How to liberate a person from a spiritual problem? What if this person is spiritually possessed? There are ways to help:
To control a person, spirits have to have power over some of his main glands and brain areas. For example if spirits influence the analytical part of the brain, the parts connected with heavy memories or the front loop - I would sense a strong destructive energy in these areas. Liberating it, the person's functions get liberated; he can be himself - think and feel normally. Not only that - his original nature is free; mind is free to control the body; God and the good spirit world are free to work.
As seen in this photo, the destructive energy will be concentrated in some area. That will bring restrictions in the normal functioning and even illnesses. It is surely very important to mobilize good spirit world to help you. Read, HOW TO GAIN SPIRITUAL HELP
How is this energy liberated? You should know, that in strong electro-magnetic field stuck spirits are liberated from the body - and the person's functions get liberated too. Here are few examples of using this effectively:
Francezzo explains that in length in the Wanderer of the Spirit Land. Cosmo-Disk and Niken's magnetic technology of healing is effective because of that. Keshe is using it to heal even cancer in 2 weeks, by placing a person in such strong field for 2-3 hours every day.
Cheongpong providence is also based on that - using clapping, because our hands have electro-magnetic energy, which can break the destructive energy and thus free the stuck spirits. There are many ways of Energy Healing by pointing fingers, circular motions over the area, energy passages over the body etc. They are very effective in healing because of the same principle. As the Great Grondmother (DMN) explained, one day we will use our hands and heal with circular motions. Read also of THE EMOTION CODE
True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, also talked about that and created WHD. Wan Hwa Do is a martial art based on circular motions. They produce strong electro-magnetic field around the person which he is free to use for healing himself and others. Because of the powerful effect of this energy over our mind and body, Rev. Moon explained, that if we practice circular motions (WHD) daily we can develop our spirit senses in just 6 months. I personally experienced that. At intensive training sessions my sensitivity went way beyond the body; where I could sense the energy around and sense everyone in the room, even behind my back. My body had no longer sense of tiredness and pain.
Here is one more powerful example: When Christians heal; many would gather and lay hands on the sick person and pray simultaneously. The effect is strong because it combines their hand energy with their intention to heal, plus the good spirit world mobilized with the unison prayers. Once the Resonance of Heart is elevated a new, higher level spirit world has common base... on that level sicknesses do not exist.
News from the Spirit World spirit world news spiritual message dr Lee book How to help your suffering ancestors by Weekly News / May 26, 2002
"The spiritual world is divided into two, satanic world and God's world," Rev. Sun Myung Moonexplained in his speech. "If we had the method by which we go into the Satan's spiritual world and quickly transform to the heavenly side all Satanic individuals, families, clans and nations, the earthly things quickly will change. Do you understand? That time is coming. You should know that when the time comes in the spiritual world, it will reflect on earth and things in this world will reverse through rapid change."
In the revelation from the Spirit World, Dr. Lee explains, "Over the course of our history, human beings have had evil bloodline flowing in our veins, since Lucifer became the ancestor of mankind in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, human beings were born with Original Sin. Initially they were to multiply the good lineage by the Holy spirit of God. Therefore, God's Will is to end the line of evil and establish His lineage. "
"In the Garden of Eden Lucifer leftthe side of God, abandoned the heavenly path and his original position and began to act falsely. For this reason he became a prisoner of insecurity, fear, hatred, envy, jealousy and evil desires. So he constantly lived in fear that someone would expose him. So he was filled with resentment, not love. Due to the constant fear that he could lose his position, he felt in competition with everyone around himself. This is why he is filled with more hate than love. Read, The Fall
Since this was transmitted to human beings, the result of the works of Lucifer dealt a critical blow to humanity. In an atmosphere filled with peace, happiness and love, human hearts are at peace and it is impossible for them to have a disease. But most diseases that exist today have come as the result of the sin that Lucifer transmitted to us. "
Further, in his message from the spiritual world, Dr. Lee explainshow Lucifer used our ancestors and other bad spirits to cause various diseases. The most important thing we learn from these revelations is, "that when one's body is sick, this is a sign that his ancestors are not on comfortable and good place in the spiritual world. So they are trying to express their demands regarding their situation. In this case is needed prayer. But critical situations should be treated with modern medicine.
