manipulating my thoughts.
God asked me to open my spiritual senses for 100 days so that I can see the evil spirits in the body and understand how they manipulate our bodies to go against God's will. When you look spiritually, sicknesses are seen as attacks by spirits with very low, negative energy. Their presence in your field automatically disturbs your frequency and makes you sick. Father said,
"In the progress towards the original world... good spirits are fighting their way towards it, and evil spirits are struggling to block the way. The evil spiritual world and evil physical world are in a constant communication. Good spirits are the ones who were opposed and persecuted in the sinful world." Sun Myung Moon, Earthly Life and Spirit World II
Respond to Jesus' Call

Jesus appeared to a Korean boy at the age of 16. He revealed to him God's painful situation. God was unable to liberate and embrace his children because the world was under Satan's complete control. The young boy determined to liberate God's heart and asked for 40 years to making the foundation to liberate humanity of this Satanic control. Read, How Jesus Led me to the Lord of the Second Advent

He worked tirelessly to unite Christianity and all other religions, but they were infiltrated by this Satanic Cabal and went against him. Instead of liberating the world immediately after the WWII, when Christianity was prepared, the liberation was prolonged, since the Cabal infiltrated the UN and the World Bank. In 1982 he established the Washington Times, to expose the truth. He created Victory Over Communism and helped Reagen to become a president and end the Cold War. 

40 years after his Marriage he successfully restored 400 million families in God's lineage. This was the reason why Lucifer had to step down in 1999. From 2000 till 2012 he made the required world foundation for abolishing the Satanic sovereignty by educating world leaders, former presidents, directors of secret service, and religious elite of all faith.

This Peacemaker and Unifier's name is Sun Myung Moon. He created a vast network of hundreds of organizations, encompassing all walks of life capable to transform the Satanic Sovereignty into God's World of Love. See, Culture of Heart: The Revolution in Love and Consciousness

I was there when Father Moon told us, that once he goes in the spirit world he will make all the truth of the events be told on the earth; who killed JFK was one of those mentioned. You've probably read my testimony, describing the situation in the spirit world. In the last 7 years (2012-2019), he worked to unite the Spirit world, to come and help end the evil on earth. He mobilized all the leaders and religious founders from the realm of Paradise to descend with full power in 2015.

Nelson Mandela, in a spiritual message, describes the number of historic figures who now support Reverend Moon's efforts from the spiritual world. "Many humanitarians and moral leaders here in the spiritual world are working with Rev. Moon", Mandela explained and began to list; "Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, John Kennedy, and many UN leaders who are already in the spiritual world. President Lincoln leads the group of US Presidents. 2014 is the year of the Spirit," he explained. Rev. Moon is mobilizing all the good spirit world to prepare to descend and work with on the earth from 2015, for bringing God's Ideal as soon as possible. "This will be an opportunity for the people on earth to work in unity with us, who are on the other side. For me it is a blessing to work With this great man." (Nelson Mandela)

Thus Trump was elected in 2016 as the new champion to fulfill the plan. You have to know the spiritual power behind him and realize that after 2012 God was in direct dominion, leading the demise of the million years Satanic Control. In the following years you will see the emergence of free nations, centered on God's Ideal. You will witness the emergence of God's Kingdom on Earth. See, THE MODEL FOR THE IDEAL PEACEFUL WORLD

Now we will be free to establish the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity, by uniting the world through the Culture of Heart into 'One Global Family Under God.'