We should not blame our ancestors for that situation. On the contrary, we must understand that it is also part of us. Only if one liberates his ancestors, the sick part will be healed. If the disease comes about because of some grief and pain of the ancestors, then the descendants here on earth must lead a life of sincere faith. Only then their ancestors will be able to go to a more comfortable place in the spiritual world . "
Thus we learn, that if we help our ancestors to be liberated through our life of prayer and faith, they will answer with protection, blessings and happiness in our earthly life. As a result, our own life will become much easier and our family relationships more harmonious. Read, HOW TO LIBERATE a POSSESSED PERSON
Scientists made numerous experiments. Results were shocking. Thousands of hours of audio recordings talking to spirits. Team of spirits working from the spiritual dimensions helped them, by producing actual photos on the film, without camera. Even substantial objects send by the spirits materialized in the physical world.
Proof of Life After Death on Photo and Audio
Scientists started asking questions about the reality in the spirit world. The team from beyond confirmed that they will certainly get results and real proves. And they did; on photo films, on audio tapes and even radio communications.
Many mediums were invited and amazing communications were established. All was registered. Voices of people from the spirit world were proven to be the voice of the actual person, comparing with recordings from their real life.
The amazing part is; even when the radio was switched off the voice of the spirits was going through. The removed even the major parts out of the radio receiver, yet the spirits could still use it to communicate. Scientists were just astonished.
The spirit team requested an empty camera film be put on the table. Investigators were controlling thus proving this is not a fraud. To make them convinced, spirits even touched them.
Back in 1985, Rev. Sun Myung Moon explained in front of leading world scientists, that "research on the frequency" will "enable contact with the spirit world." He said, that "The motions in the spirit world are all made up of vibrations.", which soon science will be able to measure and research. In his words, "if we delve into this area, a world of new dimensions will be found" and we will "enter the age where the unknown spirit world can be rationally understood". Through new quantum research all this had already happened. Rev. Moon's Instructions: How to Study the Spirit World
Question: I have not believed in the spirit world. Proof of Life After Death on Photo and Audio Answer: "Then your value is half that of a human being's. Eighty percent of the three billion people on earth are ignorant about the spirit world. Even believers are unsure about the existence of the spirit world and God.. But the spirit world exists.
You will be blown away when you experience it. Imagine a millionaire trying to build a happy hometown... Spirit world is the world of beauty, where you never get bored by watching a tiny piece of anything for even a thousand years. The world's prized possessions cannot compare to even a piece of the spirit world. Therefore, I will not miss the earth." Read more...
She died, went to hell and heaven, then woke up at the morgue Christian Testimony Spirit Wolrd Hell and Heaven DEAD & RESURRECTED
She died, went to hell and heaven, then woke up at the morgue
Paulina died in a bus accident and went to hell, then to heaven. When she came out of her body, Paulina flied in a tunel of complete darkness, where evil spirits were mocking her and wanted to torcher her:
"They said to me, 'You are dead and you gonna be here, in this place, forever... in this place of torture.'.. And they grabbed me.. began to scrabe my flesh.. it was as if they were skining me alive. It was teribly painful because when you are dead you feel things more intensely than when you are alive. The senses become more aqute. You feel the physical pain more intensely and you smell the odors more intensely... They smelled like dead rats.. a horable smell."
In Spirit World you feel things more intensely than when you are alive. The senses become more aqute. You feel the physical pain more intensely and the smell
Then she started praying. But the demons reacted with even more torture. She started repenting for all the bad she had done to others. But they were pulling her back and back towards a fire. She felt the flames all over her body. Again she prayed that she offered her live to God.
"They left me free... the tunel just sort of oppened and there was a spectacular pathway. It was like if you went into a garden and it was full of flowers, glorious flowers.. Never in my life have I seen flowers like that."
When she met Jesus, he showed her her life like a movie. When she was lying, or worshiping idols. Another sin was that she could not forgive. But he told her, "You really need to forgive her from you heart and in that way you can stay here."
She Saw Her Past Mistakes as a Movie
"Being in Heaven is really sutisfying. You feel like a love that you have never seen, ever in you live. It's a love, it's a peace, it's a divine tranquility. You are without any preocupation. With nothing that makes life bitter. It's to feel competely happy. To feel the joy of God... And I told him, "I need to go back to take care for my dad... and to have a family.".. "But first you have to learn the Word", he told her.. "So that I would be at your side." "Untill you turn your life 180 degrees, I'm not gonna give you a husband. You have to completely change the way you do things."
Thell them that there is a Hell and there is a Heaven.. Hell is real and Heaven is real. And if you comit even one sin you are going to go to Hell.
Before she had drinks ocasionally, boyfriends, that she didn't know is wrong. Then he show her, that if she save others she will earn her spiritual warth. By being in the position of service. Being humbe, loving people, giving of herself to them. "You have to begin to show love to people on earth." But while on earth she was only conserned with dressing nicely, going to good school, watching movies etc. Living a mandane life, was a great sin.
"I'll send you back to earth. But you have to know that you have a purpose.. Give your testimony to everybody that you come in contact on earth. And thell them that there is a Hell and there is a Heaven.. Hell is real and Heaven is real. And if you comit even one sin you are going to go to Hell. If your brother does not follow even one of the comandments, he will be condemned to the fires of Hell."
Think of it; How many poeple go to Hell. It is thousands and thousands. If you know of commiting a sin, of whatever failing that you have as a human.. repent today of that sin. Give you life to God and begin to live as Christ. Sanctify your life and give the betst to the people. Try to live un apright life, because a life of sin is going to lead you to Hell.
I beg you, give you life to God and Pray:
"Oh God, forgive me for all my sin, for all the inequeties, for all the bad things that I have done, for all the bad thought that I ever had, for all the folts that I have comited towards my brothers and my sisters. I beg you that you forgive my all those sins, from the bottom of my heart. Give me the oportunity to enter into and live in your glory. Let me begin to live with you Lord and open the doors of my heart, and pelase enter me, to live in me and dwell with me. I accept you and I promise to follow you for the rest of my life."In the name of Christ, Amen!
She died, went to hell and heaven, then woke up at the morgue Christian Testimony Spirit Wolrd Hell and Heaven What Sin Can bring us to Hell?
Message from the spirit world:
When he ended in Hell, Pres. Kim aslo recognised his sinful nature, "ln this place your heart is full of pain. It is a terrible place where every experience is harder than anything people may go through while on earth. There is no positive give-and-take such as people who live in beautiful, higher spiritual realms can experience. The place I live in is full of mold. There is an enormous number of insects crawling around. Here, everyone, wherever they are cut their bodies and pull out their hair. We can not even imagine what it must be like to have a shower or take a bath... most of the people around me are crying sorrowfully, with faces contorted. Quite a number of people give up and fall into despair. I sometimes see some of our church members here who are in the same miserable situation as I am.
When I was on earth. I committed the following crimes: I was thoughtless of others and talked about them; I insulted some personality; I ignored my partner; I was excessively and unreasonably narrow-minded; I was arrogant; I had selfish nature; I used logic and reason to abuse people's emotions; I did not offer money and did not use money for public purposes as I was extremely cheap.
Our life in the spirit world is eternal. Life on earth is but a moment. But, I took for granted my precious life on earth. I had lived filled with deep arrogance on earth." Red the full text...
She died, went to hell and heaven, then woke up at the morgue Christian Testimony Spirit Wolrd Hell and Heaven